libaegis/change/file.h File Reference

#include <libaegis/change.h>
#include <libaegis/view_path.h>

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fstate_tychange_fstate_get (change::pointer)
fstate_tychange_pfstate_get (change::pointer)
fstate_src_tychange_file_find (change::pointer cp, fstate_src_ty *src, view_path_ty vp)
fstate_src_tychange_file_find (change::pointer cp, cstate_src_ty *src, view_path_ty vp)
fstate_src_tychange_file_find (change::pointer cp, string_ty *filename, view_path_ty vp)
fstate_src_tychange_file_find (change::pointer cp, const nstring &filename, view_path_ty vp)
fstate_src_tychange_file_find_fuzzy (change::pointer, string_ty *)
fstate_src_tychange_file_find_uuid (change::pointer cp, string_ty *uuid, view_path_ty view_path)
string_tychange_file_path (change::pointer cp, string_ty *file_name)
string_tychange_file_path_by_uuid (change::pointer cp, string_ty *uuid)
string_tychange_file_path (change::pointer cp, fstate_src_ty *src)
string_tychange_file_version_path (change::pointer cp, fstate_src_ty *src, int *unlink_p)
string_tychange_file_source (change::pointer, string_ty *)
void change_file_remove (change::pointer, string_ty *)
fstate_src_tychange_file_new (change::pointer cp, string_ty *fn)
void change_file_remove_all (change::pointer)
fstate_src_tychange_file_nth (change::pointer, size_t, view_path_ty)
size_t change_file_count (change::pointer)
void change_file_directory_query (change::pointer cp, string_ty *file_name, string_list_ty *result_in, string_list_ty *result_out)
string_tychange_file_directory_conflict (change::pointer cp, string_ty *file_name)
void change_search_path_get (change::pointer, string_list_ty *, int)
void change_file_test_time_clear (change::pointer cp, fstate_src_ty *src, string_ty *)
void change_file_test_time_set (change::pointer, fstate_src_ty *, time_t, string_ty *)
time_t change_file_test_time_get (change::pointer cp, fstate_src_ty *src, string_ty *)
void change_file_test_baseline_time_clear (change::pointer, fstate_src_ty *, string_ty *)
void change_file_test_baseline_time_set (change::pointer cp, fstate_src_ty *src, time_t, string_ty *)
time_t change_file_test_baseline_time_get (change::pointer, fstate_src_ty *, string_ty *)
int change_fingerprint_same (fingerprint_ty *, string_ty *, int)
void change_file_fingerprint_check (change::pointer, fstate_src_ty *)
int change_file_up_to_date (project_ty *, fstate_src_ty *)
metric_list_tychange_file_metrics_get (change::pointer, string_ty *)
void change_file_list_metrics_check (change::pointer)
void change_file_template (change::pointer, string_ty *, user_ty::pointer, int)
int change_file_is_config (change::pointer, string_ty *)
void change_file_copy_basic_attributes (fstate_src_ty *to, fstate_src_ty *from)
void change_file_resolve_names (change::pointer cp, user_ty::pointer up, string_list_ty &file_names)
string_tychange_file_resolve_name (change::pointer cp, user_ty::pointer up, string_ty *file_name)
bool change_file_promote (change::pointer cp)
bool change_file_unchanged (change::pointer cp, fstate_src_ty *src_data, user_ty::pointer up)

Function Documentation

void change_file_copy_basic_attributes ( fstate_src_ty to,
fstate_src_ty from 

The change_file_copy_basic_attributes function is used to copy the basic change file attributes (usage, attributes and uuid) from one file to another. This is a common activity for aecp, et al.

to The file meta data to receive the attributes
from The file meta data from which the attributes are to be taken.

size_t change_file_count ( change::pointer   ) 

string_ty* change_file_directory_conflict ( change::pointer  cp,
string_ty file_name 

void change_file_directory_query ( change::pointer  cp,
string_ty file_name,
string_list_ty result_in,
string_list_ty result_out 

fstate_src_ty* change_file_find ( change::pointer  cp,
const nstring filename,
view_path_ty  vp 

The change_file_find fucntion is used to locate a change file similar to the one indicated. If possible it uses the UUID otherwise (for backwards compatibility) is used the file name.

cp The change to work within.
filename The name of the file to be found.
vp The style of view path to be used.

fstate_src_ty* change_file_find ( change::pointer  cp,
string_ty filename,
view_path_ty  vp 

The change_file_find function is used to locate a change file similar to the one indicated. If possible it uses the UUID otherwise (for backwards compatibility) is used the file name.

cp The change to work within.
filename The name of the file to be found.
vp The style of view path to be used.

fstate_src_ty* change_file_find ( change::pointer  cp,
cstate_src_ty src,
view_path_ty  vp 

The change_file_find function is used to locate a change file similar to the one indicated. If possible it uses the UUID otherwise (for backwards compatibility) it uses the file name.

cp The change to work within.
src The meta-data of the file to be found.
vp The style of view path to be used.

fstate_src_ty* change_file_find ( change::pointer  cp,
fstate_src_ty src,
view_path_ty  vp 

The change_file_find function is used to locate a change file similar to the one indicated. If possible it uses the UUID otherwise (for backwards compatibility) it uses the file name.

cp The change to work within.
src The meta-data of the file to be found.
vp The style of view path to be used.

fstate_src_ty* change_file_find_fuzzy ( change::pointer  ,

fstate_src_ty* change_file_find_uuid ( change::pointer  cp,
string_ty uuid,
view_path_ty  view_path 

The change_file_find_uuid function is used to find a source file given the UUID.

cp The change to search within (and implicitly the project to search, for deeper view paths).
uuid The UUID to search for.
view_path The style and depth of search for the file.
a pointer to the file information, or NULL if no file has the specified UUID.

void change_file_fingerprint_check ( change::pointer  ,

int change_file_is_config ( change::pointer  ,

void change_file_list_metrics_check ( change::pointer   ) 

metric_list_ty* change_file_metrics_get ( change::pointer  ,

fstate_src_ty* change_file_new ( change::pointer  cp,
string_ty fn 
) [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file file.h.

fstate_src_ty* change_file_nth ( change::pointer  ,
size_t  ,

string_ty* change_file_path ( change::pointer  cp,
fstate_src_ty src 

The change_file_path function is used to obtain the absolute path to the given change file.

cp The change in question.
src The meta-data of the file in question.
a string containing the absolute path, or NULL if the file is not a change source file.

string_ty* change_file_path ( change::pointer  cp,
string_ty file_name 

The change_file_path function is used to obtain the absolute path to the given change file.

cp The change in question.
file_name The name of the file in question.
a string containing the absolute path, or NULL if the file is not a change source file.

string_ty* change_file_path_by_uuid ( change::pointer  cp,
string_ty uuid 

The change_file_path_by_uuid function is used to obtain the absolute path to the given change file.

cp The change in question.
uuid The UUID of the file in question.
a string containing the absolute path, or NULL if the file is not a change source file.

bool change_file_promote ( change::pointer  cp  ) 

The change_file_promote function is used to check whether or not recent integrations have change the actions the change files must perform.

If two changes are creating the same file, the first one integrated means that the second one must update its action to "modify".

If two changes are removing the same file, the first one integrated means that the second one needs to drop the file from its list.

If one change is removing a file, and a second change is modifying the same file, after the first change is integrated, the second change must update its action to "create".

cp The change in question.
true if anything changed, false if nothing changed.

void change_file_remove ( change::pointer  ,

void change_file_remove_all ( change::pointer   ) 

string_ty* change_file_resolve_name ( change::pointer  cp,
user_ty::pointer  up,
string_ty file_name 

The change_file_resolve_name function is used to resolve an arbitrary UNIX pathname (relative or absolute) into a base relative path within a change set's search path.

cp The change this is relative to.
up The user invoking the program.
file_name The file name to be resolved.
The resolved base relative file name. Use str_free when you are done with it.

void change_file_resolve_names ( change::pointer  cp,
user_ty::pointer  up,
string_list_ty file_names 

The change_file_resolve_names function is used to resolve arbitrary UNIX pathnames (relative or absolute) into base relative paths within a change set's search path.

cp The change this is relative to.
up The user invoking the program.
file_names The file names to be resolved. This parameter ISN'T const because this will be done in situ.

string_ty* change_file_source ( change::pointer  ,

void change_file_template ( change::pointer  ,
string_ty ,
user_ty::pointer  ,

void change_file_test_baseline_time_clear ( change::pointer  ,
fstate_src_ty ,

time_t change_file_test_baseline_time_get ( change::pointer  ,
fstate_src_ty ,

void change_file_test_baseline_time_set ( change::pointer  cp,
fstate_src_ty src,
time_t  ,

void change_file_test_time_clear ( change::pointer  cp,
fstate_src_ty src,

time_t change_file_test_time_get ( change::pointer  cp,
fstate_src_ty src,

void change_file_test_time_set ( change::pointer  ,
fstate_src_ty ,
time_t  ,

bool change_file_unchanged ( change::pointer  cp,
fstate_src_ty src_data,
user_ty::pointer  up 

The change_file_unchanged function is used to determine whether a source file is unchanged compared to the file in the baseline.

cp The change set in question.
src_data The file in question.
up The user to perform file actions as.
bool; true if the file is unchanged, false if the file has changed, and false if the comparison isn't meaningful.

int change_file_up_to_date ( project_ty ,

string_ty* change_file_version_path ( change::pointer  cp,
fstate_src_ty src,
int *  unlink_p 

int change_fingerprint_same ( fingerprint_ty ,
string_ty ,

fstate_ty* change_fstate_get ( change::pointer   ) 

This would be static to aegis/change_file.c if only aegis/aer/value/fstate.c did not need it. No other place should access this directly.

fstate_ty* change_pfstate_get ( change::pointer   ) 

void change_search_path_get ( change::pointer  ,
string_list_ty ,

Generated on Wed Mar 12 23:37:37 2008 for Aegis by  doxygen 1.5.5