libaegis/change/directory.h File Reference

#include <libaegis/change.h>

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struct string_tychange_directory_get (change::pointer cp, int resolve)

Function Documentation

struct string_ty* change_directory_get ( change::pointer  cp,
int  resolve 
) [read]

The change_directory_get function is used to get a directory for use with the current command. If the change is between being_developed and awaiting_integration, the change development directory will be returned. If the change is being_integrated, the change integration directory will be returned. Otherwise, the project baseline will be returned, unless the branch has been closed, in which case the branch tree will be ascended (possibly all the way to the trunk) looking for a branch baseline which is still being developed.

Generated on Wed Mar 12 23:37:37 2008 for Aegis by  doxygen 1.5.5