/* * aegis - project change supervisor * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1997, 2001 Peter Miller; * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * * MANIFEST: report the staff currently assigned to a project */ auto p, ps, name, staff; p = project[project_name()]; title("The Project Staff Report", sprintf("Project \"%s\"", p.name)); columns ( { name = "Login\n--------"; width = 8; padding = 2; }, { name = "Full Name\n-----------"; width = 20; }, { name = "Developer\n----------"; width = 10; }, { name = "Reviewer\n----------"; width = 10; }, { name = "Integrator\n----------"; width = 10; }, { name = "Administrator\n-------------"; width = 13; } ); ps = p.state.branch; for (name in ps.developer) staff[name].developer = true; for (name in ps.reviewer) staff[name].reviewer = true; for (name in ps.integrator) staff[name].integrator = true; for (name in ps.administrator) staff[name].administrator = true; auto cn, cs, h; for (cn in keys(ps.change)) { cs = ps.change[cn]; for (h in cs.history) { if (h.what == new_change) staff[h.who].administrator_count++; else if (h.what == develop_begin) { staff[h.who].developer_count++; if (h.forced != "") staff[h.forced].administrator_count++; } else if (h.what == review_pass || h.what == review_fail) staff[h.who].reviewer_count++; else if (h.what == integrate_begin) staff[h.who].integrator_count++; } } for (name in sort(keys(staff))) { auto s, cmnt; s = staff[name]; if (s.developer && !s.developer_count) s.developer_count = 0; if (s.reviewer && !s.reviewer_count) s.reviewer_count = 0; if (s.integrator && !s.integrator_count) s.integrator_count = 0; if (s.administrator && !s.administrator_count) s.administrator_count = 0; try { cmnt = passwd[name].pw_comment; } catch (cmnt) { cmnt = ""; } print ( name, cmnt, sprintf ( "%7s", ( ( !s.developer && !s.developer_count ? "" : (s.developer_count + 0) ) ## (!s.developer && s.developer_count ? "-" : " ") ) ), sprintf ( "%7s", ( ( !s.reviewer && !s.reviewer_count ? "" : (s.reviewer_count + 0) ) ## (!s.reviewer && s.reviewer_count ? "-" : " ") ) ), sprintf ( "%7s", ( ( !s.integrator && !s.integrator_count ? "" : (s.integrator_count + 0) ) ## (!s.integrator && s.integrator_count ? "-" : " ") ) ), sprintf ( "%7s", ( ( !s.administrator && !s.administrator_count ? "" : (s.administrator_count + 0) ) ## (!s.administrator && s.administrator_count ? "-" : " ") ) ) ); }