#!/bin/sh # # aegis - project change supervisor # Copyright (C) 1995, 1999 Graham Wheeler # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. # # MANIFEST: tkaegis.wish # # @configure_input@ # # comments wrap in Tcl, but not in sh \ exec wish $0 ${1+"$@"} # # written by Graham Wheeler Citadel Data Security # # v1.0 3/6/95-4/6/95 # # v1.1 5/6/95 Added view_diffs # Added cresidue and presidue for unsupported project/change # attribute preservation # Avoids showing difference files if no change has been made # Changed change description to be one line # Other minor improvements and bug fixes # # v1.2 January 1999 # Added a scrolled text area for feedback and debugging # Menus are no longer tearoff # Added support for branches # tkaegis now works with aegis 3.8 # # Send comments to gram@cdsec.com # # TODO: # Make sure we behave sanely when we do silly stuff - or grey out # menu items to prevent this # Improve the layout of the change attributes dialog box # Add umask support to project attribute edit # Add architecture support to change attribute edit # Complete new project release # Add options to set editor, dependency tools, etc # Then implement template file generation on first change # Online Help (ha ha ha!) # # There is currently no documentation for tkaegis, other than these # comments. However, its use should be self-evident to anyone familiar # with aegis. There are some areas where tkaegis is still missing # functionality; these are primarily related to project and change # attributes that are not yet included in the dialogs, and also issues # such as configuring the change and history tools, the architectures, # and so on. # # The following is a bried description of how tkaegis works. # # First, you will need Tcl/Tk installed, and will need to modify the # path in the first line of tkaegis to reflect the path of your Tk # wish interpreter. Next, you may need to modify some important # variables that occur immediately below these comments, to specify # the architecture, project base directory, and the editor you are # using (if you leave that blank, tkaegis will try to determine the # editor to use from the EDITOR environment variable; if that fails, # it will fall back to emacs or vi). # # When you run tkaegis, a window will appear with a menu at the top. # The window is used to display the output of aegis commands and some # other feedback. The menu will initially have only two items, Project # and Help. At this stage the Help menu only has an About dialog box. # # The Project menu will allow you to create new projects, select from # your existing projects, clear the contents of the feedback window, # or exit the program. If you create a new project, a dialog box will # appear allowing you to enter the project name, directory, and initial # branch number. When you press OK the project will be created and should # then appear in the Project menu. # # If you select an existing project, a new option will be added to the # Project menu, allowing you to delete the project. A Branch menu will # also appear. This is similar to the Project menu, but allows you to # create, delete, or select project branches. # # If you select a branch in the branch menu, a Role menu will appear. # This will allow you to choose the role that you will be playing, # namely one of administrator, developer, reviewer, or integrator. # tkaegis uses your UNIX login name and the names of the roleplayers # associated with the project and branch, to determine which of the # roles it will allow you to choose. If you create a new project, only # the administrator role will appear. # # Selecting a role will put you in a `mode', which will determine what # other menus appear and what you can do next. Each mode will now be # described in turn, by giving a brief description of the role-specific # menu hierarchy. Following the name of each menu item is the corresponding # aegis command, where applicable. # # ADMINISTRATOR MODE # # In this mode, you can modify the staff and roles associated with the # branch, and create, remove, and change the attributes of change requests, # and view all the change requests. # # # Menu Description # ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- # Admin: Overall branch admin functions # Edit Branch Attributes (aepa) Change the attributes for the branch # # Staff View or change the branch staff # Administrators View or change the branch admin staff # Add (aena) Add an administrator for the branch # View (ael a) View the administrators for the branch # Remove (aera) Remove an administrator for the branch # # Developers View/change the branch developer staff # Add (aend) Add a developer for the branch # View (ael d) View the developers for the branch # Remove (aerd) Remove a developer for the branch # # Reviewers View or change the branch review staff # Add (aenrv) Add a reviewer for the branch # View (ael r) View the reviewers for the branch # Remove (aerrv) Remove a reviewer for the branch # # Integrators View or change the branch integrator staff # Add (aeni) Add an integrator for the branch # View (ael i) View the integrators for the branch # Remove (aeri) Remove an integrator for the branch # # Change Add, remove, view branch changes # Add New Change (aenc) Add a new change request # New Change Undo (aencu) Undo the addition of a change request # Edit Change Attributes (aeca) Modify the attributes of a change request # View Changes (ael c) View the set of changes # # DEVELOPER MODE # # This mode is used by developers. When entering this mode, the Develop # menu will appear, but no others. A change must be selected after which # the other menus will appear. If there is only one change awaiting # development, this will be auto-selected. # # # Menu Description # ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- # Develop # View Changes (ael c) View all the change requests # Begin Change (aedb) Start work on a new change # Continue Change Continue work on a change in development # View Differences (aediff) Show all the diffs for this change # Abort Change (aedbu) Abort working on the change # End Change (aede) (Attempt to) end working on the change # Resume Change (aedeu) Resume work on a change awaiting review # # File # Edit Files Allow files to be loaded into an editor # Add New File (aenf) Add a new file to the project # Discard New File (aenfu) Discard a newly added file # Remove Existing File (aerm) Discard a previously existing file # Restore Existing File (aermu) Undo discard of a previously existing file # Change Existing File (aecp) Allow an existing file to be edited # Undo Changes to Existing File (aecpu) Lose changes to an existing file # # Build # Build Project (aeb) Attempt to build the project # # Test # Add New Test Script (aent) Add a new test script to the project # Discard New Test Script (aentu) Remove a new test script # Run New Tests (aet) Run the new tests # Run Regression Tests (aet -reg) Run the old tests # Run Baseline Test (aet -bl) Run the baseline test # # # REVIEWER MODE # # Menu Description # ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- # Review # View Changes (ael c) View all the changes # Begin Review (aerb) Start reviewing a change # Abort Review (aerbu) Abort reviewing a change # Pass (aerpass) Pass a change review # Fail (aerfail) Fail a change review # Undo Pass (aerpu) Undo a previously passed review # # INTEGRATOR MODE # # Menu Description # ---------------------------- -------------------------------------- # Integrate # View Changes (ael c) View all the changes # Start Integration (aeib) Start integrating a change # Resume Integration Resume an integration in progress # Cancel Integration (aeibu) Cancel an integration # View Differences (aediff) Show the file differences for the change # Build (aeb) Build the project # New Tests (aet) Run the new tests # Baseline Test (aet -bl) Run the baseline test # Regression Test (aet -reg) Run the regression tests # Pass (aeipass) Pass the integration # Fail (aeifail) Fail the integration # # ###################################################################### # These may need to be set according to local preferences: set bindir @bindir@ set libdir @libdir@ set datadir @datadir@ # # set window manager properties for the top-level window # wm title . Aegis wm maxsize . 32767 32767 wm minsize . 200 100 wm iconname . Aegis wm iconbitmap . @$datadir/aegis.icon wm iconmask . @$datadir/aegis.mask set arch "unspecified" set projbasedir "" set editor "nedit" ###################################################################### proc AddStatusLine {ln} { global .work.status .work.status insert end "$ln\n" .work.status see end } proc ClearStatus {} { global .work.status .work.status delete 1.0 end } ###################################################################### # Wrappers around aegis; try to localise all aegis dependencies here... # aegis_is_branch returns true if the project name has a trailing # numerical extension proc aegis_is_branch {nm} { return [regexp {.*\.[0-9]+} $nm] } proc aegis_do_command {args { rv junk } } { upvar $rv rtncode set ecmd "exec aegis $args" set rtncode [catch $ecmd rtn ] AddStatusLine "$ecmd => $rtn" return $rtn } proc aegis_get_info_command {cmd} { set rtn [aegis_do_command $cmd code] if {$code == 0} { return $rtn } else { show_message "Error" $rtn return "" } } proc aegis_do_action_command {cmd} { set msg [aegis_do_command $cmd code] if {$code == 0} { return 1 } else { show_message "Error" $msg return 0 } } # Get the list of projects, including the branches proc aegis_get_all_projects {} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-l p -terse"] } # Get the list of projects (but not the branches!) proc aegis_get_core_projects {} { set rtn "" set pall [aegis_get_all_projects] if {$pall != ""} { foreach p $pall { if { ! [aegis_is_branch $p] } { lappend rtn $p } } } return $rtn } # Get the open branches for a project. We assume they are listed by aegis # from shortest to longest name, and we invert this order. proc aegis_get_branches {root} { set rtn "" set pall [aegis_get_all_projects] if {$pall != ""} { foreach p $pall { if [string match "${root}*" $p] { set rtn [linsert $rtn 0 $p] } } } return $rtn } # Create a new project or a new branch proc aegis_new_project {proj vers directory} { global projbasedir if {$vers == ""} {set vers "1.0"} if {$directory == ""} { set directory "$projbasedir/$proj" } AddStatusLine "Creating project $proj branch $vers directory $directory" return [aegis_do_action_command "-npr $proj -version $vers -directory $directory"] } proc aegis_new_branch {branch directory} { set rtn "" set pos [string last "." $branch] if {$pos >= 0} { set p [string range $branch 0 [expr $pos-1]] set b [string range $branch [expr $pos+1] end] AddStatusLine "Creating branch $branch" if {$directory != ""} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-nbr -p $p -dir $directory $b"] } else { return [aegis_do_action_command "-nbr -p $p $b"] } } return 1 } # Delete a project and all its branches. Use with care! # # We have to find all the subbranches that are open, and # do `develop begin undo' and `new change undo' on them before # we can delete the project # We return 0 if nothing was deleted, 1 if all branches were # deleted, or -1 if some were deleted. proc aegis_delete_branches {branches} { set rtn 0 if {$branches == ""} { return 1 } foreach b $branches { if {[get_confirm "Delete branch $b?"]} { AddStatusLine "Deleting branch $b" set pos [string last "." $b] if {$pos >= 0} { set p [string range $b 0 [expr $pos-1]] set c [string range $b [expr $pos+1] end] if [aegis_do_action_command "-dbu $p $c"] { if [aegis_do_action_command "-ncu $p $c"] { } else { return -1 } } else { return -1 } } set rtn 1 } else { return -1 } } return $rtn } proc aegis_delete_branch {branch} { return [aegis_delete_branches [aegis_get_branches $branch]] } proc aegis_delete_project {proj} { if {[aegis_delete_branches [aegis_get_branches $proj]] == 1} { AddStatusLine "Deleting project $proj" return [aegis_do_action_command "-rmpr $proj"] } return 0 } proc aegis_get_project_attributes {proj} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-pa -list -p $proj"] } proc aegis_set_project_attributes {proj attr_file} { aegis_do_action_command "-pa -p $proj -file $attr_file" } proc aegis_has_role {role user proj} { if {$proj != ""} { set rv [aegis_do_command "-l $role -p $proj -terse | fgrep $user" code] if {$code == 0 && $rv==$user} { return 1 } } return 0 } proc aegis_get_roleplayers {proj typcode} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-l $typcode -p $proj -terse | sort"] } proc aegis_get_possible_roleplayers {} { set code [catch {exec cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd | sort} users] if {$code == 0} { return $users} else {return ""} } proc aegis_get_changelog {branch} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-l c -p $branch -verbose"] } proc aegis_create_new_change {branch attrfile} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-nc -p $branch -file $attrfile"] } proc aegis_new_change_undo {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-ncu -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_get_change_attributes {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-ca -list -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_set_change_attributes {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-ca -p $branch -c $change -file $fname"] } proc aegis_get_change_details {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-l cd -p $branch -c $change -verbose"] } proc aegis_choose_change {act cmd} { global branch change set oldchange $change set cnt 0 toplevel .ccpanel if {$act == ""} { set title "Choose change" } else { set title "Choose change to $act" } wm title .ccpanel $title frame .ccpanel.but listbox .ccpanel.entries -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \ -yscrollcommand ".ccpanel.yscroll set" \ -xscrollcommand ".ccpanel.xscroll set" scrollbar .ccpanel.yscroll -command ".ccpanel.entries yview" scrollbar .ccpanel.xscroll -orient horizontal \ -command ".ccpanel.entries xview" button .ccpanel.but.ok -text OK -command { global change set change [selection get] destroy .ccpanel } button .ccpanel.but.view -text "View Details" -command { global branch set chg "" scan [selection get] "%d" chg set details [aegis_get_change_details $branch $chg] if {$details != ""} { show_output "Change $chg" $details } } button .ccpanel.but.cancel -text Cancel -command { global change set change "" destroy .ccpanel } if {$cmd == "lc"} { set changes [aegis_get_info_command "-l c -p $branch -unf"] } else { set changes [aegis_get_info_command "-$cmd -list -p $branch -unf"] } if {$changes == ""} { destroy .ccpanel return 0 } scan $changes "%d" firstchange set changes [split $changes "\n"] foreach c $changes { .ccpanel.entries insert end [lreplace $c 1 1 ":"] incr cnt } pack .ccpanel.but .ccpanel.xscroll -side bottom -fill x pack .ccpanel.entries -side left -fill x -expand true pack .ccpanel.yscroll -side right -fill y pack .ccpanel.but.ok .ccpanel.but.view .ccpanel.but.cancel -side left -fill x if {$cnt == 0} { destroy .ccpanel show_message "Info" "No changes" return 0 } elseif {$cnt == 1} { destroy .ccpanel set change $firstchange if {$act != "" } { show_message "Info" "Change $change autoselected for $act" } return 1 } else { grab set .ccpanel tkwait window .ccpanel if {$change == ""} { set change $oldchange return 0 } else { scan $change "%d" change return 1 } } } proc aegis_develop_begin {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-db -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_set_directory {branch change} { cd [exec aegis -cd -p $branch -c $change -terse] } proc aegis_gen_diffs {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-diff -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_get_new_files {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-nfu -list -p $branch -c $change -terse"] } proc aegis_get_old_files {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-l pf -p $branch -c $change -terse"] } proc aegis_get_files {branch change} { set files [aegis_get_new_files $branch $change] append files " " [aegis_get_old_files $branch $change] return $files } proc aegis_new_file {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-nf $fname -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_new_file_undo {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-nfu $fname -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_develop_end {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-de -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_develop_begin_undo {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-dbu -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_develop_end_undo {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-deu -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_get_removable_files {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-rm -list -p $branch -c $change -terse"] } proc aegis_get_removable_undo_files {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-rmu -list -p $branch -c $change -terse"] } proc aegis_remove_file {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-rm $fname -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_remove_file_undo {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-rmu $fname -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_get_copyable_files {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-cp -list -p $branch -c $change -terse"] } proc aegis_get_copyable_undo_files {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-cpu -list -p $branch -c $change -terse"] } proc aegis_copy_file {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-cp $fname -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_copy_file_undo {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-cpu $fname -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_build {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-b -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_new_test {branch change testfile} { upvar $testfile rtn set output [aegis_do_command "-nt -p $branch -c $change" code] if {$code == 0} { if [regexp {test/[0-9][0-9]/t[0-9]+[am]\.sh} $output rtn] { set f [open $testfile w] puts $f "#!/bin/sh" puts $f "echo \"Test $testfile\"" puts $f {tmp=/tmp/$$} puts $f "here=`pwd`" puts $f {if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi} puts $f "" puts $f "fail()" puts $f "{" puts $f " echo FAILED 1>&2" puts $f { cd $here} puts $f { rm -rf $tmp} puts $f " exit 1" puts $f "}" puts $f "" puts $f "pass()" puts $f "{" puts $f " echo \"$testfile PASSED\"" puts $f { cd $here} puts $f { rm -rf $tmp} puts $f " exit 0" puts $f "}" puts $f "" puts $f "trap \"fail\" 1 2 3 15" puts $f "" puts $f {mkdir $tmp} puts $f {if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi} puts $f {cd $tmp} puts $f {if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi} puts $f "" puts $f "# What we expect:" puts $f "cat > test.ok << 'foo'" puts $f "PUT YOUR COMMAND OUTPUT HERE" puts $f "foo" puts $f {if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fail; fi} puts $f "" puts $f {$here/PUT_YOUR_COMMAND_HERE > test.out 2>&1} puts $f "diff test.out test.ok" puts $f {if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then fail; fi} puts $f "" puts $f "pass" close $f return 1 } else { show_message "Warning" $output } } else { show_message "Error" $output } return 0 } proc aegis_get_new_test_files {branch change} { return [aegis_get_info_command "-ntu -l -p $branch -c $change -terse | fgrep test"] } proc aegis_new_test_undo {branch change fname} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-ntu $fname -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_run_tests {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-t -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_run_regression_tests {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-t -reg -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_run_baseline_test {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-t -bl -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_review_pass {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-rpass -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_review_pass_undo {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-rpu -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_review_fail {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-rfail -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_integrate_begin {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-ib -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_integrate_begin_undo {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-ibu -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_integrate_pass {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-ipass -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_integrate_fail {branch change} { return [aegis_do_action_command "-ifail -p $branch -c $change"] } proc aegis_show_diffs {branch change} { global spawnwin aegis_set_directory $branch $change exec find . -name "*,D" -exec rm \{\} \; if [aegis_gen_diffs $branch $change] { foreach f [exec find . -name "*,D" -print | sort] { set wn [join [split $f "./~,"] "_"] set spawnwin($wn) .$wn set txt [exec head -3 $f | tail -1] if { $txt != "" && [string match "*TOTALS: 0 inserted 0 deleted*" $txt] == 0} { show_text .$wn $f [exec cat $f] } } } } proc aegis_trash_diffs {} { global spawnwin if [info exists spawnwin] { foreach w [array names spawnwin] { catch {destroy $spawnwin($w)} } unset spawnwin } } ###################################################################### # Some simple useful utilities # Run an editor. First determine what editor to use. May need to wrap # vi in an xterm??? if {$editor == ""} { set editor $env(EDITOR) if {$editor == ""} { if [file exists /usr/local/bin/emacs"] { set editor emacs } else { set editor vi } } else { } } if {$editor == "vi"} { set editor "xterm -fn 10x20 -e vi" } proc run_editor {files} { global editor eval exec $editor $files & } # Show some text in a text window proc show_text {w title msg} { toplevel $w wm title $w $title wm iconname $w "Aegis" text $w.text -relief raised -bd 2 -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set" scrollbar $w.scroll -command "$w.text yview" button $w.button -text "OK" -command "destroy $w" pack $w.button -side bottom -padx 10 -pady 10 pack $w.scroll -side right -fill y pack $w.text -side left bind $w.button "destroy $w" $w.text insert end $msg } # Show some text and wait for the text widget to be closed proc show_output {title msg} { catch { destroy .info } show_text .info $title $msg focus .info.button grab set .info tkwait window .info } # Similar to above but using a message widget proc show_message {title msg} { catch { destroy .info } toplevel .info wm title .info $title wm iconname .info "Aegis" message .info.msg -text $msg -just center -aspect 300 pack .info.msg -side top -padx 10 -pady 10 button .info.button -text "OK" -command "destroy .info" pack .info.button -side bottom -padx 10 -pady 10 bind .info.button "destroy .info" focus .info.button grab set .info tkwait window .info } # Convert numeric boolean values to symbolic and vice-versa proc booltonum {var} { if {$var == "true" } { return 1 } elseif {$var == "false" } { return 0 } else { return $var } } proc numtobool {var} { if {$var == 1 } { return "true" } elseif {$var == 0 } { return "false" } else { return $var } } # Show a message for functionality not yet implemented proc not_implemented {} { show_message "No way Jose" \ "Work in progress\nFunction not yet implemented" } # Message for Help-About proc about_tkaegis {} { show_message "About tkaegis" \ "tkaegis v1.2\nby Graham Wheeler\ngram@cdsec.com\n(c) 1999, All Rights Reserved" } # Get confirmation for an action proc get_confirm {msg} { global cnf toplevel .panel wm title .panel "Confirm Action" frame .panel.top frame .panel.bottom label .panel.top.label -text $msg button .panel.bottom.ok -text OK -command { destroy .panel; set cnf 1 } button .panel.bottom.cancel -text Cancel -command { destroy .panel; set cnf 0 } pack .panel.top -side top pack .panel.bottom -side bottom pack .panel.top.label -side left -fill x pack .panel.bottom.cancel -side right -fill y pack .panel.bottom.ok -side left -fill y grab set .panel focus .panel.bottom.ok bind .panel.bottom.ok { destroy .panel set cnf 1 } tkwait window .panel if {$cnf == 1} { return 1} else { return 0} } proc choose_files {title files} { global change scratch set cnt 0 set scratch "" toplevel .cfpanel wm title .cfpanel $title frame .cfpanel.but label .cfpanel.chosen -text "" listbox .cfpanel.entries -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \ -yscrollcommand ".cfpanel.scroll set" scrollbar .cfpanel.scroll -command ".cfpanel.entries yview" button .cfpanel.but.clear -text Clear -command { global scratch set scratch "" .cfpanel.chosen config -text $scratch } button .cfpanel.but.add -text Include -command { global scratch append scratch [selection get] " " .cfpanel.chosen config -text $scratch } button .cfpanel.but.ok -text Done -command { destroy .cfpanel } button .cfpanel.but.cancel -text Cancel -command { global scratch set scratch "" destroy .cfpanel } foreach f $files { .cfpanel.entries insert end $f incr cnt } pack .cfpanel.chosen .cfpanel.but -side bottom -fill x pack .cfpanel.entries -side left -fill x -expand true pack .cfpanel.scroll -side right -fill y pack .cfpanel.but.clear .cfpanel.but.add .cfpanel.but.ok \ .cfpanel.but.cancel -side left -fill x if {$cnt == 0} { destroy .cfpanel show_message "Info" "No files" return "" } else { grab set .cfpanel tkwait window .cfpanel return $scratch } } proc select_change {cmd {act ""} } { global branch change # If the change is already set, make sure that we can apply the # current action to it. If not, give an error. if {$change != ""} { set ok 0 set changes [aegis_get_info_command "-$cmd -list -p $branch -unf"] set changes [split $changes "\n"] foreach c $changes { scan $c "%d" cnum if {$cnum == $change} { set ok 1 break } } if {$ok == 0} { show_message "Error" "Action not applicable to current selected change $change" if [get_confirm "Select a different change?"] { set change "" } else { return 0 } } } if {$change == ""} { aegis_choose_change $act $cmd } elseif {$act != ""} { if {[get_confirm "Change $change: do you want to $act?"] == 0} { set change "" } } if {$change == ""} { show_message "Info" "No selected or applicable change" return 0 } else { return 1 } } ###################################################################### # Main variables set mode "none" set proj "" set branch "" set directory "" set change "" set user [exec whoami] # If projbasedir isn't set explicitly, use the $HOME directory: if {$projbasedir == ""} { set projbasedir $env(HOME) } trace variable proj w change_project trace variable branch w change_branch set scratch "" set cnf 0 # Project attributes set pdescription "" set powner "" set pgroup "" set pumask "" set devmayrev "" set devmayint "" set revmayint "" set devmaychg "" set deftestexempt "" set presidue "" # Change attributes set ctitle "" set cdescription "" set ccause "" set ctestexempt "" set cblexempt "" set cregexempt "" set cresidue "" ######################################################################## # Create the main menu frame .mbar -relief raised -bd 2 frame .work -height 5c -width 10c text .work.status -yscrollcommand { .work.scroll set} scrollbar .work.scroll -command {.work.status yview} menubutton .mbar.help -text Help -underline 0 -menu .mbar.help.menu pack .mbar.help -side right pack .work.scroll -side right -fill y pack .work.status -side left -fill both -expand true pack .mbar .work -side top -fill x ######################################################################## # Create the `Help' drop-down menu. This is always present; all other menus # are created and destroyed dynamically. # # TODO: Actually add some help here! menu .mbar.help.menu -tearoff 0 .mbar.help.menu add command -label "About" -command about_tkaegis # Some utilities for building the menus proc AddMainMenuItem {nm lbl} { menubutton ".mbar.$nm" -text $lbl -underline 0 -menu ".mbar.${nm}.menu" pack ".mbar.$nm" -side left menu ".mbar.${nm}.menu" -tearoff 0 } proc DestroyMainMenuItem {nm} { if [winfo exists .mbar.$nm] { destroy .mbar.$nm } } proc AddDropDownMenuCommand {nm lbl act} { ".mbar.${nm}.menu" add command -label $lbl -command $act } proc AddDropDownMenuRadioButton {nm lbl var val} { global $var ".mbar.${nm}.menu" add radiobutton -label $lbl -variable $var -value $val } proc AddDropDownMenuCascade {nm lbl sub} { ".mbar.${nm}.menu" add cascade -label $lbl -menu ".mbar.${nm}.menu.$sub" menu ".mbar.${nm}.menu.$sub" -tearoff 0 } proc AddCascadeCommand {nm sub lbl cmd} { ".mbar.${nm}.menu.$sub" add command -label $lbl -command $cmd } proc AddDropDownMenuSeparator {nm} { ".mbar.${nm}.menu" add separator } ######################################################################## # The Project Menu. Handles project creation. selection and deletion # Does not handle branches. Projects can be deleted by selecting them, # after which a Delete Project option will appear if the user has the # authority to delete the project. proc add_project_menu {} { global proj user AddMainMenuItem project Project AddDropDownMenuCommand project "New Project" new_project AddStatusLine "Getting active project list" set projects [aegis_get_core_projects] if {$projects != ""} { AddDropDownMenuSeparator project foreach p $projects { AddDropDownMenuRadioButton project $p proj $p } } if {$proj != "" && [aegis_has_role a $user $proj]} { AddDropDownMenuSeparator project AddDropDownMenuCommand project "Delete Project" delete_project } AddDropDownMenuSeparator project AddDropDownMenuCommand project "Clear Status" ClearStatus AddDropDownMenuSeparator project AddDropDownMenuCommand project Quit exit } proc update_project {} { global proj branch AddStatusLine "Selecting project $proj" remove_role_menu remove_branch_menu remove_project_menu add_project_menu if {$proj != ""} { add_branch_menu if {$branch != ""} { add_role_menu } } } proc change_project {name element op} { update_project } set initvers "" proc new_project {} { global proj branch directory initvers trace vdelete proj w change_project trace vdelete branch w change_branch set old_name $proj set old_branch $branch set old_directory $directory set proj "" set branch "" set directory "" toplevel .panel wm title .panel "New Project" frame .panel.name label .panel.name.namelabel -text "Name:" entry .panel.name.nameentry -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 \ -textvariable proj bind .panel.name.nameentry { focus .panel.vers.versentry } frame .panel.vers label .panel.vers.verslabel -text "Initial Version:" entry .panel.vers.versentry -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 \ -textvariable initvers bind .panel.vers.versentry { focus .panel.dir.direntry } frame .panel.dir label .panel.dir.dirlabel -text "Directory:" entry .panel.dir.direntry -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 \ -textvariable directory bind .panel.dir.direntry { focus .panel.buts.ok } frame .panel.buts button .panel.buts.ok -text OK -command { destroy .panel } bind .panel.buts.ok { destroy .panel } button .panel.buts.cancel -text Cancel -command { set proj "" destroy .panel } bind .panel.buts.cancel { set proj "" destroy .panel } pack .panel.name .panel.vers .panel.dir -side top pack .panel.buts -side bottom pack .panel.name.namelabel .panel.name.nameentry -side left \ -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x pack .panel.vers.verslabel .panel.vers.versentry -side left \ -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x pack .panel.dir.dirlabel .panel.dir.direntry -side left \ -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x pack .panel.buts.cancel -side right -fill y pack .panel.buts.ok -side left -fill y focus .panel.name.nameentry grab set .panel tkwait window .panel if {$proj != ""} { set msg "" if [aegis_new_project $proj $initvers $directory] { update_project } else { set proj $old_name set branch $old_branch set directory $old_directory } } else { set proj $old_name set branch $old_branch set directory $old_directory } trace variable proj w change_project trace variable branch w change_branch } proc delete_project {} { global proj branch directory if [aegis_delete_project $proj] { set proj "" set branch "" set directory "" } else { AddStatusLine "Deletion of project $proj incomplete" } } proc remove_project_menu {} { DestroyMainMenuItem project } ######################################################################## # The Branch Menu # # Show the open branches associated with the active project, and allow # the user to select which one they want, delete a selected branch, # or create a new branch. proc add_branch_menu {} { global proj user branch AddMainMenuItem vers Branch AddDropDownMenuCommand vers "New Branch" new_branch set branches [aegis_get_branches $proj] if {$branches != ""} { AddDropDownMenuSeparator vers foreach b $branches { AddDropDownMenuRadioButton vers $b branch $b } } if {$branch != "" && [aegis_has_role a $user $proj]} { AddDropDownMenuSeparator vers AddDropDownMenuCommand vers "Delete Branch" delete_branch } } proc update_branch {} { global proj branch AddStatusLine "Selecting project $proj branch $branch" remove_role_menu remove_branch_menu if {$proj != ""} { add_branch_menu if {$branch != ""} { add_role_menu } } } proc change_branch {name element op} { update_branch } proc new_branch {} { global proj branch directory initvers trace vdelete branch w change_branch set old_branch $branch set old_directory $directory set branch "" set directory "" set initvers "" toplevel .panel wm title .panel "New Branch" frame .panel.name label .panel.name.namelabel -text "Branch Number:" entry .panel.name.nameentry -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 \ -textvariable initvers bind .panel.name.nameentry { focus .panel.dir.direntry } frame .panel.dir label .panel.dir.dirlabel -text "Directory:" entry .panel.dir.direntry -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 \ -textvariable directory bind .panel.dir.direntry { focus .panel.buts.ok } frame .panel.buts button .panel.buts.ok -text OK -command { destroy .panel } bind .panel.buts.ok { destroy .panel } button .panel.buts.cancel -text Cancel -command { set proj "" destroy .panel } bind .panel.buts.cancel { set proj "" destroy .panel } pack .panel.name .panel.dir -side top pack .panel.buts -side bottom pack .panel.name.namelabel .panel.name.nameentry -side left \ -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x pack .panel.dir.dirlabel .panel.dir.direntry -side left \ -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x pack .panel.buts.cancel -side right -fill y pack .panel.buts.ok -side left -fill y focus .panel.name.nameentry grab set .panel tkwait window .panel if {$initvers != ""} { AddStatusLine "Creating branch $proj.$initvers" set msg "" if [aegis_new_branch "$proj.$initvers" $directory] { update_branch } else { set branch $old_branch set directory $old_directory } } else { set branch $old_branch set directory $old_directory } trace variable branch w change_branch } proc delete_branch {} { global proj branch directory if [aegis_delete_branch $branch] { set branch "" } else { AddStatusLine "Deletion of branch $branch incomplete" } } proc remove_branch_menu {} { DestroyMainMenuItem vers } ######################################################################## # The Role Menu proc add_role_to_menu {proj user role mnu tag cmd} { if [aegis_has_role $role $user $proj] { AddDropDownMenuCommand $mnu $tag $cmd } } proc add_role_menu {} { global user branch AddMainMenuItem role Role add_role_to_menu $branch $user a role Administrate enter_administrate_mode add_role_to_menu $branch $user d role Develop enter_develop_mode add_role_to_menu $branch $user r role Review enter_review_mode add_role_to_menu $branch $user i role Integrate enter_integrate_mode } proc update_roles {} { remove_role_menu add_role_menu } proc remove_role_menu {} { leave_mode DestroyMainMenuItem role } ####################### # ADMINISTRATION MODE # ####################### proc enter_administrate_mode {} { global mode user proj branch leave_mode set mode "administrate" AddMainMenuItem admin Admin # AddDropDownMenuCommand admin "New Project Release" command_not_implemented AddDropDownMenuCommand admin "Edit Branch Attributes" \ edit_branch_attributes AddMainMenuItem staff Staff AddDropDownMenuCascade staff "Administrators" administrators AddCascadeCommand staff administrators "Add" add_administrators AddCascadeCommand staff administrators "View" view_administrators AddCascadeCommand staff administrators "Remove" remove_administrators AddDropDownMenuCascade staff "Developers" developers AddCascadeCommand staff developers "Add" add_developers AddCascadeCommand staff developers "View" view_developers AddCascadeCommand staff developers "Remove" remove_developers AddDropDownMenuCascade staff "Reviewers" reviewers AddCascadeCommand staff reviewers "Add" add_reviewers AddCascadeCommand staff reviewers "View" view_reviewers AddCascadeCommand staff reviewers "Remove" remove_reviewers AddDropDownMenuCascade staff "Integrators" integrators AddCascadeCommand staff integrators "Add" add_integrators AddCascadeCommand staff integrators "View" view_integrators AddCascadeCommand staff integrators "Remove" remove_integrators AddMainMenuItem change Change AddDropDownMenuCommand change "Add New Change" add_new_change AddDropDownMenuCommand change "New Change Undo" new_change_undo AddDropDownMenuCommand change "Edit Change Attributes" \ modify_change_attributes AddDropDownMenuCommand change "View Changes" view_changes } proc fetch_branch_attributes {} { global branch pdescription powner pgroup pumask presidue global devmayrev devmayint revmayint devmaychg deftestexempt set presidue "" set lines [aegis_get_project_attributes $branch] if {$lines != ""} { set lines [split $lines "\n"] foreach l $lines { set flds [split $l "="] set opt [string trim [lindex $flds 0] " \t\"{};"] set val [string trim [lindex $flds 1] " \t\"{};"] set val [booltonum $val] if {$opt == "description"} { set pdescription $val } elseif {$opt == "owner_name"} { set powner $val } elseif {$opt == "group_name"} { set pgroup $val } elseif {$opt == "developer_may_review"} { set devmayrev $val } elseif {$opt == "developer_may_integrate"} { set devmayint $val } elseif {$opt == "reviewer_may_integrate"} { set revmayint $val } elseif {$opt == "developers_may_create_changes"} { set devmaychg $val } elseif {$opt == "umask"} { set pumask $val } elseif {$opt == "default_test_exemption"} { set deftestexempt $val } else { append presidue $l "\n" } } } else { show_message "Error" $lines } } proc edit_branch_attributes {} { global branch pdescription pumask presidue global devmayrev devmayint revmayint devmaychg deftestexempt fetch_branch_attributes toplevel .panel wm title .panel "Edit Branch Attributes" frame .panel.desc frame .panel.options1 frame .panel.options2 frame .panel.options3 frame .panel.options4 frame .panel.options5 frame .panel.bottom label .panel.desc.label -text "Description:" entry .panel.desc.entry -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 \ -textvariable pdescription checkbutton .panel.options1.devmayrev -text "Developer may review" \ -variable devmayrev checkbutton .panel.options2.devmayint -text "Developer may integrate" \ -variable devmayint checkbutton .panel.options3.revmayint -text "Reviewer may integrate" \ -variable revmayint checkbutton .panel.options4.devmaychg -text "Developer may create changes" \ -variable devmaychg checkbutton .panel.options5.deftestexempt -text "Default test exempt" \ -variable deftestexempt button .panel.bottom.ok -text OK -command { destroy .panel } button .panel.bottom.cancel -text Cancel -command { set pdescription "X";destroy .panel } pack .panel.desc .panel.options1 .panel.options2 \ .panel.options3 .panel.options4 .panel.options5 .panel.bottom \ -side top -fill x pack .panel.desc.label .panel.desc.entry -side left -pady 2m -fill x pack .panel.options1.devmayrev -side left pack .panel.options2.devmayint -side left pack .panel.options3.revmayint -side left pack .panel.options4.devmaychg -side left pack .panel.options5.deftestexempt -side left pack .panel.bottom.cancel -side right -fill y pack .panel.bottom.ok -side left -fill y grab set .panel tkwait window .panel if {$pdescription != "X"} { set devmayrev [numtobool $devmayrev] set devmayint [numtobool $devmayint] set revmayint [numtobool $revmayint] set devmayrev [numtobool $devmayrev] set devmaychg [numtobool $devmaychg] set deftestexempt [numtobool $deftestexempt] set fname "/tmp/$branch.pattr" set f [open $fname w] puts $f "description = \"$pdescription\";" puts $f "developer_may_review = $devmayrev;" puts $f "developer_may_integrate = $devmayint;" puts $f "reviewer_may_integrate = $revmayint;" puts $f "developers_may_create_changes = $devmaychg;" puts $f "umask = $pumask;" puts $f "default_test_exemption = $deftestexempt;" puts $f $presidue close $f aegis_set_project_attributes $branch $fname exec rm $fname } } # Useful common code for applying aegis commands to user names selected from # a list. set list_action "" proc apply_list_action {} { global list_action mode user branch if {$list_action != ""} { exec aegis $list_action [selection get] -p $branch foreach el [selection get] { if {$user == $el} { set tmp $mode leave_mode update_roles enter_mode $tmp destroy .panel break; } } } } proc do_list {list cmd title} { global branch list_action set list_action $cmd toplevel .panel wm title .panel $title frame .panel.but pack .panel.but -side bottom listbox .panel.entries -relief raised -borderwidth 2 \ -yscrollcommand ".panel.scroll set" pack .panel.entries -side left scrollbar .panel.scroll -command ".panel.entries yview" pack .panel.scroll -side right -fill y if {$list_action != ""} { button .panel.but.ok -text OK -command apply_list_action bind .panel.but.ok { apply_list_action } button .panel.but.cancel -text Cancel -command { destroy .panel } } else { button .panel.but.cancel -text Done -command { destroy .panel } } focus .panel.but.cancel bind .panel.but.cancel { destroy .panel } if {$list_action != ""} { pack .panel.but.ok .panel.but.cancel -side left -fill x } else { pack .panel.but.cancel -side left -fill x } foreach f $list { .panel.entries insert end $f } grab set .panel tkwait window .panel } proc view_roleplayers {who typcode} { global branch set roleplayers [aegis_get_roleplayers $branch $typcode] if {$roleplayers != ""} {do_list $roleplayers "" "View $who"} } proc add_roleplayers {who typcode} { set users [aegis_get_possible_roleplayers] if {$users != ""} { do_list $users "-n$typcode" "Add $who" } } proc remove_roleplayers {who typcode} { global branch set roleplayers [aegis_get_roleplayers $branch $typcode] if {$roleplayers != ""} {do_list $roleplayers "-r$typcode" "Remove $who"} } proc view_administrators {} { view_roleplayers Administrators a } proc view_developers {} { view_roleplayers Developers d } proc view_reviewers {} { view_roleplayers Reviewers rev } proc view_integrators {} { view_roleplayers Integrators i } proc add_administrators {} { add_roleplayers Administrators a } proc add_developers {} { add_roleplayers Developers d } proc add_reviewers {} { add_roleplayers Reviewers rev } proc add_integrators {} { add_roleplayers Integrators i } proc remove_administrators {} { remove_roleplayers Administrators a } proc remove_developers {} { remove_roleplayers Developers d } proc remove_reviewers {} { remove_roleplayers Reviewers rev } proc remove_integrators {} { remove_roleplayers Integrators i } proc fetch_change_attributes {} { global branch change cresidue global ctitle cdescription ccause ctestexempt cblexempt cregexempt set cresidue "" set lines [aegis_get_change_attributes $branch $change] if {$lines != ""} { set lines [split $lines "\n"] foreach l $lines { set flds [split $l "="] set opt [string trim [lindex $flds 0] " \t\"{};"] set val [string trim [lindex $flds 1] " \t\"{};"] set val [booltonum $val] if {$opt == "brief_description"} { set ctitle $val } elseif {$opt == "description"} { set cdescription $val } elseif {$opt == "cause"} { set ccause $val } elseif {$opt == "test_exempt"} { set ctestexempt $val } elseif {$opt == "test_baseline_exempt"} { set cblexempt $val } elseif {$opt == "regression_test_exempt"} { set cregexempt $val } else { append cresidue $l "\n" } } } else { show_message "Error" $lines } } proc edit_change_attributes {title fname} { global change cresidue global ctitle cdescription ccause ctestexempt cblexempt cregexempt toplevel .panel wm title .panel $title frame .panel.title frame .panel.desc frame .panel.cause1 frame .panel.cause2 frame .panel.opts frame .panel.bottom pack .panel.bottom -side bottom -fill x pack .panel.title .panel.desc .panel.cause1 .panel.cause2 .panel.opts \ -side top -fill x label .panel.title.lbl -text "Title:" entry .panel.title.desc -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable ctitle pack .panel.title.lbl .panel.title.desc -side left -fill x -expand true label .panel.desc.lbl -text "Description" entry .panel.desc.text -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 \ -textvariable cdescription pack .panel.desc.lbl .panel.desc.text -side left -fill x -expand true radiobutton .panel.cause1.ie -text "Enhancement (internal)" \ -variable ccause -value "internal_enhancement" radiobutton .panel.cause1.ii -text "Improvement (internal)" \ -variable ccause -value "internal_improvement" radiobutton .panel.cause1.ib -text "Bug Repair (internal)" \ -variable ccause -value "internal_bug" radiobutton .panel.cause2.ee -text "Enhancement (external)" \ -variable ccause -value "external_enhancement" radiobutton .panel.cause2.ei -text "Improvement (external)" \ -variable ccause -value "external_improvement" radiobutton .panel.cause2.eb -text "Bug Repair (external)" \ -variable ccause -value "external_bug" pack .panel.cause1.ie .panel.cause1.ii .panel.cause1.ib -side left -fill x pack .panel.cause2.ee .panel.cause2.ei .panel.cause2.eb -side left -fill x checkbutton .panel.opts.tx -text "New Test Exempt"\ -variable ctestexempt checkbutton .panel.opts.bx -text "Baseline Test Exempt"\ -variable cblexempt checkbutton .panel.opts.rx -text "Regression Test Exempt"\ -variable cregexempt pack .panel.opts.tx .panel.opts.bx .panel.opts.rx -side left -fill x button .panel.bottom.ok -text OK -command { destroy .panel } button .panel.bottom.cancel -text Cancel -command { global ctitle; set ctitle ""; destroy .panel } pack .panel.bottom.cancel -side right -fill y pack .panel.bottom.ok -side left -fill y grab set .panel tkwait window .panel if {$ctitle != ""} { set ctestexempt [numtobool $ctestexempt] set cblexempt [numtobool $cblexempt] set cregexempt [numtobool $cregexempt] set f [open $fname w] puts $f "brief_description = \"$ctitle\";" puts $f "description = \"$cdescription\";" puts $f "cause = $ccause;" puts $f "test_exempt = $ctestexempt;" puts $f "test_baseline_exempt = $cblexempt;" puts $f "regression_test_exempt = $cregexempt;" puts $f $cresidue close $f return 1 } return 0 } proc add_new_change {} { global branch cresidue arch global ctitle cdescription ccause ctestexempt cblexempt cregexempt set ctitle "Untitled" set cdescription "Undescribed" set ccause internal_enhancement set ctestexempt 0 set cblexempt 0 set cregexempt 1 set cresidue "architecture =\n\[\n\t\"$arch\",\n\];\n" set fname "/tmp/$branch.cattr" if [edit_change_attributes "New Change" $fname] { aegis_create_new_change $branch $fname exec rm $fname } } proc new_change_undo {} { global branch change if [select_change "ncu" "cancel"] { aegis_new_change_undo $branch $change set change "" } } proc view_changes {} { global branch set changelog [aegis_get_changelog $branch] if {$changelog != ""} { show_output "Change History" $changelog } else { show_message "Change History" "No changes" } } proc modify_change_attributes {} { global branch change if [select_change "lc"] { fetch_change_attributes set fname "/tmp/$branch.cattr" if [edit_change_attributes "Edit Attributes" $fname] { aegis_set_change_attributes $branch $change $fname exec rm $fname } } } proc leave_administrate_mode {} { DestroyMainMenuItem change DestroyMainMenuItem staff DestroyMainMenuItem admin } ################ # DEVELOP MODE # ################ set has_develop_menus 0 proc enter_develop_mode {} { global mode user branch if {[aegis_has_role d $user $branch]} { leave_mode set mode "develop" AddMainMenuItem develop Develop AddDropDownMenuCommand develop "View Changes" view_changes AddDropDownMenuCommand develop "Begin Change" develop_begin AddDropDownMenuCommand develop "Continue Change" develop_continue AddDropDownMenuCommand develop "View Differences" view_diffs AddDropDownMenuCommand develop "Abort Change" develop_begin_undo AddDropDownMenuCommand develop "End Change" develop_end AddDropDownMenuCommand develop "Resume Change" develop_end_undo } } proc add_develop_menus {} { global has_develop_menus if {$has_develop_menus == 0} { set has_develop_menus 1 AddMainMenuItem file File AddDropDownMenuCommand file "Edit Files" edit_files AddDropDownMenuCommand file "Add New File" new_file AddDropDownMenuCommand file "Discard New File" new_file_undo AddDropDownMenuCommand file "Remove Existing File" remove_file AddDropDownMenuCommand file "Restore Existing File" remove_file_undo AddDropDownMenuCommand file "Change Existing File" copy_file AddDropDownMenuCommand file "Undo Changes to Existing File" copy_file_undo AddMainMenuItem build Build AddDropDownMenuCommand build "Build Project" build_project AddMainMenuItem test Test AddDropDownMenuCommand test "Add New Test Script" new_test AddDropDownMenuCommand test "Discard New Test Script" new_test_undo AddDropDownMenuSeparator test AddDropDownMenuCommand test "Run New Tests" run_tests AddDropDownMenuCommand test "Run Regression Tests" run_regression_tests AddDropDownMenuCommand test "Run Baseline Test" run_baseline_test } } proc develop_begin {} { global branch change if [select_change "db" "develop" ] { if [aegis_develop_begin $branch $change] { AddStatusLine "Developing change $change of project $branch" aegis_set_directory $branch $change if {! [file exists config] } { make_templates } } add_develop_menus } } proc develop_continue {} { global branch change if [select_change "de" "continue developing"] { aegis_set_directory $branch $change add_develop_menus } } proc view_diffs {} { global branch change if [select_change "de" "view diffs" ] { aegis_show_diffs $branch $change } } proc edit_files {} { global branch change set files [aegis_get_files $branch $change] if {$files != ""} { set files [choose_files "Select files to edit" $files] if {$files != ""} { run_editor $files } } } proc develop_end {} { global branch change if [aegis_develop_end $branch $change] { remove_develop_menus } } proc develop_begin_undo {} { global branch change if [select_change "dbu" "undo develop begin"] { if [get_confirm "Cancel development (all changes will be lost)?"] { if [aegis_develop_begin_undo $branch $change] { remove_develop_menus } } } } proc develop_end_undo {} { global branch change if [select_change "deu" "undo develop end"] { if [aegis_develop_end_undo $branch $change] { AddStatusLine "Developing change $change of project $branch" } } } proc new_file {} { global branch change scratch toplevel .panel set scratch "" wm title .panel "New File" frame .panel.top frame .panel.bottom label .panel.top.label -text "File name:" entry .panel.top.entry -width 20 -relief sunken -bd 2 -textvariable scratch button .panel.bottom.ok -text OK -command { destroy .panel } button .panel.bottom.cancel -text Cancel -command { set scratch "";destroy .panel } pack .panel.top -side top pack .panel.bottom -side bottom pack .panel.top.label .panel.top.entry -side left -padx 1m -pady 2m \ -fill x pack .panel.bottom.cancel -side right -fill y pack .panel.bottom.ok -side left -fill y focus .panel.top.entry grab set .panel tkwait window .panel if {$scratch != ""} { aegis_new_file $branch $change $scratch } } proc new_file_undo {} { global branch change set files [aegis_get_new_files $branch $change] if {$files != ""} { set f [choose_files "Files to Remove" $files] if {$f != "" } { if [get_confirm "Remove file $f from project?"] { aegis_new_file_undo $branch $change $f } } } } proc remove_file {} { global branch change set files [aegis_get_removable_files $branch $change] if {$files != ""} { set f [choose_files "Files to Remove" $files] if {$f != "" } { if [get_confirm "Remove file $f from project?"] { aegis_remove_file $branch $change $f } } } } proc remove_file_undo {} { global branch change set files [aegis_get_removable_undo_files $branch $change] if {$files != ""} { set f [choose_files "Files to Undo Remove" $files] if {$f != "" } { if [get_confirm "Restore file $f to project?"] { aegis_remove_file_undo $branch $change $f } } } } proc copy_file {} { global branch change set files [aegis_get_copyable_files $branch $change] if {$files != ""} { set f [choose_files "Files to Change" $files] if {$f != "" } { aegis_copy_file $branch $change $f } } } proc copy_file_undo {} { global branch change set files [aegis_get_copyable_undo_files $branch $change] if {$files != ""} { set f [choose_files "Files to Undo Changes" $files] if {$f != "" } { if [get_confirm "Undo changes to $f?"] { aegis_copy_file_undo $branch $change $f } } } } # make_templates is intended to make makefile/cookfile and config # file templates upon first change proc make_templates {} { show_message "Sorry!" "Templates not implemented yet!" } proc build_project {} { global branch change if [winfo exists .build] { destroy .build } if [aegis_build $branch $change] { show_message "Info" "Build successful!" } else { show_text .build "Build Failed" [exec cat aegis.log] } } proc new_test {} { global branch change if [aegis_new_test $branch $change testfile] { run_editor $testfile } } proc new_test_undo {} { global branch change set files [aegis_get_new_test_files $branch $change] if {$files != ""} { set f [choose_files "Tests to Remove" $files ] if {$f != "" } { aegis_new_test_undo $branch $change $f } } } proc run_tests {} { global branch change if [winfo exists .test] { destroy .test } if [aegis_run_tests $branch $change] { show_message "Info" "Change passed tests" } else { show_text .test "Error" [exec cat aegis.log] } } proc run_regression_tests {} { global branch change if [winfo exists .regtest] { destroy .regtest } if [aegis_run_regression_tests $branch $change] { show_message "Info" "Change passed regression tests" } else { show_text .regtest "Error" [exec cat aegis.log] } } proc run_baseline_test {} { global branch change if [winfo exists .bltest] { destroy .bltest } if [aegis_run_baseline_test $branch $change] { show_message "Info" "Change passed baseline test" } else { show_text .bl_test "Error" [exec cat aegis.log] } } proc remove_develop_menus {} { global has_develop_menus if {$has_develop_menus} { set has_develop_menus 0 DestroyMainMenuItem test DestroyMainMenuItem build DestroyMainMenuItem file } } proc leave_develop_mode {} { remove_develop_menus DestroyMainMenuItem develop } ############### # REVIEW MODE # ############### proc enter_review_mode {} { global mode user branch if {[aegis_has_role r $user $branch] == 1} { leave_mode set mode "review" AddMainMenuItem review Review AddDropDownMenuCommand review "View Changes" view_changes AddDropDownMenuSeparator review AddDropDownMenuCommand review "Begin Review" review_change AddDropDownMenuCommand review "Abort Review" review_abort AddDropDownMenuSeparator review AddDropDownMenuCommand review "Pass" review_pass AddDropDownMenuCommand review "Fail" review_fail AddDropDownMenuCommand review "Undo Pass" review_pass_undo } } proc review_change {} { global branch change if [select_change "rpass" "review" ] { aegis_show_diffs $branch $change } } proc review_abort {} { global change aegis_trash_diffs set change "" } proc review_pass {} { global branch change if [select_change "rpass" "pass review"] { aegis_review_pass $branch $change aegis_trash_diffs } } proc review_fail {} { global branch change if [select_change "rfail" "fail review"] { aegis_review_fail $branch $change aegis_trash_diffs } } proc review_pass_undo {} { global branch change if [select_change "rpu" "undo review"] { aegis_review_pass_undo $branch $change aegis_trash_diffs } } proc leave_review_mode {} { DestroyMainMenuItem review } ################## # INTEGRATE MODE # ################## proc enter_integrate_mode {} { global mode user branch if {[aegis_has_role i $user $branch] == 1} { leave_mode set mode "integrate" AddMainMenuItem integrate Integrate AddDropDownMenuCommand review "View Changes" view_changes AddDropDownMenuSeparator integrate AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Start Integration" integrate_begin AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Resume Integration" integrate_resume AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Cancel Integration" \ integrate_begin_undo AddDropDownMenuSeparator integrate AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "View Differences" integrate_review AddDropDownMenuSeparator integrate AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Build" integrate_build AddDropDownMenuSeparator integrate AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "New Tests" integrate_new_tests AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Baseline Test" integrate_baseline_test AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Regression Test" \ integrate_regression_tests AddDropDownMenuSeparator integrate AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Pass" integrate_pass AddDropDownMenuCommand integrate "Fail" integrate_fail } } proc integrate_begin {} { global branch change if [select_change "ib" "begin integration"] { aegis_integrate_begin $branch $change } } proc integrate_resume {} { select_change "ibu" "resume integration" } proc integrate_begin_undo {} { global branch change if [select_change "ibu" "undo integration"] { if [aegis_integrate_begin_undo $branch $change] { show_message "Info" "Cancelled integration" } } } proc integrate_review {} { global branch change if [select_change "ibu" "integration review" ] { aegis_show_diffs $branch $change } } proc integrate_build {} { if [select_change "ibu" "integration build"] { build_project } } proc integrate_new_tests {} { if [select_change "ibu" "integration new tests"] { run_tests } } proc integrate_regression_tests {} { if [select_change "ibu" "integration regression tests"] { run_regression_tests } } proc integrate_baseline_test {} { if [select_change "ibu" "integration baseline test"] { run_baseline_test } } proc integrate_pass {} { global branch change if [select_change "ibu" "pass integration"] { aegis_trash_diffs cd .. aegis_integrate_pass $branch $change } } proc integrate_fail {} { global branch change if [select_change "ibu" "fail integration"] { aegis_trash_diffs aegis_integrate_fail $branch $change } } proc leave_integrate_mode {} { aegis_trash_diffs DestroyMainMenuItem integrate } ################################################################ # Switch in/out of modes proc leave_mode {} { global mode if {$mode == "administrate"} { leave_administrate_mode } elseif {$mode == "develop"} { leave_develop_mode } elseif {$mode == "review"} { leave_review_mode } elseif {$mode == "integrate"} { leave_integrate_mode } set mode "none" } proc enter_mode {mode} { if {$mode == "administrate"} { enter_administrate_mode } elseif {$mode == "develop"} { enter_develop_mode } elseif {$mode == "integrate"} { enter_integrate_mode } elseif {$mode == "review"} { enter_review_mode } } add_project_menu focus .mbar