#	aegis - project change supervisor
#	Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Miller;
#	All rights reserved.
#	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#	(at your option) any later version.
#	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#	GNU General Public License for more details.
#	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#	Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA.
# MANIFEST: glossary
list of german translations, please keep -*- text -*- alphabetically sorted

abort, to ~    ---  abbrechen
administrator  ---  Administrator
alias          ---  Alias
anticipate     ---  antizipieren ???
assignable     ---  zuweisbar
background     ---  Hintergrund
baseline       ---  Baseline
branch         ---  Branch (an aegis change branch of a project)
build          ---  Build `aegis -build'

cancel         ---  abbrechen
change         ---  Change (an aegis change in a project)
change is locked by ---  Change ist gelockt durch (???)
closest is     ---  nächste (the closest is ...), am nächsten dran ist
command line option ---  Kommandozeilenoption
complete       ---  beenden
compress       ---  komprimieren
core dumped    ---  core dumped (abort(), SEGV etc)
corrupted      ---  unbrauchbar (Daten, Felder)
create         ---  erzeugen, erstellen

data may have been corrupted   ---  Daten können unbrauchbar geworden sein
decompress     ---  dekomprimieren
decrement      ---  Dekrement (-- operator)
default        ---  Standard
delta          ---  Delta
developer      ---  Entwickler
development    ---  Bearbeitung
development begin      ---  Bearbeitungsbeginn, Bearbeitung beginnen
development directory  ---  Bearbeitungsverzeichnis
development end        ---  Bearbeitungsende, Bearbeitung abschließen
diff           ---  Diff `aegis -diff'
do a diff      ---  einen Diff erstellen

end-of-file             ---  Dateiende
end-of-line             ---  Zeilenende
environment variable    ---  Umgebungsvariable
escape                  ---  Ersatzdarstellung (lt. K&R II)
exit status             ---  exit-Status
expression              ---  Ausdruck
fail                    ---  fehlschlagen (Test)
fatal                   ---  fatal (error)
file                    ---  Datei
file modification time  ---  Änderungszeit der/einer Datei
file name pattern       ---  Dateinamensmuster
fingerprint             ---  Prüfsumme, Fingerabdruck?

history tool            ---  History-Tool

illegal                 ---  ungültig
inappropriate           ---  unangebracht
increment               ---  Inkrement (++ Op)
input                   ---  Eingabedaten
integrate begin         ---  Integrationsbeginn
integrate fail          ---  Integrate-Fail
integration directory   ---  Integrationsverzeichnis
integrator     ---  Integrator
interrupt      ---  unterbrechen (Signal)

join           ---  Verknüpfung

key            ---  Schlüssel

left hand side, LHS  ---  Zuweisungsseite
left shift     ---  Linksverschiebung
list name      ---  Listen-Name
lock           ---  Lock (lockfile)
log            ---  Log (aegis output, aegis.log)  Protokoll?
logging        ---  protokolliere
lookup         ---  Referenz
lvalue         ---  ?lvalue?

malformed      ---  unbrauchbar
mandatory      ---  vorgeschrieben, unerläßlich
merge, to ~    ---  mergen, zusammenführen (?)
merged version ---  angepaßte Version, zusammengeführte Version
misplaced      ---  fehlplaziert, an falscher Stelle
mode           ---  Zugriffsberechtigung (file mode, chmod)
modifiable     ---  veränderbar

obsolete       ---  überholt
owner          ---  Besitzer
out of range   ---  ungültig
output         ---  Ausgabedaten
outstanding    ---  offen, nicht abgeschlossen

pass integration  ---   die Integration abschließen
path           ---  Pfad
pattern        ---  Muster
power          ---  Potenz (math.)
print, to ~    ---  ausgeben (einen Wert, eine Variable)

quotes         ---  Anführungszeichen

recovery       ---  Wiederherstellung
remove         ---  entfernen `aegis -remove_file'
report         ---  Bericht
repository     ---  Repository
request        ---  Anforderung
review, to ~   ---  reviewen, durchsehen (?)
review fail    ---  Review-Fail
review failed  ---  Review fehlgeschlagen
review pass    ---  Review-Pass
reviewer       ---  Reviewer
right shift    ---  Rechtsverschiebung
root           ---  Root (Unix superuser)
run tests      ---  Tests laufen lassen

shift          ---  Verschiebung
source file    ---  Source-Datei  -> Quelldatei?
specify, to ~  ---  angeben
standard input ---  Standardeingabe
standard output ---  Standardausgabe
state          ---  Status Change Status (being_developed, awaiting_integration usw)
state lock     ---  Status-Lock
statement      ---  Anweisung (if-, else-,...)
string         ---  Text (char string)
substitution   ---  Ersetzung
successfully complete a diff ---   einen Diff erfolgreich durchlaufen
symbolic link  ---  symbolischer Link

tab            ---  Tab (ASCII 9, C-i)
tamper, to ~   ---  unerlaubt verändern
trunk          ---  Stamm?

unfinished     ---  unvollständiger
unterminated   ---  unabgeschlossen
user           ---  Benutzer
use, to ~      ---  verwenden, benutzen

version information name  ---  Versionsinformationsname

(was given ...)  ---  (angegeben wurde ...)