libaegis/change/signedoffby.h File Reference

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void change_signed_off_by (change::pointer cp, user_ty::pointer up)
bool change_signed_off_by_get (change::pointer cp)

Function Documentation

void change_signed_off_by ( change::pointer  cp,
user_ty::pointer  up 

The change_signed_off_by function is used to append the email of the given user to the end of the description, using the OSDL DCO (Signed-off-by) line. Redundant sign-offs are not inserted.

bool change_signed_off_by_get ( change::pointer  cp  ) 

The change_signed_off_by_get function is used to get the pconf setting of the signed_off_by field, or as overridden by the -sob or -nsob command line options.

Generated on Wed Mar 12 23:37:37 2008 for Aegis by  doxygen 1.5.5