libaegis/file.h File Reference

#include <common/nstring.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


void copy_whole_file (string_ty *from, string_ty *to, int cmt)
void copy_whole_file (const nstring &from, const nstring &to, bool cmt)
string_tyread_whole_file (string_ty *filename)
nstring read_whole_file (const nstring &filename)
int files_are_different (string_ty *f1, string_ty *f2)
bool files_are_different (const nstring &f1, const nstring &f2)
void file_from_string (string_ty *, string_ty *, int)
void cat_string_to_stdout (string_ty *)

Function Documentation

void cat_string_to_stdout ( string_ty  ) 

void copy_whole_file ( const nstring from,
const nstring to,
bool  cmt 

void copy_whole_file ( string_ty from,
string_ty to,
int  cmt 

void file_from_string ( string_ty ,
string_ty ,

bool files_are_different ( const nstring f1,
const nstring f2 

The files_are_different function is used to compare two files. Works for both text and binary files.

f1 The path of a file to be compared.
f2 The path of a file to be compared.
bool; true if the files are different in any way, false if the files are identical.

int files_are_different ( string_ty f1,
string_ty f2 

The files_are_different function is used to compare two files. Works for both text and binary files.

f1 The path of a file to be compared.
f2 The path of a file to be compared.
int; non-zero (true) if the files are different in any way, zero (false) if the files are identical.

nstring read_whole_file ( const nstring filename  ) 

The read_whole_file function is used to read a file into a string. The file is assumed to be a text file.

filename pathname of file to be read
Pointer to string in dynamic memory containing text of file. Any trailing white space will have been removed.
Assumes the user has already been set.

string_ty* read_whole_file ( string_ty filename  ) 

The read_whole_file function is used to read a file into a string. The file is assumed to be a text file.

filename pathname of file to be read
Pointer to string in dynamic memory containing text of file. Any trailing white space will have been removed.
Assumes the user has already been set.

Generated on Wed Mar 12 23:37:37 2008 for Aegis by  doxygen 1.5.5