// aegis - project change supervisor
// Copyright (C) 1992-2000, 2002-2008, 2011, 2012 Peter Miller
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see
// .
#ifndef AEGIS_USER_H
#define AEGIS_USER_H
class project; // forward
class output_ty; // forward
* The user_ty class represents a user (usually, the operating system's
* idea of a user) an information about that user, and her preferences.
class user_ty
* The pointer typedef is to be used whenevr pointing to a user_ty
* object. This allows the pointer type to be changed to a smart
* pointer in the future.
typedef aegis_shared_ptr pointer;
* The destructor.
* It is not virtual, thou shalt not derived from this class.
* The create class method is used to create new heap instances
* of users. The user in this case being the user who executeed
* this program.
static user_ty::pointer create();
* The default constructor.
* The create class method is used to create new heap instances of
* users. The default group is derived from the password file.
* @param uid
* The user ID involved.
static user_ty::pointer create(int uid);
* The constructor.
* @param uid
* The user ID involved.
user_ty(int uid);
* The create class method is used to create a user structure for
* the aegis/gonzo.cc file. It has a known uid and gid, and will
* succeed, even if there are no relvant entries in system tables.
* @param uid
* system user id
* @param gid
* system group id
static user_ty::pointer create(int uid, int gid);
* The constrctor.
* @param uid
* system user id
* @param gid
* system group id
user_ty(int uid, int gid);
* The create class method is used to create a user instance from
* a login name.
* The login name is mapped to a uid. The password file is
* searched from beginning to end, so the cannonical name is the
* first found in the password file. The cannonical name is used
* even for user structures created with this function.
* @param login_name
* user's login name
static user_ty::pointer create(const nstring &login_name);
* The create_by_directory class method is used to create a user
* from the ownership of a directory.
* @param path
* The absolute path pf the directory of interest.
* @returns
* pointer to new user_ty instance
static user_ty::pointer create_by_directory(const nstring &path);
* The progress_option_set class method is called by command line
* processing to indicate that a --progress command line option has
* been seen.
* @param usage
* The function to call if a fail via a usage message is
* required.
static void progress_option_set(void (*usage)(void));
* The progress_option_clear class method is called by command line
* processing to indicate that a --no-progress command line option
* has been seen.
* @param usage
* The function to call if a fail via a usage message is
* required.
static void progress_option_clear(void (*usage)(void));
* The progress_get method is used to determine whether or not
* progress messages should be displayed. It consults the command
* line settings and also the user's progress attribute. Being in
* the background is not considered. The --verbose option is not
* considered. The default is to return false.
* Example:
* attribute =
* [
* { name = "progress-preference"; value = "true"; }
* ];
bool progress_get();
* The name method is used to obtain the login name of this user.
nstring name() const;
* The full_name method is used to obtain the human readable name
* of this user, as recorded in the password file.
nstring full_name() const;
* The full_name class method is used to obtain the full name of a
* user, given the login name.
* @param login
* The login name of the user
* @returns
* the full name of the user, or the empty string if it doesn't
* exist.
static nstring full_name(const nstring &login);
* The get_uid method is used to obtain the operating system user
* ID associated with this user.
int get_uid() const;
* The check_uid method is used to verify that this user has an
* acceptable level of privilege.
bool check_uid() const;
* The get_gid method is used to obtain the operating system group
* ID associated with this user.
int get_gid() const;
* The check_gid method is used to verify that this user has an
* acceptable level of privilege.
bool check_gid() const;
* The get_group_name method is used to obtain the name of the
* operating system group attached to this user.
nstring get_group_name() const;
* The set_gid method is used to set the group ID of this user.
* @param gid
* The group ID to use.
* @param weak
* true if it is OK that the group doesn't exists, false
* (default) if it is an error if the group desn't exist.
void set_gid(int gid, bool weak = false);
* The umask_set method is used to set the file creation mode mosk.
* @param um
* The new mask.
void umask_set(int um);
* The umask_get method is used to obtain the new file creation
* permissions mode mask for this user.
int umask_get() const;
* The get_home method is used to obtain the absolute path of this
* user's home directory.
nstring get_home() const;
* The get_email_address method is used to read the user's
* preferences for her email address. Defaults to full name from
* /etc/passwd, then login name at hostname (not generally useful).
nstring get_email_address();
* The ustate_write method is used to write any modified ustate
* file contents back to disk.
void ustate_write();
* The user_own_add function is used to add a change to the user's
* list of owned changes.
* @param pp
* project of the change
* @param chanum
* the number of the change
void own_add(project *pp, long chanum);
* The user_own_nth function is used to fetch the n'th
* change owned by a user.
* The project name is derived from the user structure.
* @param pp
* project of the change
* @param n
* selector
* @param chanum
* reference to where to put number of the change
* @returns
* true on sucess, false if no such n.
bool own_nth(project *pp, long n, long &chanum);
* The user_own_remove function is used to
* remove a change from the user's owned change list.
* @param pp
* project of the change
* @param chanum
* number of the change.
* The change is assumed to be unique.
void own_remove(project *pp, long chanum);
* The default_change method is used to find the default change
* number. It is a fatal error if there isn't one.
* @param pp
* The project of interest.
* @returns
* the change number.
long default_change(project *pp);
* The default_project method is used to determine the default
* project of the specified user. It is a fatal error if there is
* no default project name for the user.
nstring default_project();
* The default_development_directory method is used to determine
* the absolute path of the user's default development directory.
* If the user has not explicitly set one, and the project does not
* have one set, the user's home directory will be returned.
* @param pp
* The project to consult for its default development
* directory, as wel.
nstring default_development_directory(project *pp);
* The default_project_directory method is used to determine the
* absolute path for where to place new projects.
* if the user has not explicitly set one, the user's home
* directory will be returned.
nstring default_project_directory();
* The become_begin method is used to set the effective uid and
* gid to be those of this user. In this way, the code can
* impersonate a variety of users, while still enforcing strict
* secure semantics.
void become_begin();
* The become_end method is used to reverse the effects of the
* become_begin method.
* These two methods shall always be used in pairs. This is
* simplified further if you use the user_ty::become class.
void become_end();
* The user_ty::become class is used to take care of becoming a
* user, and then ceasing to become that user at the end of the
* scope. For example:
* {
* user_ty::become scoped(up);
* ...glue...
* if (something)
* return;
* ...execute...
* }
* No matter how the flow of execution leaves the scope (break,
* continue, return, exceptions) the become_end will always occur,
* because the destructor is automatically called by the compiler.
* This is an example of the Resoure Acquisition Is Initialisation
* (RAII) design pattern.
class become
* The constructor. Start impersonating the user.
become(user_ty::pointer a_up) :
* The destructor. Stop impersonating the user.
* The up instance variable is used to remember which user is
* being impersonated.
user_ty::pointer up;
* The copy constructor. Do not use.
become(const become &);
* The assignment operator. Do not use.
become &operator=(const become &);
* The delete_file_query method is used to determine whether a file
* should be deleted or not.
* @param filename
* The name of the file to be deleted
* @param isdir
* whether the file is a directory (true) or a regular file (false).
* @param default_preference
* If the user gave no preference on the command line, use this
* instead. 1 -> true, 0 -> false, -1 -> look in .aegisrc
* @returns
* true if the file should be deleted, or false if it should not.
bool delete_file_query(const nstring &filename, bool isdir,
int default_preference);
* The delete_file_argument class method is used to process --keep
* and --no-keep command line options.
* @param usage
* Exit via this function on error.
static void delete_file_argument(void (*usage)(void));
* The ustate_lock_prepare method is used to notify the lock
* manager that a ustate lock will be required.
void ustate_lock_prepare();
* The lock_wait_argument class method is used to process --wait
* and --no-wait command line arguments.
* @param usage
* Exit via this function on error.
static void lock_wait_argument(void(*usage)(void));
* The lock_wait method may be used if this user wants to wait for
* locks or not.
bool lock_wait();
* The editor_command method is used to read the user's preferences
* for editor to use with aegis. Defaults to EDITOR environment
* variable, or else "ed".
nstring editor_command();
* The visual_command method is used to read the user's preferences
* for a visual editor to use with aegis. Defaults to VISUAL
* environment variable, or else the EDITOR environment variable,
* or else "vi".
nstring visual_command();
* The diff_preference method is ised to obtain this user's aed
* preference.
* @returns
* The choices are always merge, never merge, and automatic
* (default).
uconf_diff_preference_ty diff_preference();
* The pager_preference method is used to obtain this user's pager
* preference.
* @returns
* true if should use pager, false if should not use pager.
bool pager_preference();
* The pager_command method is used to read the user's preferences
* for pager to use with aegis. Defaults to PAGER environment
* variable. If $PAGER is not set then "more" is used.
nstring pager_command();
* The persevere_preference method is used to determine whether or not
* aet (and friends) should persevere in the face of errors.
* @param dflt
* The default to use, should the not have set a preference.
bool persevere_preference(bool dflt);
* The persevere_argument class method is used to process
* --presevere and -no-persevere command line arguments.
* @param usage
* Exit via this function on error.
static void persevere_argument(void(*usage)(void));
* The log_file_preference method may be used to obtain this user's
* log file preference.
* @param dflt
* If the user has not specified one, this argument is the
* default to be returned (varies with command).
* @returns
* the choices are: none, replace, append
uconf_log_file_preference_ty log_file_preference(
uconf_log_file_preference_ty dflt);
* The relative_filename_preference_argument class method is used
* to process --base-relative and --not-base-relative command line
* options.
* @param usage
* Exit via this function on error.
static void relative_filename_preference_argument(void(*usage)(void));
* The relative_filename_preference method may be used to obtain
* this user's preference for whethger or not relative file names
* on the command line are relative to the development diorectory
* root, or relative to the current directory.
* @param dflt
* The default to use if the user has not selected on (varies
* with command).
* @returns
* the choices are: base, current
uconf_relative_filename_preference_ty relative_filename_preference(
uconf_relative_filename_preference_ty dflt);
* The symlink_pref_argument is used to process the
* --symbolic-links and --no-symbolic-links command line options.
* @param usage
* Exit via this function on error.
static void symlink_pref_argument(void(*usage)(void));
* The symlink_pref method may be used to obtain this user's
* symbolic link maintenance preference. Some development
* directory styles do not have to be maintained.
* If your development directory style uses hard links or copies,
* this method also controls them.
* @param proj_files_changed
* true if any project files have changed recently
* @returns
* true to update the links, false to not update the links
bool symlink_pref(bool proj_files_changed);
* The symlink_pref_argument is used to process the --whiteout and
* --no-whiteout command line options.
* @param usage
* Exit via this function on error.
static void whiteout_argument(void (*usage)(void));
* The whiteout mwthod may be used to determine this user's
* whiteout file preference.
* @param dflt
* The default the comman wants (true (0) or false (1))
* or -1 if the user's .aegisrc file is to be consulted.
* @returns
* true if whiteout files are to be used, false if no whiteout
* files are to be generated.
bool whiteout(int dflt = -1);
* The uconf_write_xml method may be used to write this user's
* uconf data out as XML.
* @param op
* Where to write the XML.
void uconf_write_xml(output::pointer op);
* The uconf_get method is used to get the uconf data corresponding
* to the specified user. It is cached. This should be used
* sparingly, if at all. It is preferable to use one of the above
* methods if at all possible.
* @returns
* pointer to uconf structure in dynamic memory
* @note
* this method will eventually be PRIVATE
uconf_ty *uconf_get();
* The login_name instance variable is used to remember the login
* name of this user.
nstring login_name;
* The login_full_name instance variable is used to remember the
* full name of this user, as recorded in the password entry.
nstring login_full_name;
* The home instance variable is used to remember the absolute path
* of this user's home directory.
nstring home;
* The group_name instance variable is used to remember the name
* of the operating system group attached to this user.
nstring group_name;
* The user_id instance variable is used to remeber the operating
* system user ID associated with this user.
int user_id;
* The group_id instance variable is used to remeber the operating
* system group ID associated with this user.
int group_id;
* The umask instance variable is used to remember this user's
* preferred new file mode creation mask.
int umask;
* The ustate_path instance variable is used to remember where the
* ustate file is that holds this user's index of owned project.
* In some ways this is not ideal, since the path depends on which
* gonzo holds the project record. There is more than one.
nstring ustate_path;
* The ustate_data instance variable is used to remember the
* location of the cached ustate data for this user.
* In some ways this is not ideal, since the data depends on which
* gonzo holds the project record. There is more than one.
ustate_ty *ustate_data;
* The ustate_is_new instance variable is used to remember whether
* or not a new ustate file is to be created.
bool ustate_is_new;
* The ustate_modified instance variable is used to remember
* whether or not the cahced ustate data has been modified, and
* needs to be written out.
bool ustate_modified;
* The user_ustate_get function is used to fetch the "ustate" file
* for this user, caching for future reference.
* @param pp
* The project of interest
ustate_ty *ustate_get(project *pp);
* The uconf_path instance variable is used to remember the
* absolute path of this user's .aegisrc file.
nstring uconf_path;
* The uconf_data instance variable is used to remember the base
* address of the read-in .aegisrc file data. It is cached for
* efficiency.
uconf_ty *uconf_data;
* The lock_magic instance variable is used to remember the last
* time the locks changed, so that uconf and ustate data can be
* invalidated, if necessary. See the lock_sync method.
long lock_magic;
* The lock_sync method is used to flush any out-of-date data
* caching associated with the user structure.
void lock_sync();
* The pool_nusers class variable is used to remember how many
* user_ty instaces currently exist.
static size_t pool_nusers;
* The pool_nusers_max class variable is used to remember the size
* allocated for the pool_user array.
* assert(pool_nusers <= pool_nusers_max);
static size_t pool_nusers_max;
* The pool_user class variable is used to remember the base
* address of a dynamically allocated array of pointers to user
* instances.
* assert(!pool_user == !pool_nusers_max);
static pointer *pool_user;
* The pool_find class method is used to look into the pool of
* user_ty instances to determine wether or not the given UID
* corresponds to an existing user_ty instance.
* This is an O(n) search. It is expected that there will be at
* most 4, so the slow search isn't a problem - a faster search
* would have a larger k - making it moot.
* @param uid
* The UID to search for
* @returns
* pointer if found, NULL if not found
static user_ty::pointer pool_find(int uid);
* The pool_add class method is used to add a new user_ty instance
* to the pool.
static void pool_add(user_ty::pointer up);
* The waiting_for_lock method is used to print a message to inform
* the user of the progress acquiring the lock.
void waiting_for_lock();
* The waiting_for_lock class method is used to call the
* waiting_for_lock method.
static void waiting_for_lock(void *);
// use user_ty::create(int) instead
user_ty::pointer user_numeric(int uid) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::create(int, int) instead
user_ty::pointer user_numeric2(int uid, int gid) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::create(nstring) instead
user_ty::pointer user_symbolic(string_ty *login_name) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::create() instead
user_ty::pointer user_executing(void) DEPRECATED;
// use nothing at all
void user_free(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// just assign it
user_ty::pointer user_copy(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::name() instead
string_ty *user_name(user_ty::pointer up) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::full_name() instead
string_ty *user_name2(user_ty::pointer up) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::get_uid() instead
int user_id(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::get_gid() instead
int user_gid(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::umask_get() instead
int user_umask(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::ustate_lock_prepare() instead
void user_ustate_lock_prepare(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::get_group_name() instead
string_ty *user_group(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::get_home() instead
string_ty *user_home(user_ty::pointer up) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::get_email_address() instead
string_ty *user_email_address(user_ty::pointer up) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::editor_command() instead
string_ty *user_editor_command(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::visual_command() instead
string_ty *user_visual_command(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// see user_ty::pager_command instead
string_ty *user_pager_command(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::full_name(const nstring &) instead
string_ty *user_full_name(string_ty *) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::ustate_write() instead
void user_ustate_write(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::own_add instead
void user_own_add(user_ty::pointer up, project *pp, long chanum) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::own_nth instead
int user_own_nth(user_ty::pointer up, project *oo, long n, long *chanum_p)
// use user_ty::own_remove instead
void user_own_remove(user_ty::pointer up, project *pp, long chanum)
// use user_ty::default_change(project *pp) instead
long user_default_change(user_ty::pointer up, project *pp) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::default_project() instead
string_ty *user_default_project_by_user(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::default_project() instead
string_ty *user_default_project(void) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::default_development_directory(project *pp) instead
string_ty *user_default_development_directory(user_ty::pointer up,
project *pp) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::default_project_directory() instead
string_ty *user_default_project_directory(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::become_begin() instead
void user_become(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::become_end() instead
void user_become_undo(void) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::delete_file_query instead
bool user_delete_file_query(user_ty::pointer up, string_ty *filename,
bool isdir, int default_preference) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::delete_file_argument instead
void user_delete_file_argument(void (*)(void)) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::diff_preference() instead
int user_diff_preference(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::pager_preference() instead
int user_pager_preference(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::persevere_preference() instead
int user_persevere_preference(user_ty::pointer, int) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::persevere_argument instead
void user_persevere_argument(void(*)(void)) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::log_file_preference instead
uconf_log_file_preference_ty user_log_file_preference(user_ty::pointer,
uconf_log_file_preference_ty) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::lock_wait_argument instead
void user_lock_wait_argument(void(*usage)(void)) DEPRECATED;
// user user_ty::lock_wait instead
int user_lock_wait(user_ty::pointer up) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::whiteout_argument instead
void user_whiteout_argument(void(*)(void)) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::whiteout instead
int user_whiteout(user_ty::pointer up, int dflt = -1) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::symlink_pref_argument instead
void user_symlink_pref_argument(void(*)(void)) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::symlink_pref instead
int user_symlink_pref(user_ty::pointer, int) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::relative_filename_preference_argument instead
void user_relative_filename_preference_argument(void(*)(void)) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::relative_filename_preference instead
uconf_relative_filename_preference_ty user_relative_filename_preference(
user_ty::pointer, uconf_relative_filename_preference_ty) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::uconf_write_xml instead
void user_uconf_write_xml(user_ty::pointer, output::pointer) DEPRECATED;
// use user_ty::uconf_get() instead
uconf_ty *user_uconf_get(user_ty::pointer) DEPRECATED;
#endif // AEGIS_USER_H
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