/* * aegis - project change supervisor * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 2001 Peter Miller; * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * MANIFEST: report statistics about a project */ auto p, ps; p = project[project_name()]; title ( "The Project Statistics Report", sprintf("Project \"%s\"", p.name) ); ps = p.state.branch; /* * traverse each change */ auto cause_stats, cause_total; auto file_action_stats, file_action_total; auto file_usage_stats, file_usage_total; auto hist_now, hist_time, hist_state, hist_stats, hist_total, j; auto hist_total_min, hist_total_max; auto hist_chan, hist_min, hist_max; hist_now = now(); auto cn, cs, idx; hist_min = { garbage = 0; }; hist_max = { garbage = 0; }; for (cn in keys(ps.change)) { cs = ps.change[cn]; cause_stats[cs.cause]++; cause_total++; for (idx in cs.src) { file_action_stats[idx.action]++; file_action_total++; file_usage_stats[idx.usage]++; file_usage_total++; } cs.history ##= [{ when = hist_now; what = integrate_pass; }]; hist_chan = { garbage = 0; }; for (idx in cs.history) { if (idx.what == new_change) { hist_time = idx.when; hist_state = awaiting_development; continue; } hist_chan[hist_state] += working_days(hist_time, idx.when); hist_time = idx.when; if (idx.what == new_change) hist_state = awaiting_development; else if (idx.what == develop_begin) hist_state = being_developed; else if (idx.what == develop_begin_undo) hist_state = awaiting_development; else if (idx.what == develop_end) hist_state = being_reviewed; else if (idx.what == develop_end_2ar) hist_state = awaiting_review; else if (idx.what == develop_end_2ai) hist_state = awaiting_integration; else if (idx.what == develop_end_undo) hist_state = being_developed; else if (idx.what == review_begin) hist_state = being_reviewed; else if (idx.what == review_begin_undo) hist_state = awaiting_review; else if (idx.what == review_fail) hist_state = being_developed; else if (idx.what == review_pass) hist_state = awaiting_integration; else if (idx.what == review_pass_undo) hist_state = being_reviewed; else if (idx.what == integrate_begin) hist_state = being_integrated; else if (idx.what == integrate_begin_undo) hist_state = awaiting_integration; else if (idx.what == integrate_fail) hist_state = being_developed; else break; } for (idx in [awaiting_development, being_developed, awaiting_review, being_reviewed, awaiting_integration, being_integrated]) { j = hist_chan[idx]; hist_stats[idx] += j; if (!hist_min[idx] || j < hist_min[idx]) hist_min[idx] = j; if (j > hist_max[idx]) hist_max[idx] = j; } j = working_days(cs.history[0].when, hist_time); hist_total += j; if (!hist_total_min || j < hist_total_min) hist_total_min = j; if (j > hist_total_max) hist_total_max = j; } /* * print statistics about change state durations */ columns ( { name = "\nChange State\n-----------"; width = 21; }, { name = " Working\n Days\n---------"; width = 9; }, { name = "\nMinimum\n-------"; width = 7; }, { name = "\nAverage\n-------"; width = 7; }, { name = "\nMaximum\n-------"; width = 7; } ); for (idx in [awaiting_development, being_developed, awaiting_review, being_reviewed, awaiting_integration, being_integrated]) { hist_time = hist_stats[idx]; print ( idx, sprintf("%8.2f", hist_time), sprintf("%6.2f", hist_min[idx]), sprintf("%6.2f", hist_time * 1. / cause_total), sprintf("%6.2f", hist_max[idx]) ); } print ( "\nTotal", sprintf("---------\n%8.2f", hist_total), sprintf("-------\n%6.2f", hist_total_min), sprintf("-------\n%6.2f", hist_total * 1. / cause_total), sprintf("-------\n%6.2f", hist_total_max) ); /* * print statistics about change causes */ need(13); columns ( { name = "Change Cause\n--------------"; width = 23; }, { name = "Count\n------"; width = 7; }, { name = "Percent\n-------"; width = 7; } ); for (idx in sort(keys(cause_stats))) { print ( idx, sprintf("%5d", cause_stats[idx]), sprintf("%6.2f%%", 100. * cause_stats[idx] / cause_total) ); } print("\nTotal", sprintf("------\n%5d", cause_total)); /* * print statistics about file actions */ need(7); columns ( { name = "Change File Action\n--------------------"; width = 23; }, { name = "Count\n------"; width = 7; }, { name = "Percent\n-------"; width = 7; }, { name = "Average\n-------"; padding = 2; right = 0; } ); for (idx in sort(keys(file_action_stats))) { print ( idx, sprintf("%5d", file_action_stats[idx]), sprintf("%6.2f%%", 100. * file_action_stats[idx] / file_action_total), sprintf("%6.2f", file_action_stats[idx] * 1. / cause_total) ); } print ( "\nTotal", sprintf("------\n%5d", file_action_total), "", sprintf("-------\n%6.2f", file_action_total * 1. / cause_total) ); /* * print statistics about file usages */ need(9); columns ( { name = "Change File Type\n------------------"; width = 23; }, { name = "Count\n------"; width = 7; }, { name = "Percent\n-------"; width = 7; }, { name = "Average\n-------"; padding = 2; right = 0; } ); for (idx in sort(keys(file_usage_stats))) { print ( idx, sprintf("%5d", file_usage_stats[idx]), sprintf("%6.2f%%", 100. * file_usage_stats[idx] / file_usage_total), sprintf("%6.2f", file_usage_stats[idx] * 1. / cause_total) ); } print ( "\nTotal", sprintf("------\n%5d", file_usage_total), "", sprintf("-------\n%6.2f", file_usage_total * 1. / cause_total) );