libaegis/change/run/review_polic.h File Reference

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int change_run_review_policy_command (change::pointer cp, user_ty::pointer up)

Function Documentation

int change_run_review_policy_command ( change::pointer  cp,
user_ty::pointer  up 

The change_run_review_policy_command function is used to run the review_policy_command in the project configuration file, if present.

This function shall only be called by the aerpass (rview pass) command to find out whether we now consider this change adequately reviewed

cp The change to be operated upon.
up The user executing the command.
The exit status of the command: 0 for "advance to awaiting integration" and non-zero for "do not change state".

Generated on Wed Mar 12 23:37:37 2008 for Aegis by  doxygen 1.5.5