# aeintegratq - aegis integration manager
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008 Peter Miller.
# Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Endocardial Solutions, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# .
# Automatic integration script for aegis
# - Handles the normal stages of integration automatically.
# - Can do multiple integrations serially without resorting
# to cron jobs at short intervals, although that works too.
# has options for
# - controlling the order or subset of changes to integrate
# - setting changes as "precious" so they just stop rather than fail
# - picking up an integration which is part way through
# - will execute optional "hooks" at each stage, which may be used
# for many purposes under control of the administrator.
# - Requires arch_hosts to perform integrations on/for other architectures
# including integration host being different architecture than project
# target architecture.
# If arch_hosts not installed, will execute all locally which will
# work fine for single architecture projects.
# - If aelogres exists, it will be called at build/test failure
# to gather more sophisticated report of failure for email.
# If not, report will contain a simple tail of the log.
# - uses sound_all_machines, if available, to make audio
# announcement of pass/fail of each change.
# @configure_input@
# Grab useful locations from configure
$BinDir = "@bindir@";
# configure does not expand @comdir@ directly so use sharedstatedir
$ComDir = "@sharedstatedir@";
# Configure additions?
$TmpDir = "/var/tmp";
# base mail program that takes all info (to: subj: etc) on stdin
$SendMail = "/usr/lib/sendmail";
# Define the preferred integration host
# the aeib/aeipass take place there and may work better on the file server
# the -ib and/or -ip options can specify a remote server if desired.
$IntegrationHost = "_AEGIS_FILE_SERVER_";
$ProgramName = "aeintegratq";
require 5.004;
use Getopt::Long;
Getopt::Long::Configure( "no_ignore_case_always", "auto_abbrev" );
$ENV{'SHELL'} = "/bin/sh";
# set signal handlers so lock file is cleaned up on kill
$SIG{'INT'} = \&cleanup_and_quit;
$SIG{'QUIT'} = \&cleanup_and_quit;
$SIG{'TERM'} = \&cleanup_and_quit;
my %Option = (
ibserver => undef,
ipserver => undef,
Trace => 0,
sub usage
warn <<"EO_USAGE";
# Usage: $ProgramName [options] project_name [name...]
# Accepts options:
# -h Help - show this information
# -H Help - show this plus all helpful comment information
# -a run on Any machine (normally only $IntegrationHost)
# -s run remote operations via ssh (default rsh)
# -n No action - just tell what would be done
# -ib - Specify (remote) server on which ibegin be done
# or -ib "" - request server be determined as host for project baseline
# -ip - Specify (remote) server on which ipass be done
# or -ip "" - request server be determined as host for project baseline
# -display - use given X display
# or -display "" - use display as exists in environment
# -k Keep the scripts and report files
# -K Keep the temp file even if integration passes
# -l Loop to get more changes if available - stops when nothing done
# -M Minimum -M 33,99 run given changes -minimum
# -P Precious -P 33,99 do not actually fail - just report
# -R Ready -R 29,45 specify order/subset
# -S Pick up at stage (diff|build|test|integrate)
# -c change_num - specify change to integrate at Stage
# -p project_name - specify single project name
# NOTE: if custom options such as -P -R -S -c -p are given
# only a single project may be integrated since the
# options would be meaningless to the next project given.
exit 1;
GetOptions( \%Option,
) || usage();
# if they asked for help - just do it
if ( defined($Option{help}) )
if ( defined($Option{Help}) )
system "sed -n -e 's/^ *#:#/ #/p' $0";
$RemoteCommand = defined($Option{ssh}) ? "ssh" : "rsh";
# Convert the -P and -M options to a hash for future reference
%Precious = ();
%Minimums = ();
%Ready = ();
hash_option("-P", $Option{Precious}, \%Precious) if defined($Option{Precious});
hash_option("-M", $Option{Minimum}, \%Minimums) if defined($Option{Minimum});
hash_option("-R", $Option{Ready}, \%Ready) if defined($Option{Ready});
# allow -c to give a single change with familiar option
hash_option("-c", $Option{change}, \%Ready) if defined($Option{change});
$HookPath = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/integration_hooks";
# define some locations for logging and such
if ( defined( $ENV{'AEGIS_TEST_DIR'} ) ) {
$LogFile = "$ENV{'AEGIS_TEST_DIR'}/integrate.log";
$HookPath = $ENV{'AEGIS_TEST_DIR'};
} elsif ( -d "$ComDir/integrations" ) {
$LogFile = "$ComDir/integrations/integrate.log";
$LogFile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/integrate.log";
$Q_status = 0; # unless/until something goes wrong
# figure out who and where we are
$Integrator = (getpwuid($<))[0];
# Verify running on the chosen file server host, unless none defined
unless( $IntegrationHost =~ /AEGIS_FILE_SERVER/ )
chop($Host = `uname -n`);
# enforce $IntegrationHost unless only looking or -any option given
if ( ($Host ne "$IntegrationHost")
&& !(defined($Option{any}) || defined($Option{noaction}))
die "Integrations must be run on $IntegrationHost\n";
#:# Set up the Project list. Usually just be one project name
#:# If -p project is given we enforce only a single project for the run.
#:# Otherwise multiple projects (or multiple occurances of a project)
#:# may be given.
#:# Multiple occurances may be useful if you want to start integrating
#:# but may end more changes while integration is running.
#:# When done with the current list, aeintegratq will look again,
#:# as many times as the project name is given.
#:# Note that any failure puts an end to the happy situation.
if ( defined($Option{project}) )
@Projects = ( $Option{project} );
@Projects = @ARGV;
# set up stage name/status definitions
%Stages = ( "begin" => 1,
"difference" => 2,
"build" => 4,
"test" => 8,
"integrate" => 16
$StageStatus = 0;
if ( defined($Option{Stage}) )
if ( scalar(keys %Ready) ) # must provide -R n or -c n to specify
{ # what change to run using -S stage
my $start = '';
$stat_bit = 1;
# get stage names in order - to check or to diagnose errors
my @names = sort {$Stages{$a} <=> $Stages{$b}} keys %Stages;
foreach my $stage (@names)
if ( $stage =~ /$Option{Stage}/ )
$start = $stage;
warn sprintf("skipping %-12s set %d\n", $stage, $stat_bit);
$StageStatus |= $stat_bit;
$stat_bit <<= 1;
if ( $start )
warn "pre-setting starting stage to $start\n";
warn "Huh? illegal -S $Option{Stage} given - no such stage\n";
warn "Legal names: ", join(',', @names), "\n";
exit 1;
warn "-S stage requires -c change_number\n";
exit 1;
# set our base temp file name
$Tmp = "$TmpDir/intq.$$";
# Set up some things needed for remote execution.
# - a base script file name / increment
$ScriptFile = "." . $Integrator . ".sh." . $$;
$ScriptIncr = "aaa";
@ExecEnv = ();
if ( scalar(@Projects) )
# - a list of the relevant environment variables
@ExecEnv = &sift_user_env;
# A hash structure for change info needed
# first 3 are used for any/all projects/changes
# "dev_report" => "filename"
# "test_report" => "filename"
# "arch_report" => "filename"
# rest are calcualted for each project/change
# "developer => "who"
# "logfile" => "path";
# "build_archs" => [ ]
# "test_archs" => [ ]
# "tests_req" => [ ]
my %info = ( "dev_report" => &dev_rpt_file($Tmp),
"test_report" => &test_rpt_file($Tmp),
"arch_report" => &arch_rpt_file($Tmp),
my( $project, $change );
my @projects = @Projects;
my $q_size = 0;
# OK lets process the given project[s]
while(($Q_status == 0) && ($project = shift(@projects)) )
$project = &canonical_name($project);
$Q_status = 0; # want to integrate other projects after 1 fails
# generate and store lock file name
my @changes = &ready($project);
$q_size += scalar(@changes);
if( defined( $Option{verbose} ) )
&write_log(sprintf("run %d changes in %s",
scalar(@changes), $project));
while(($Q_status == 0) && (scalar(@changes)) )
my $entry = shift(@changes);
my $flags;
($change, $flags) = split(/:/, $entry);
chop(my $stage = `aesub -p $project -c $change \'\${state}\'`);
if( ( ( $stage =~ /awaiting_integration/ ) )
|| ( ( $stage =~ /being_integrated/ ) && $StageStatus ) )
# get architecture lists, and check support for same
if ( &check_arch_support($project, $change, \%info) )
# set the name of the temp file to use
$info{"logfile"} = "$Tmp.$project.$change";
# Get relevant info re: what must be done for this change
# first the developer's name
@tmplist = &aegis_report($project, $change,
$info{"developer"} = shift( @tmplist );
# And the test types required on the change
@tmplist = &aegis_report($project, $change,
@{ $info{"tests_req"} } = @tmplist;
# Got all info now - go do it
$Q_status = &integrate($project, $change, $flags, \%info);
&write_log("Skipping $project $change $stage - bad state");
# if -loop was given and we are done with project list
# - start over and run em again
if( ( defined($Option{loop}) ) # -loop was given
&& ( $#projects < 0 ) # done with this list
&& ( $q_size > 0 ) # this queue did something
&& ( $Q_status == 0 ) # successfully
push(@projects, @Projects);
$q_size = 0; # reset for next loop
&write_log("Loop again for " . join(" ", @Projects) );
# clean up our report generation program files
unlink $info{"dev_report"}, $info{"test_report"}, $info{"arch_report"}
unless ($Option{keep_scripts});
# Now call the end/fail run hook in case we need to schedule
# another run, clean up stuff, page someone, or whatever.
# Pass project and change number, which are actually last ones
# and may only matter to the .fail hook
if ( $Q_status == 0 )
$Q_status = &run_hooks($project, $change, "end");
$Q_status = &run_hooks($project, $change, "fail");
exit $Q_status;
# process of integrating a single change in one project
# these may, in future, be created as child processes to do
# more than one at a time, in disparate projects of course..
# Return result of sub stages, or 1 if ib fails
sub integrate
my($project, $change, $flags, $info) = @_;
my($result, $intdir);
&preview($project, $change, $flags, $info) if defined($Option{noaction});
if ( ($intdir = &integrate_begin($project, $change, $flags, $info))
&& ($intdir ne "_failed_ib_") )
if ( (($StageStatus & $Stages{"difference"}) ||
&difference($project, $change, $intdir, $info))
&& (($StageStatus & $Stages{"build"}) ||
&build( $project, $change, $intdir, $info))
&& (($StageStatus & $Stages{"test"}) ||
&test( $project, $change, $intdir, $info)) )
$result = &pass_integration($project, $change, $info);
$result = &fail_integration($project, $change, $info);
&write_log("FAILED integrate begin: $project $change");
$result = 1;
sub integrate_begin
my($project, $change, $flags, $info) = @_;
my $intdir = undef;
my $errors = 0;
my $logf = $info->{"logfile"};
my $aecmd = "aegis -ib -p $project -c $change";
if ( $StageStatus & $Stages{"begin"} ) # picking up an open integration
# must find existing integration directory
chop($intdir = `aegis -cd -p $project -c $change -terse`);
if ( $intdir =~ m=/delta\d+= )
&write_log("pick up integration of $project $change");
&write_log("no $aecmd - cannot pick up");
elsif ( &check_space($project) )
# log entries
&write_log("began integration of $project $change $flags");
# try the pre_ib hook
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "pre_ib");
unless( $errors )
# run aegis -ib send errs to $logf
# If option was given for begin server use it.
if( my $server = given_server("ibserver", $project) )
$errors = &host_cmd("$aecmd $flags", $server, $logf);
else # run command locally
$errors = &system_cmd("$aecmd $flags", $logf);
# If the ib failed there is nothing we can do
if( $errors )
# get the actual integration directory.
# Have to do this at the last minute because the
# integration begin makes a new directory
# that we do not know about until now
if ( $Option{noaction}) {
$intdir = $ENV{'HOME'}; # to provide existing directory
chop($intdir = `aegis -cd -p $project -c $change -ter`);
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "ib");
if( $errors ) # if the hook finds errors, undo the ib
&system_cmd("aegis -ibu -p $project -c $change", $logf);
# gripe
&write_log("Failed aeib $project $change No Space");
$intdir = "_failed_ib_" if $errors;
# difference the change
sub difference
my($project, $change, $chdir, $info) = @_;
my $errors = 0;
my($arch, $log_message);
my $aecmd = "aegis -diff -p $project -c $change";
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "pre_d");
unless ( $errors )
$errors = &system_cmd("cd $chdir && $aecmd -v -nolog",
if ( $errors )
&write_log("Failed $aecmd");
# on success run hooks if defined
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "d");
$errors == 0;
sub build
my($project, $change, $chdir, $info) = @_;
my $arch;
my $errors = 0;
# log file for all output
my $logf = $info->{"logfile"};
# list of architectures
my @archs = @{ $info->{"build_archs"} };
if ( @archs )
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "pre_b");
else # no architectures is an error
$errors = 1;
# run aegis -build on each - send errs to $logf - stop on first fail
while( ($errors == 0) && ($arch = shift(@archs)) )
my $build_host = &find_host("-b", $arch);
if ( $build_host ) # found one
my $aecmd = "aegis -build -p $project -c $change";
# log entries
my $log_message = "$aecmd ($arch $build_host)";
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "pre_" . $arch . "b");
unless ( $errors )
$errors = &host_cmd("cd $chdir;$aecmd -v -nolog",
$build_host, $logf);
# allow one re-try in case of false failures
# only with a strategy script if such a strategy is defined
if ( $errors )
my $strategy = $ENV{'HOME'} . "/strategy." . $project;
if ( -x $strategy ) # a strategy is defined
my $retry = "with $strategy";
# run the strategy for whatever it does
$errors = &host_cmd("cd $chdir;$strategy",
$build_host, $logf);
if ( $errors ) # strategy failed
&write_log("Oops $log_message $retry - failed");
# log it then go ahead and run another build
&write_log("Oops retry $log_message $retry");
$errors = &host_cmd("cd $chdir;$aecmd -v -nolog",
$build_host, $logf);
if ( $errors ) # still errors - too bad
&write_log("Failed retry $log_message $retry");
&write_log("OK retry $log_message $retry");
else # no strategy defined - just report failure
&write_log("Failed build $log_message");
if ( $errors ) # still - nothing worked?, gather results
$errors = &gather_results($errors, $chdir, $logf);
unless( $errors )
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, $arch . "b");
&write_log("Error:No build host for $project $change $arch");
# on success run hooks if defined
unless ( $errors )
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "b");
$errors == 0;
sub test
my($project, $change, $chdir, $info) = @_;
my $errors;
my $tests_run = 0;
# log file for all output
my $logf = $info->{"logfile"};
# list of architectures
my @archs = @{ $info->{"test_archs"} };
if ( @archs )
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "pre_t");
else # no architectures is an error
$errors = 1;
# stop on first failure
while( ($errors == 0) && ($arch = shift(@archs)) )
# log entries
&write_log("testing $project $change for $arch");
my @test_types = @{ $info->{"tests_req"} };
$errors = ($#test_types < 0) ? 1 : 0; # high hopes if list worked
while( ($errors == 0) && ($test = shift(@test_types)) )
$test =~ s/;.*$//;
my($test_type, $value) = split(/=/, $test);
# example output is:
# test=true;
# test_baseline=false;
# regression_test=true;
if ( $value eq "true" )
my($test_host, $test_args);
$test_host = &find_host("-t", $arch);
if ( $test_host ) # found one
if ( $test_type eq "test" )
$test_args = "-test";
elsif ( $test_type eq "test_baseline" )
$test_args = "-test -bl";
elsif ( $test_type eq "regression_test" )
$test_args = "-test -reg";
if ( $errors )
&write_log("Error: unknown test type:$test_type");
my $aecmd = "aegis $test_args -p $project -c $change";
my $log_message = "$aecmd ($arch $test_host)";
# KLUGE: Signal to some tests that this is not being
# KLUGE: run from a console
my $display = "INTEGRATE_SCRIPT";
# Allow a better value to be used
if( defined($Option{display}) ) # -display given
if( $Option{display} ) # not empty
$display = $Option{display};
else # use current value
{ # from environment OR base local display
$display = $ENV{DISPLAY} || ":0.0";
# build up the command line to use.
my $cmd = "cd $chdir && "
. "DISPLAY=$display "
. "$aecmd";
# Ok now run it
$errors = &host_cmd($cmd, $test_host, $logf);
if ( $errors )
$errors = &gather_results($errors, $chdir, $logf);
&write_log("No test host for $project $change $arch");
unless( $tests_run > 0 )
&write_log("$project $change is exempt from all tests!");
unless ( $errors )
# on success run hooks if defined
# Note that this hook could test for other kinds of test failures
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "t");
$errors == 0;
sub pass_integration
my($project, $change, $info) = @_;
my $errors = 0;
# tempfile for all output
my $logf = $info->{"logfile"};
my $ipass_log = $logf . ".ip";
my $aecmd = "aegis -ipass -p $project -c $change";
my $log_message = $aecmd;
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "pre_ip");
unless( $errors )
# log entries
# run aegis -ipass
# If option was given for pass server use it.
if( my $server = given_server("ipserver", $project) )
$errors = &host_cmd($aecmd, $server, $ipass_log);
else # run command locally
$errors = &system_cmd($aecmd, $ipass_log);
unless ( $errors )
$errors = &run_hooks($project, $change, "ip");
if ( $errors )
&write_log("Failed $log_message");
&mailFile($ipass_log, "ipass fail $project $change", $Integrator);
&sound_off("fail", $project, $change, $info->{"developer"});
my $xtras = $logf . ".*";
&sound_off("pass", $project, $change, $info->{"developer"});
system_cmd("rm -f $logf $xtras", "") unless ($Option{Keep_temp});
&write_log("completed integration of $project $change");
sub fail_integration
my($project, $change, $info) = @_;
my $errors = 1; # the failure itself is an error to stop queue
my $log_message;
my $developer = $info->{"developer"};
# log file for all output
my $logf = $info->{"logfile"};
my $failf = $logf . ".fail";
my $resf = $logf . ".res";
my $aecmd = "aegis -ifail -p $project -c $change";
# better subset of results may have been gathered by build/test
# and should be mailed if available
# If not no failf exists, so get the default info
if ( ! -s $failf )
# subset of results logged by process
&system_cmd("tail -20 $logf", "$failf");
if ( defined($Precious{$change}) || defined($Precious{"all"}) )
$who_to = $Integrator; # who to notify
$log_message = "aegis -ifail (precious) $project $change";
$who_to = $developer;
&run_hooks($project, $change, "pre_if"); # to do what?
# Now actually run aegis -ifail
$errors = &system_cmd("cd /;$aecmd -f $failf", $resf);
# Now a failure. If we actually failed the change, it is only
# a failure if the ifail fails....
if ( $errors )
$log_message = "Failed $aecmd";
&mailFile($resf, "ifail fail $project $change", $Integrator);
$log_message = "$aecmd";
# Now mail the digested results, either way
&mailFile($failf, "Integration $project $change Failed", $who_to);
# log entries
&write_log($log_message . ", results mailed to $who_to");
# but it always sounds like a failure ;^)
&sound_off("fail", $project, $change, $developer);
warn "rats - results left in $logf\n";
&run_hooks($project, $change, "if"); # to notify or whatever
# clean up rest unless keep option given
unlink $failf unless ( $Option{keep_temp} );
sub dev_rpt_file
my $rptf = shift;
$rptf .= ".dev";
if ( open(RPT, "> $rptf") )
print RPT <<'EO_RPT';
auto cs;
cs = project[project_name()].state.branch.change[change_number()];
auto developer;
developer = "nobody";
auto h;
for (h in cs.history)
if (h.what == develop_end)
developer = h.who;
die "unable to open $rptf:$!\n";
sub test_rpt_file
my $rptf = shift;
$rptf .= ".test";
if ( open(RPT, "> $rptf") )
print RPT <<'EO_RPT';
auto cs;
cs = project[project_name()].state.branch.change[change_number()];
print("test=" ## !cs.test_exempt ## ";");
print("test_baseline=" ## !cs.test_baseline_exempt ## ";");
print("regression_test=" ## !cs.regression_test_exempt ## ";");
die "unable to open $rptf:$!\n";
sub arch_rpt_file
my $rptf = shift;
$rptf .= ".arch";
if ( open(RPT, "> $rptf") )
print RPT <<'EO_RPT';
columns({ name = "Architecture\n----------"; right = 0; });
auto cs;
cs = project[project_name()].state.branch.change[change_number()];
auto arch;
if ( cs.config.build_covers_all_architectures )
if ( cs.config.test_covers_all_architectures )
for (arch in cs.architecture)
die "unable to open $rptf:$!\n";
sub ready
my $project = shift;
# allow -R n,n2,n3
my @i;
my @ready = ();
# Get list of changes from aegis. May override with -R or -c option
# but doing it first guarantees that automount is complete
# to prevent error of delta directory being created root:root ownership
chomp(@i = `aegis -ibegin -list -p $project -terse`);
if( scalar( keys %Ready ) ) # a subset was requested
# Need to also consider changes being integrated
chomp(my @ci = `aegis -ipass -list -p $project -terse`);
@i = sort {
$Ready{$a} cmp $Ready{$b}
} grep {
} @i, @ci;
# this is where to check for requested -minimum integrations
# and build the actual list - pushing mins to the end
while( my $n = pop(@i) )
if ( defined($Minimums{$n}) ) {
push(@ready, "$n:-minimum -v");
unshift(@ready, "$n:-v");
sub mailFile
my($fname, $subj, $who) = @_;
if ( $Option{noaction} )
warn "mailing $fname -s $subj to $who\n";
if ( open(DAT, "< $fname") )
if ( open(MAIL, "| $SendMail -t") )
print MAIL "To: $who\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subj\n";
print MAIL "\n";
print MAIL $_;
# bitch
warn "Unable to open pipe to $SendMail:$!\n";
# bitch
warn "Unable to open data file $fname:$!\n";
# entry in the integration log as necessary
sub write_log
my $msg = shift;
chop(my $date = `date +"%d %b %T"`);
if ( $Option{noaction} )
warn "$date $msg\n";
if ( open(LOG, ">> $LogFile") )
print LOG "$date $Integrator $msg\n";
warn "unable to open $LogFile:$!\n";
sub system_cmd
my($cmdstring, $resfile) = @_;
my $sysres;
my $logfile = ($resfile =~ /\w+/) ? $resfile : "/dev/null";
if ( $Option{noaction} )
$sysres = 0; # no action always succeeds
warn " -sh- running:$cmdstring to:$logfile\n";
$sysres = system("$cmdstring >> $logfile 2>&1");
if ( $sysres == 0xff00 )
warn "command ($cmdstring) failed";
elsif ( $sysres > 0x80 )
$sysres >>= 8;
elsif ( $sysres & 0x80 )
my $sig = $sysres & ~0x80;
warn "command ($cmdstring) core signal $sig\n";
sub host_cmd
my($cmdstring, $host, $logfile) = @_;
my $sysres;
if ( $host eq "localhost" )
$sysres = &system_cmd($cmdstring, $logfile);
elsif ( $Option{noaction} )
$sysres = 0; # no action always succeeds
my $info = $logfile ? "with $logfile" : "no-tmp";
warn " -$RemoteCommand-$host- $cmdstring $info\n";
$sysres = 0;
$ScriptIncr ++;
my $script = $ScriptFile . $ScriptIncr;
my $status = $script . ".status";
my $cwd;
if ( open(SCRIPT, "> $script") )
local($,) = "\n";
print SCRIPT "#!/bin/sh\n";
print SCRIPT @ExecEnv, "\n\n";
# exec cmdstring in a subshell
# so the current directory stays current for the status file.
print SCRIPT "( $cmdstring )\n";
print SCRIPT 'echo $? > ' . $status . "\n";
chmod 0777, $script;
chop($cwd = `pwd`); # the current directory
$cwd =~ s:^/tmp_mnt/:/:; # trim the blanketty blank automount
# preload the status file with non-success code
# so that if the rsh|ssh itself fails result will be failure.
my $rmtcmd = "echo 99 > $status;"
. "$RemoteCommand $host 'cd " . $cwd
. ";/bin/sh -c ./" . $script . "'";
if ( $logfile =~ /\w+/ )
$rmtcmd .= " >> $logfile 2>&1";
# Run the built up command string
# pick up the status of the remote command
# from the status file
chop($sysres = `cat $status`);
# And clean up droppings
unlink $script, $status unless ($Option{keep_temp});
warn "Error - unable to open script file:$!\n";
$sysres = 2;
# paths needed by remote execution stuff
# perhaps later we will use the existing ENV and just
# remove some cruft - hence the name.
sub sift_user_env
my @env = ();
my %uniq = ();
my %lang = ( "LANG" => "C", "LANGUAGE" => "en_US" ); # defaults
my @path = ();
# build a path that covers the system stuff on most system types
# also deal with configuration directory which
# might be different on host compared to target machine.
# Most should be covered by /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin
# If BinDir is one of those, it will come first and the dup eliminated
my @paths = ( # the venerable (and preferable) $BinDir
# common "prefix" directories
"/usr/local/bin", "/opt/local/bin", "/usr/bin", "/bin",
# basic system directories
"/usr/sbin", "/usr/etc",
# bsd tools on sgi|solaris|others
"/usr/bsd", "/usr/ucb",
# build tools on solaris
# Take pains to eliminate dups
foreach my $part (@paths)
push(@path, $part) unless defined( $uniq{$part} );
push(@env, "PATH=" . join(":", @path) . ";export PATH");
push(@env, "SHELL=/bin/sh;export SHELL");
push(@env, "TMPDIR=$TmpDir;export TMPDIR");
push(@env, "TMP=$TmpDir;export TMP");
unless( defined( $ENV{'AEGIS_TEST_DIR'} ) )
# Now take minimal basic locale environment from user - skip LC_*
foreach my $ev (keys %ENV)
if( $ev =~ /^LANG/ )
$lang{$ev} = $ENV{$ev};
foreach my $ev (keys %lang)
push(@env, sprintf("%s=%s;export %s", $ev, $lang{$ev}, $ev));
sub sound_off
my($type, $project, $change, $developer) = @_; # so we can personalize it
my($sound, @sounds);
# feature depends on existance of program "sound_all_machines"
if ( -x "$BinDir/sound_all_machines" )
my $utime = time(); # the unix time
my $hour = (localtime($utime))[2];
# only make noise if time is 07:00 - 19:00
if ( ($hour >= 7) && ($hour <= 19) )
# check for a personal one
$sound = $ComDir . "/sounds/" . $developer . "_" . $type;
# a set of numbered files is also allowed
my $lsargs = $sound . ".[0-9]*";
@sounds = `/bin/ls -1 $lsargs 2> /dev/null`;
my $limit = scalar(@sounds);
if ( $limit > 0 ) # found a set of files
{ # pick one at random
my $pid;
chop($pid = `echo \$\$`); # try simple method - use next pid
my $n = (($utime % $pid) % $limit); # and apply mod
$sound .= ".$n";
unless ( -s $sound ) # if not there then use old default
$sound = $ComDir . "/sounds/integration_" . $type;
&system_cmd("sound_all_machines $sound", "");
sub check_space
my $project = shift;
#stub - always OK now - check by size
# Look for a "hook" under the integrators home directory (HookPath)
# its name should be .
# or aeintegratq.end or aeintegratq.fail
# where project can be either an alias or a canonical name.
# Try the argument name first which may be an alias.
# Lacking that we get the canonical name and try it.
# This will be helpful for projects with aliases, so we
# don't have to maintain both the alias and the aegis name
# in case aeintegratq is invoked with either form
# Lacking the canonical name, strip the last branch component (if present)
# and try the parent. It is more simple to use branches if we don't
# have to duplicate any/all hooks for every one.
sub run_hooks
my($project, $change, $stage) = @_;
my $errors = 0;
if ( -d $HookPath )
my $hookfile;
if ( $stage =~ /end|fail/ )
$hookfile = "$HookPath/$ProgramName.$stage";
$hookfile = "$HookPath/$project.$stage";
# If exists as given use it
unless( -x $hookfile )
# try a cononical name
my $cname = &canonical_name($project);
$hookfile = '';
while( $cname )
$hookfile = "$HookPath/"
. "$cname"
. ".$stage";
if ( -x $hookfile )
$cname = ''; # no more need to check
# attempt to strip last branch component
if ( $cname =~ /(.+)\W\d+$/ )
$cname = $1;
$hookfile = ''; # did not find one
$cname = ''; # and nothing more to try
if ( $hookfile && -x $hookfile ) # came up with something usable
&write_log("run hook: $hookfile");
$errors = &system_cmd("$hookfile $project $change", "");
sub aegis_report
my($project, $change, $rptfile) = @_;
my $try = 3; # allow try up to 3 times
my @result = ();
my $bl_dir;
chop($bl_dir = `aegis -cd -bl -ter -p $project`);
# allow a couple retries to get the project directory mounted
until( -s "$bl_dir/config" || ($try-- <= 0) )
if ( $try )
chomp(@result = `aereport -p $project -c $change -f $rptfile -terse`);
# Use aesub to dereference project name
# if alias it will return canonical name, otherwise same name
sub canonical_name
my $projname = shift;
chop(my $canonical = `aesub -p $projname -bl \'\${project}\'`);
# Find a host on which to run - use arch_hosts to ensure it is up/free
# Also check for bogus names as a "belt and suspenders" paranoia.
# If arch_hosts not available, returns localhost so execution is local
# If project requires multiple architectures, arch_hosts is Required
sub find_host
my($job, $arch) = @_;
my $host = '';
my $typeres = `/bin/sh -c \"type arch_hosts 2>/dev/null\"`;
if ( ( $? == 0 ) && !defined($ENV{'AEGIS_TEST_DIR'} ) )
my $arch_host_cmd = (split(/\s+/, $typeres))[2];
my $tries = 0;
while( ($host eq '') && ($tries++ < 4) )
chop($host = `$arch_host_cmd -f $job -q 1 -a $arch`);
unless( ($? == 0) && (gethostbyname $host) )
&write_log("find_host $job $arch failed<$host>");
$host = '';
$host = "localhost";
# Checks to see if a program called aelogres is available
# if so runs it in the change directory to search aegis.log
# Puts any such output in $logf.fail which will be used
# for the ifail input.
# If aelogres is not available, does nothing and the
# ifail will use a default subset of data for message.
# Note that we or the results
sub gather_results
my($errors, $chdir, $logf) = @_;
# If aelogres is available it can produce a better report
# of the problem and/or report as errors things that aegis
# would not, such as considering compiler warnings
if ( -x "$BinDir/aelogres" )
my $failf = $logf . ".fail";
my $rescmd = "cd $chdir && "
. "aelogres -i aegis.log";
$errors |= &system_cmd($rescmd, "$failf");
sub check_arch_support
my($project, $change, $info) = @_;
my $ok = 0; # no go until we find out
my($build_covers_all, $test_covers_all, @archlist);
# get architecture of machine we are running on
# must use aesub since projects can name architectures anything
# and might even be changing the name in this change
chop(my $hostarch =
`aesub -p $project -c $change \'\${architecture}\' 2> /dev/null`);
# hostarch will be empty if project does not define this archtecture
# Which is a sure indication that arch_hosts is required.
if ( $hostarch || -x "$BinDir/arch_hosts" )
# get architecture list required for this change
@archlist = &aegis_report($project, $change, $info->{"arch_report"});
# take off the first two entries
# First is the "build_covers_all_architectures=(true|false)"
$build_covers_all = shift(@archlist);
# Second is the "test_covers_all_architectures=(true|false)"
$test_covers_all = shift(@archlist);
if ( @archlist )
$ok = 1;
# Now check each - even though it may be a list of 1
foreach my $arch (@archlist)
unless( ($arch eq $hostarch) || -x "$BinDir/arch_hosts" )
$ok = 0; # bummer - can't do it
if ( $ok )
if ( $build_covers_all =~ /true/ ) # all in one go?
# Take the first architecture which will
# allow project admins to control on which arch to build
@{ $info->{"build_archs"} } = ( $archlist[0] );
@{ $info->{"build_archs"} } = @archlist;
if ( $test_covers_all =~ /true/ ) # all in one go?
# Take the first architecture which will
# allow project admins to control on which arch to build
@{ $info->{"test_archs"} } = ( $archlist[0] );
@{ $info->{"test_archs"} } = @archlist;
warn "No architecture support for $project $change\n";
@{ $info->{"test_archs"} } = ();
@{ $info->{"build_archs"} } = ();
sub hash_option
my( $opt, $val, $href ) = @_;
$val =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; # in case all is given mixed case
my @vals = split(/,/, $val);
my $index = "aa"; # ascii index for easy sort
# Store values in hash using $index to keep track of order
foreach my $v (@vals)
if( $v =~ /all/ )
$href->{$v} = "a";
elsif( $v =~ /\d+/ )
$href->{$v} = $index++;
# Make sure the option had a legal argument given
unless( scalar( keys %$href ) )
warn "$opt requires keyword \"all\" or 1 or more change numbers\n\n";
# look at options to see if one was given for ibegin or ipass
sub given_server
my($option, $project) = @_;
my $server = undef;
# was the option given at all
if( defined($Option{$option}) )
if( $Option{$option} ) # a name was given
$server = $Option{$option};
else # empty string given - find the server
chop(my $baseline = `aesub -p $project -bl \'\${baseline}\'`);
if( open(DF, "df -k $baseline |") )
if( my( $s ) = m=(\w[^:]+):/\w+= )
$server = $s;
warn "Unable to run df for $baseline:$!\n";
return $server;
sub preview
my($project, $change, $flags, $info) = @_;
printf("integrating %s %s with %s\n", $project, $change, $flags);
printf("info contains:\n");
printf(" developer => %s\n", $info->{"developer"});
printf(" logfile => %s\n", $info->{"logfile"});
printf(" build_archs => %s\n", join(",", @{ $info->{"build_archs"} }));
printf(" test_archs => %s\n", join(",", @{ $info->{"test_archs"} }));
printf(" tests_req => %s\n", join(" ", @{ $info->{"tests_req"} }));
sub cleanup_and_quit
exit 0;
# EOF script/aeintegratq.in