Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- obuf
: output_uuencode
- ocol
: wide_output_unexpand
- off_limits
: project_ty
- offset
: type_table_ty
- oldest
: fingerprint_ty
- oldpath
: undo_item_rename
- one_fewer()
: file_revision::inner
- one_line()
: input_ty
- one_more()
: file_revision::inner
- open()
: wide_output_head
, wide_output_header
, wide_output_to_narrow
, wide_output_truncate
, col
, wide_output_unexpand
, wide_output_wrap
, output_file
, output_pager
, output_to_wide
, wide_output_column
, wide_output_expand
- operator bool()
: aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, nstring
- operator!()
: aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, nstring
- operator!=()
: aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, nstring
, wstring
- operator()()
: change_functor_attribute_list
, change_functor_inventory_list
, dir_functor
, dir_functor_callback
, dir_functor_rm_dir_tree
, dir_functor_rmdir_bg
, functor
, functor_stack
, quit_action_history_transaction_abort
, quit_action_lock
, quit_action_log
, quit_action_pager
, quit_action_undo
, quit_action_unlink
, rfc822_functor
, rfc822_functor_list_meta
, rfc822_functor_print_version
, rfc822_functor_version_search
, rfc822_functor_version_previous
, sub_functor
, quit_action
, change_functor
- operator*()
: aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, interval
- operator*=()
: interval
- operator+()
: nstring
, wstring
, interval
- operator+=()
: nstring
, wstring
, interval
- operator-()
: interval
- operator-=()
: interval
- operator->()
: input
, project
, aegis_shared_ptr< T >
- operator<()
: aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, nstring
- operator<=()
: nstring
- operator=()
: rpt_expr_power
, input_stdin
, input_string
, rpt_expr_lt
, input_svt_checkout
, input_uudecode
, rpt_expr_gt
, input_verify_checksum
, interval
, rpt_expr_le
, output
, output_base64
, rpt_expr_ge
, output_bit_bucket
, output_bzip2
, rpt_expr_eq
, output_cpio
, output_cpio_child
, rpt_expr_ne
, output_cpio_child2
, output_file
, rpt_expr_match
, output_gzip
, output_indent
, rpt_expr_nmatch
, output_memory
, output_pager
, rpt_expr_shift_left
, output_prefix
, output_quoted_printable
, rpt_expr_shift_right
, output_stdout
, output_tee
, rpt_expr_struct
, output_to_wide
, output_uuencode
, rpt_expr_struct_assign
, patch_ty
, patch_context_ty
, rpt_func_capitalize
, project_ty
, project
, aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, rpt_func_change_number
, project_file_roll_forward
, project_identifier_subset
, rpt_func_change_number_set
, project_identifier_subset_branch
, project_identifier_subset_plain
, aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, rpt_func_columns
, quit_action_history_transaction_abort
, quit_action_lock
, rpt_func_count
, quit_action_log
, quit_action_pager
, nstring
, rpt_func_basename
, quit_action_undo
, quit_action_unlink
, rpt_func_dirname
, rfc822
, rfc822_functor
, nstring_accumulator
, rpt_func_downcase
, rfc822_functor_list_meta
, rfc822_functor_print_version
, rpt_func_eject
, rfc822_functor_version_search
, rfc822_functor_version_previous
, nstring_list
, rpt_func_getenv
, xml_text_reader_by_node
, xml_text_reader
, xml_node_rss_timedate
, xml_node_rss_item
, xml_node_rss_generic
, xml_node_rss_channel
, xml_node_rss
, rss_feed
, wide_output_wrap
, wide_output_unexpand
, wide_output_truncate
, wide_output_to_narrow
, wide_output_header
, rss_item
, rpt_func_gettime
, simple_version_tool
, user_ty::become
, url
, undo_item_unlink_errok
, undo_item_rmdir_errok
, undo_item_rmdir_bg
, undo_item_rename
, undo_item_message
, sub_context_ty
, undo_item_chmod
, undo_item
, sub_functor_variable
, sub_functor_list
, quit_action
, rpt_func_mktime
, sub_diversion
, sub_diversion_stack
, rpt_func_getuid
, sub_functor
, sub_functor_glue
, regular_expression
, rpt_func_keys
, rpt_func_length
, string_list_ty
, rpt_func_mtime
, undo_item_chmod_errok
, rpt_func_need
, stracc_t
, rpt_func_now
, rpt_func_working_days
, symtab_ty
, rpt_func_page_width
, wide_output_column
, wide_output_expand
, rpt_func_page_length
, wide_output_head
, symtab< value_type_t >
, rpt_func_print
, rpt_func_project_name
, symtab_iterator
, rpt_func_project_name_set
, xml_node
, rpt_func_quote_url
, wstring_list_ty
, rpt_func_unquote_url
, rpt_func_quote_html
, wstring
, rpt_func_quote_tcl
, rpt_func_ceil
, wstring_accumulator
, rpt_func_floor
, rpt_func_round
, wstring_list
, rpt_func_trunc
, rpt_func_sort
, list_change_details_columns
, rpt_func_split
, rpt_func_sprintf
, rpt_expr
, rpt_func_strftime
, rpt_func_substitute
, rpt_expr_assign
, rpt_func_substr
, rpt_func_terse
, rpt_expr_assign_power
, input_quoted_printable
, input_null
, input_gunzip
, rpt_func_title
, input_env
, input_curl
, rpt_func_typeof
, rpt_expr_assign_mul
, input_cpio
, input_catenate
, input_bunzip2
, rpt_func_upcase
, input_822wrap
, input
, rpt_func_wrap
, rpt_expr_assign_div
, file_revision::inner
, file_revision
, file_event_list
, rpt_func_wrap_html
, dir_functor_rmdir_bg
, dir_functor_rm_dir_tree
, rpt_stmt
, rpt_expr_assign_mod
, collect
, col_unformatted
, col_pretty
, rpt_stmt_compound
, col
, rpt_stmt_expr
, rpt_expr_assign_plus
, rpt_stmt_for
, change_functor_inventory_list
, change_functor_attribute_list
, change_functor
, rpt_stmt_foreach
, rpt_value_uconf
, rpt_value_time
, rpt_expr_assign_minus
, rpt_stmt_break
, rpt_value_reference
, rpt_value_real
, rpt_value_pstate
, rpt_stmt_continue
, rpt_value_passwd
, rpt_value_null
, rpt_expr_assign_join
, rpt_stmt_if
, rpt_value_gstate
, rpt_value_group
, rpt_value_func
, rpt_stmt_null
, rpt_value_error
, rpt_value_enumeration
, rpt_expr_assign_and_bit
, rpt_stmt_return
, rpt_value
, rpt_stmt_throw
, rpt_expr_assign_xor_bit
, rpt_stmt_try
, rpt_stmt_while
, rpt_expr_assign_or_bit
, rpt_stmt_do
, rpt_expr_assign_shift_left
, rpt_value_boolean
, rpt_value_cstate
, rpt_expr_assign_shift_right
, rpt_expr_not_bit
, rpt_value_fstate
, rpt_expr_xor_bit
, rpt_expr_or_bit
, rpt_value_integer
, rpt_value_list
, rpt_expr_and_bit
, rpt_expr_comma
, rpt_value_pconf
, rpt_expr_constant
, rpt_expr_func
, rpt_value_string
, rpt_value_struct
, rpt_expr_in
, rpt_expr_inc_pre
, rpt_value_void
, rpt_expr_inc_post
, rpt_expr_dec_pre
, change_identifier_subset
, change_identifier
, rpt_expr_dec_post
, change_list_ty
, rpt_expr_list
, col_pretty::column_ty
, rpt_expr_and_logical
, rpt_expr_or_logical
, dir_functor
, dir_functor_callback
, rpt_expr_not_logical
, rpt_expr_if
, file_event
, rpt_expr_lookup
, rpt_expr_mul
, functor
, functor_stack
, rpt_expr_div
, rpt_expr_mod
, input_base64
, rpt_expr_neg
, rpt_expr_pos
, input_crlf
, input_crop
, rpt_expr_plus
, rpt_expr_minus
, input_file
, rpt_expr_join
- operator==()
: undo_item_rename
, aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, wstring
, aegis_shared_ptr< T >
, nstring
- operator>()
: nstring
- operator>=()
: nstring
- operator[]()
: wstring
, wstring_accumulator
, nstring
, stracc_t
, nstring_list
, wstring_list_ty
, nstring_accumulator
, change_list_ty
, file_event_list
, sub_functor_list
, wstring_list
, string_list_ty
- opos
: output_uuencode
- optimizable()
: rpt_func_count
, rpt_func_trunc
, rpt_func_title
, rpt_func_wrap_html
, rpt_func_split
, rpt_func_basename
, rpt_func_quote_tcl
, rpt_func_print
, rpt_func_dirname
, rpt_func_mtime
, rpt_func_downcase
, rpt_func_strftime
, rpt_func_unquote_url
, rpt_func_capitalize
, rpt_func_keys
, rpt_func
, rpt_func_typeof
, rpt_func_substr
, rpt_func_need
, rpt_func_project_name
, rpt_func_quote_url
, rpt_func_gettime
, rpt_func_change_number_set
, rpt_func_getenv
, rpt_func_project_name_set
, rpt_func_now
, rpt_func_working_days
, rpt_func_page_width
, rpt_func_wrap
, rpt_func_quote_html
, rpt_func_upcase
, rpt_func_terse
, rpt_func_columns
, rpt_func_getuid
, rpt_func_length
, rpt_func_page_length
, rpt_func_ceil
, rpt_func_floor
, rpt_func_round
, rpt_func_sort
, rpt_func_substitute
, rpt_func_sprintf
, rpt_func_eject
, rpt_func_change_number
- optional_set()
: sub_functor_glue
, sub_functor
, sub_functor_variable
- out_col
: output_indent
- outbuf
: output_gzip
- output()
: output
- output_base64()
: output_base64
- output_bit_bucket()
: output_bit_bucket
- output_buf
: output_to_wide
- output_bzip2()
: output_bzip2
- output_column
: output_base64
- output_cpio()
: output_cpio
- output_cpio_child()
: output_cpio_child
- output_cpio_child2()
: output_cpio_child2
- output_file()
: output_file
- output_gzip()
: output_gzip
- output_indent()
: output_indent
- output_len
: output_to_wide
- output_max
: output_to_wide
- output_memory()
: output_memory
- output_pager()
: output_pager
- output_prefix()
: output_prefix
- output_quoted_printable()
: output_quoted_printable
- output_stdout()
: output_stdout
- output_tee()
: output_tee
- output_to_wide()
: output_to_wide
- output_uuencode()
: output_uuencode
- overflow()
: stracc_t
, nstring_accumulator
, symtab_ty::row_t
, output
, wstring_accumulator
, itab_row_ty
, wide_output
- override()
: sub_functor_glue
, sub_functor
, sub_functor_variable
- override_flag
: sub_functor_variable
- override_set()
: sub_functor
, sub_functor_glue
, sub_functor_variable
- own
: ustate_ty
- own_add()
: user_ty
- own_nth()
: user_ty
- own_remove()
: user_ty
- owner_name
: pstate_ty