// aegis - project change supervisor
// Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1994, 2002-2008, 2012 Peter Miller.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see
// .
// This code is based on the heart of a file comparison program
// written by David I. Bell, and used by kind permission.
// This notice must be retained in all copies and derivatives.
// Contact the author of aegis for a copy of the file comparison program.
// This code is based on the algorithm in:
// An O(ND) Difference Algorithm and Its Variations
// Eugene W. Myers
// (TR 85-6, April 10, 1985)
// Department of Computer Science
// The University of Arizona
// Tuscon, Arizona 85721
// Also see:
// A File Comparison Program
// Webb Miller and Eugene W. Myers
// Software Practice and Experience
// (Volume 15, No. 11, November 1985)
struct snake_t
long line1;
long line2;
long count;
snake_t *next;
static long tablesize; // needed table size
static long tablesize_max; // allocated table size
static long *V1; // the row containing the last d
static long *V1_table;
static long *V2; // another row
static long *V2_table;
static snake_t *nextsnake; // next allocable snake structure
static snake_t *snake_table; // allocable snake structures
struct file
const char *f_lines;
long f_linecount;
struct fc_t
file fileA;
file fileB;
long maxlines;
long minlines;
long inserts;
long deletes;
long matches;
static fc_t fc;
// Routine to find the middle snake of an optimial D-path spanning
// lines A to A+N in file A to lines B to B+N in file B. Returns the
// length D of the D-path as a return value, and the upper left and
// lower right relative coordinates of a snake midway through the D-path.
static long
midsnake(long A, long N, long B, long M, long *ulx, long *uly,
long *lrx, long *lry)
long x;
long y;
long k;
long oldx;
const char *lp1;
const char *lp2;
long DELTA;
long odd;
long MAXD;
long changes;
long D;
trace(("midsnake(A = %ld, N = %ld, B = %ld, M = %ld)\n{\n", A, N, B, M));
trace(("searching: %ld,%ld to %ld,%ld\n", A, B, A + N, B + M));
DELTA = N - M;
odd = DELTA & 1;
MAXD = (M + N + 1) / 2;
V1[1] = 0;
V2[-1] = 0;
changes = -odd - 2;
// This is the main loop for searching for the snake.
// D is the distance off the diagonals, and is the number
// of changes needed to get from the upper left to the
// lower right corner of the region.
for (D = 0; D <= MAXD; D++)
changes += 2;
// Examine all diagonals within current distance.
// First search from upper left to lower right,
// and then search from lower right to upper left.
for (k = -D; k <= D; k += 2)
// Find the end of the furthest forward D-path
// in diagonal k.
if (k == -D || (k != D && (V1[k - 1] < V1[k + 1])))
x = V1[k + 1];
x = V1[k - 1] + 1;
y = x - k;
lp1 = &fc.fileA.f_lines[A + x];
lp2 = &fc.fileB.f_lines[B + y];
oldx = x;
while (x < N && y < M && *lp1 == *lp2)
V1[k] = x;
// See if path overlaps furthest reverse D-path.
// If so, then we have found the snake.
if (odd && (k >= (DELTA - (D - 1))) && (k <= (DELTA + (D - 1))))
if ((x + V2[k - DELTA]) >= N)
*ulx = oldx;
*uly = oldx - k;
*lrx = x;
*lry = y;
trace(("midsnake: %ld,%ld to %ld,%ld (odd)\n", *ulx, *uly,
*lrx, *lry));
trace(("return %ld;\n", changes));
return changes;
for (k = -D; k <= D; k += 2)
// Find the end of the furthest reaching reverse
// path in diagonal k+DELTA.
if (k == D || (k != -D && (V2[k + 1] < V2[k - 1])))
x = V2[k - 1];
x = V2[k + 1] + 1;
y = x + k;
lp1 = &fc.fileA.f_lines[A + N - x - 1];
lp2 = &fc.fileB.f_lines[B + M - y - 1];
oldx = x;
while (x < N && y < M && *lp1 == *lp2)
V2[k] = x;
// See if path overlaps furthest forward D-path.
// If so, then we have found the snake.
if (!odd && (k <= D - DELTA) && (k >= -D - DELTA))
if ((x + V1[k + DELTA]) >= N)
*ulx = N - x;
*uly = M - y;
*lrx = N - oldx;
*lry = *lrx + *uly - *ulx;
trace(("midsnake: %ld,%ld to %ld,%ld (even)\n",
*ulx, *uly, *lrx, *lry));
trace(("return %ld;\n", changes));
return changes;
// Middle snake procedure failed!
assert(!"Middle snake procedure failed");
return 0;
// Recursive routine to find a minimal D-path through the edit graph
// of the two input files. Arguments are the beginning line numbers in
// the files, and the number of lines to examine. This is basically a
// divide-and-conquer routine which finds the middle snake of an optimal
// D-path, then calls itself to find the remainder of the path before the
// snake and after the snake.
static void
findsnake(int depth, long A, long N, long B, long M)
snake_t *sp;
long ulx = 0;
long uly = 0;
long lrx = 0;
long lry = 0;
long D;
long count;
trace(("findsnake(depth = %d, A = %ld, N = %ld, B = %ld, M = %ld)\n{\n",
depth, A, N, B, M));
// If more than one change needed, then call ourself for each part.
D = midsnake(A, N, B, M, &ulx, &uly, &lrx, &lry);
if (D > 1)
if (ulx > 0 && uly > 0)
findsnake(depth + 1, A, ulx, B, uly);
count = lrx - ulx;
sp = nextsnake++;
sp->line1 = A + ulx;
sp->line2 = B + uly;
sp->count = count;
N -= lrx;
M -= lry;
if (N > 0 && M > 0)
findsnake(depth + 1, A + lrx, N, B + lry, M);
// Only 0 or 1 change needed, so we can compute the result directly.
// First compute the snake coming from the upper left corner if any.
if (N > M)
count = uly;
count = ulx;
sp = nextsnake++;
sp->line1 = A;
sp->line2 = B;
sp->count = count;
// Finally compute the snake coming from the lower right corner if any.
count = lrx - ulx;
sp = nextsnake++;
sp->line1 = A + ulx;
sp->line2 = B + uly;
sp->count = count;
fstrcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
double result;
snake_t *sp; // current snake element
long line1; // current line in file A
long line2; // current line in file B
trace(("fstrcmp(s1 = %p, s2 = %p)\n{\n", s1, s2));
trace(("s1 = \"%s\";\n", s1));
trace(("s2 = \"%s\";\n", s2));
fc.fileA.f_lines = s1;
fc.fileA.f_linecount = strlen(s1);
fc.fileB.f_lines = s2;
fc.fileB.f_linecount = strlen(s2);
// Check for trivial case of two empty strings.
// This also avoids a division by zero at the end of is function.
if (!fc.fileA.f_linecount && !fc.fileB.f_linecount)
trace(("return 1;\n"));
return 1;
if (fc.fileA.f_linecount < fc.fileB.f_linecount)
fc.minlines = fc.fileA.f_linecount;
fc.maxlines = fc.fileB.f_linecount;
fc.minlines = fc.fileB.f_linecount;
fc.maxlines = fc.fileA.f_linecount;
tablesize = fc.maxlines * 2 + 1;
if (tablesize > tablesize_max)
tablesize_max = tablesize;
delete [] V1_table;
V1_table = new long [tablesize_max];
delete [] V2_table;
V2_table = new long [tablesize_max];
delete [] snake_table;
snake_table = new snake_t [tablesize_max];
V1 = V1_table + fc.maxlines;
V2 = V2_table + fc.maxlines;
nextsnake = snake_table;
if (fc.fileA.f_linecount > 0 && fc.fileB.f_linecount > 0)
findsnake(0, 0L, fc.fileA.f_linecount, 0L, fc.fileB.f_linecount);
// End the list with the lower right endpoint
sp = nextsnake++;
sp->line1 = fc.fileA.f_linecount;
sp->line2 = fc.fileB.f_linecount;
sp->count = 0;
// print out the snake list
#ifdef DEBUG
for (sp = snake_table; sp < nextsnake; sp++)
trace(("%ld: line1 = %ld; line2 = %ld; count = %ld;\n",
sp - snake_table, sp->line1, sp->line2, sp->count));
// Scan the snake list and calculate the number of inserted,
// deleted, and matching lines.
line1 = 0;
line2 = 0;
fc.deletes = 0;
fc.inserts = 0;
fc.matches = 0;
for (sp = snake_table; sp < nextsnake; sp++)
fc.deletes += (sp->line1 - line1);
fc.inserts += (sp->line2 - line2);
fc.matches += sp->count;
line1 = sp->line1 + sp->count;
line2 = sp->line2 + sp->count;
// the result is 0 if the strings are entirely unalike,
// and 1 if the strings are identical, and somewhere in between
// if the are in any way similar.
result =
(double)(fc.inserts + fc.deletes)
(fc.fileA.f_linecount + fc.fileB.f_linecount)
trace(("return %.6f;\n", result));
return result;
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