Terminals unused in grammar DEVDIR JUNK PERM STRINGIZE State 3 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce State 22 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce State 31 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce State 62 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce State 63 conflicts: 2 shift/reduce Grammar 0 $accept: find $end 1 find: HELP 2 | generic_options op generic_options 3 op: strings_or_dot tree14 4 strings_or_dot: strings 5 | %empty 6 strings: STRING 7 | strings STRING 8 tree1: THIS 9 | NOW 10 | STRING 11 | TRUE_keyword 12 | FALSE_keyword 13 | NUMBER 14 | REAL 15 | LPAREN tree14 RPAREN 16 | PRINT 17 | DELETE 18 | EXECUTE exec_list SEMICOLON 19 | NAME STRING 20 | PATH STRING 21 | TYPE STRING 22 | NEWER STRING 23 | AMIN comparator NUMBER 24 | ATIME comparator NUMBER 25 | CMIN comparator NUMBER 26 | CTIME comparator NUMBER 27 | MMIN comparator NUMBER 28 | MTIME comparator NUMBER 29 | SSIZE comparator NUMBER 30 comparator: %empty 31 | EQ 32 | NE 33 | LT 34 | LE 35 | GT 36 | GE 37 tree1: STRING LPAREN list_opt RPAREN 38 list_opt: %empty 39 | list 40 list: tree13 41 | list COMMA tree13 42 exec_list: tree10 43 | exec_list tree10 44 tree2: tree1 45 | NOT tree2 46 | PLUS tree2 47 | MINUS tree2 48 | TILDE tree2 49 tree3: tree2 50 | tree3 MUL tree2 51 | tree3 DIV tree2 52 | tree3 MOD tree2 53 | tree3 TILDE tree2 54 tree4: tree3 55 | tree4 PLUS tree3 56 | tree4 MINUS tree3 57 | tree4 JOIN tree3 58 tree5: tree4 59 | tree5 SHIFT_LEFT tree4 60 | tree5 SHIFT_RIGHT tree4 61 tree6: tree5 62 | tree6 LT tree5 63 | tree6 LE tree5 64 | tree6 GT tree5 65 | tree6 GE tree5 66 tree7: tree6 67 | tree7 EQ tree6 68 | tree7 NE tree6 69 tree8: tree7 70 | tree8 BIT_AND tree7 71 tree9: tree8 72 | tree9 BIT_XOR tree8 73 tree10: tree9 74 | tree10 BIT_OR tree9 75 tree11: tree10 76 | tree11 ANDAND tree10 77 | tree11 tree10 78 tree12: tree11 79 | tree12 OROR tree11 80 tree13: tree12 81 | tree13 QUESTION tree13 COLON tree12 82 tree14: tree13 83 | tree14 COMMA tree13 84 generic_options: %empty 85 | generic_options generic_option 86 generic_option: LIBRARY STRING 87 | RESOLVE 88 | RESOLVE_NOT 89 | TRACE trace_strings 90 | VERSION 91 trace_strings: trace_string 92 | trace_strings trace_string 93 trace_string: STRING 94 generic_option: BASELINE 95 | CHANGE NUMBER 96 | PROJECT STRING 97 | BRANCH number_or_string 98 | TRUNK 99 | GRANDPARENT 100 | DEBUG_keyword 101 | BASE_REL 102 | CUR_REL 103 number_or_string: NUMBER 104 | STRING Terminals, with rules where they appear $end (0) 0 error (256) AMIN (258) 23 ANDAND (259) 76 ATIME (260) 24 BASELINE (261) 94 BASE_REL (262) 101 BIT_AND (263) 70 BIT_OR (264) 74 BIT_XOR (265) 72 BRANCH (266) 97 CHANGE (267) 95 CMIN (268) 25 COLON (269) 81 COMMA (270) 41 83 CTIME (271) 26 CUR_REL (272) 102 DEBUG_keyword (273) 100 DELETE (274) 17 DEVDIR (275) DIV (276) 51 EQ (277) 31 67 EXECUTE (278) 18 FALSE_keyword (279) 12 GE (280) 36 65 GRANDPARENT (281) 99 GT (282) 35 64 HELP (283) 1 JOIN (284) 57 JUNK (285) LE (286) 34 63 LIBRARY (287) 86 LPAREN (288) 15 37 LT (289) 33 62 MINUS (290) 47 56 MMIN (291) 27 MOD (292) 52 MTIME (293) 28 MUL (294) 50 NAME (295) 19 NE (296) 32 68 NEWER (297) 22 NOT (298) 45 NOW (299) 9 NUMBER (300) 13 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 95 103 OROR (301) 79 PATH (302) 20 PERM (303) PLUS (304) 46 55 PRINT (305) 16 PROJECT (306) 96 QUESTION (307) 81 REAL (308) 14 RESOLVE (309) 87 RESOLVE_NOT (310) 88 RPAREN (311) 15 37 SEMICOLON (312) 18 SHIFT_LEFT (313) 59 SHIFT_RIGHT (314) 60 SSIZE (315) 29 STRING (316) 6 7 10 19 20 21 22 37 86 93 96 104 STRINGIZE (317) THIS (318) 8 TILDE (319) 48 53 TRACE (320) 89 TRUE_keyword (321) 11 TRUNK (322) 98 TYPE (323) 21 VERSION (324) 90 unary (325) Nonterminals, with rules where they appear $accept (71) on left: 0 find (72) on left: 1 2, on right: 0 op (73) on left: 3, on right: 2 strings_or_dot (74) on left: 4 5, on right: 3 strings (75) on left: 6 7, on right: 4 7 tree1 (76) on left: 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 37, on right: 44 comparator (77) on left: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36, on right: 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 list_opt (78) on left: 38 39, on right: 37 list (79) on left: 40 41, on right: 39 41 exec_list (80) on left: 42 43, on right: 18 43 tree2 (81) on left: 44 45 46 47 48, on right: 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 tree3 (82) on left: 49 50 51 52 53, on right: 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 tree4 (83) on left: 54 55 56 57, on right: 55 56 57 58 59 60 tree5 (84) on left: 58 59 60, on right: 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 tree6 (85) on left: 61 62 63 64 65, on right: 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 tree7 (86) on left: 66 67 68, on right: 67 68 69 70 tree8 (87) on left: 69 70, on right: 70 71 72 tree9 (88) on left: 71 72, on right: 72 73 74 tree10 (89) on left: 73 74, on right: 42 43 74 75 76 77 tree11 (90) on left: 75 76 77, on right: 76 77 78 79 tree12 (91) on left: 78 79, on right: 79 80 81 tree13 (92) on left: 80 81, on right: 40 41 81 82 83 tree14 (93) on left: 82 83, on right: 3 15 83 generic_options (94) on left: 84 85, on right: 2 85 generic_option (95) on left: 86 87 88 89 90 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102, on right: 85 trace_strings (96) on left: 91 92, on right: 89 92 trace_string (97) on left: 93, on right: 91 92 number_or_string (98) on left: 103 104, on right: 97 State 0 0 $accept: . find $end HELP shift, and go to state 1 $default reduce using rule 84 (generic_options) find go to state 2 generic_options go to state 3 State 1 1 find: HELP . $default reduce using rule 1 (find) State 2 0 $accept: find . $end $end shift, and go to state 4 State 3 2 find: generic_options . op generic_options 85 generic_options: generic_options . generic_option BASELINE shift, and go to state 5 BASE_REL shift, and go to state 6 BRANCH shift, and go to state 7 CHANGE shift, and go to state 8 CUR_REL shift, and go to state 9 DEBUG_keyword shift, and go to state 10 GRANDPARENT shift, and go to state 11 LIBRARY shift, and go to state 12 PROJECT shift, and go to state 13 RESOLVE shift, and go to state 14 RESOLVE_NOT shift, and go to state 15 STRING shift, and go to state 16 TRACE shift, and go to state 17 TRUNK shift, and go to state 18 VERSION shift, and go to state 19 STRING [reduce using rule 5 (strings_or_dot)] $default reduce using rule 5 (strings_or_dot) op go to state 20 strings_or_dot go to state 21 strings go to state 22 generic_option go to state 23 State 4 0 $accept: find $end . $default accept State 5 94 generic_option: BASELINE . $default reduce using rule 94 (generic_option) State 6 101 generic_option: BASE_REL . $default reduce using rule 101 (generic_option) State 7 97 generic_option: BRANCH . number_or_string NUMBER shift, and go to state 24 STRING shift, and go to state 25 number_or_string go to state 26 State 8 95 generic_option: CHANGE . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 27 State 9 102 generic_option: CUR_REL . $default reduce using rule 102 (generic_option) State 10 100 generic_option: DEBUG_keyword . $default reduce using rule 100 (generic_option) State 11 99 generic_option: GRANDPARENT . $default reduce using rule 99 (generic_option) State 12 86 generic_option: LIBRARY . STRING STRING shift, and go to state 28 State 13 96 generic_option: PROJECT . STRING STRING shift, and go to state 29 State 14 87 generic_option: RESOLVE . $default reduce using rule 87 (generic_option) State 15 88 generic_option: RESOLVE_NOT . $default reduce using rule 88 (generic_option) State 16 6 strings: STRING . $default reduce using rule 6 (strings) State 17 89 generic_option: TRACE . trace_strings STRING shift, and go to state 30 trace_strings go to state 31 trace_string go to state 32 State 18 98 generic_option: TRUNK . $default reduce using rule 98 (generic_option) State 19 90 generic_option: VERSION . $default reduce using rule 90 (generic_option) State 20 2 find: generic_options op . generic_options $default reduce using rule 84 (generic_options) generic_options go to state 33 State 21 3 op: strings_or_dot . tree14 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 70 tree12 go to state 71 tree13 go to state 72 tree14 go to state 73 State 22 4 strings_or_dot: strings . 7 strings: strings . STRING STRING shift, and go to state 74 STRING [reduce using rule 4 (strings_or_dot)] $default reduce using rule 4 (strings_or_dot) State 23 85 generic_options: generic_options generic_option . $default reduce using rule 85 (generic_options) State 24 103 number_or_string: NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 103 (number_or_string) State 25 104 number_or_string: STRING . $default reduce using rule 104 (number_or_string) State 26 97 generic_option: BRANCH number_or_string . $default reduce using rule 97 (generic_option) State 27 95 generic_option: CHANGE NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 95 (generic_option) State 28 86 generic_option: LIBRARY STRING . $default reduce using rule 86 (generic_option) State 29 96 generic_option: PROJECT STRING . $default reduce using rule 96 (generic_option) State 30 93 trace_string: STRING . $default reduce using rule 93 (trace_string) State 31 89 generic_option: TRACE trace_strings . 92 trace_strings: trace_strings . trace_string STRING shift, and go to state 30 STRING [reduce using rule 89 (generic_option)] $default reduce using rule 89 (generic_option) trace_string go to state 75 State 32 91 trace_strings: trace_string . $default reduce using rule 91 (trace_strings) State 33 2 find: generic_options op generic_options . 85 generic_options: generic_options . generic_option BASELINE shift, and go to state 5 BASE_REL shift, and go to state 6 BRANCH shift, and go to state 7 CHANGE shift, and go to state 8 CUR_REL shift, and go to state 9 DEBUG_keyword shift, and go to state 10 GRANDPARENT shift, and go to state 11 LIBRARY shift, and go to state 12 PROJECT shift, and go to state 13 RESOLVE shift, and go to state 14 RESOLVE_NOT shift, and go to state 15 TRACE shift, and go to state 17 TRUNK shift, and go to state 18 VERSION shift, and go to state 19 $default reduce using rule 2 (find) generic_option go to state 23 State 34 23 tree1: AMIN . comparator NUMBER EQ shift, and go to state 76 GE shift, and go to state 77 GT shift, and go to state 78 LE shift, and go to state 79 LT shift, and go to state 80 NE shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 30 (comparator) comparator go to state 82 State 35 24 tree1: ATIME . comparator NUMBER EQ shift, and go to state 76 GE shift, and go to state 77 GT shift, and go to state 78 LE shift, and go to state 79 LT shift, and go to state 80 NE shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 30 (comparator) comparator go to state 83 State 36 25 tree1: CMIN . comparator NUMBER EQ shift, and go to state 76 GE shift, and go to state 77 GT shift, and go to state 78 LE shift, and go to state 79 LT shift, and go to state 80 NE shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 30 (comparator) comparator go to state 84 State 37 26 tree1: CTIME . comparator NUMBER EQ shift, and go to state 76 GE shift, and go to state 77 GT shift, and go to state 78 LE shift, and go to state 79 LT shift, and go to state 80 NE shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 30 (comparator) comparator go to state 85 State 38 17 tree1: DELETE . $default reduce using rule 17 (tree1) State 39 18 tree1: EXECUTE . exec_list SEMICOLON AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 exec_list go to state 86 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 87 State 40 12 tree1: FALSE_keyword . $default reduce using rule 12 (tree1) State 41 15 tree1: LPAREN . tree14 RPAREN AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 70 tree12 go to state 71 tree13 go to state 72 tree14 go to state 88 State 42 47 tree2: MINUS . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 89 State 43 27 tree1: MMIN . comparator NUMBER EQ shift, and go to state 76 GE shift, and go to state 77 GT shift, and go to state 78 LE shift, and go to state 79 LT shift, and go to state 80 NE shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 30 (comparator) comparator go to state 90 State 44 28 tree1: MTIME . comparator NUMBER EQ shift, and go to state 76 GE shift, and go to state 77 GT shift, and go to state 78 LE shift, and go to state 79 LT shift, and go to state 80 NE shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 30 (comparator) comparator go to state 91 State 45 19 tree1: NAME . STRING STRING shift, and go to state 92 State 46 22 tree1: NEWER . STRING STRING shift, and go to state 93 State 47 45 tree2: NOT . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 94 State 48 9 tree1: NOW . $default reduce using rule 9 (tree1) State 49 13 tree1: NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 13 (tree1) State 50 20 tree1: PATH . STRING STRING shift, and go to state 95 State 51 46 tree2: PLUS . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 96 State 52 16 tree1: PRINT . $default reduce using rule 16 (tree1) State 53 14 tree1: REAL . $default reduce using rule 14 (tree1) State 54 29 tree1: SSIZE . comparator NUMBER EQ shift, and go to state 76 GE shift, and go to state 77 GT shift, and go to state 78 LE shift, and go to state 79 LT shift, and go to state 80 NE shift, and go to state 81 $default reduce using rule 30 (comparator) comparator go to state 97 State 55 10 tree1: STRING . 37 | STRING . LPAREN list_opt RPAREN LPAREN shift, and go to state 98 $default reduce using rule 10 (tree1) State 56 8 tree1: THIS . $default reduce using rule 8 (tree1) State 57 48 tree2: TILDE . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 99 State 58 11 tree1: TRUE_keyword . $default reduce using rule 11 (tree1) State 59 21 tree1: TYPE . STRING STRING shift, and go to state 100 State 60 44 tree2: tree1 . $default reduce using rule 44 (tree2) State 61 49 tree3: tree2 . $default reduce using rule 49 (tree3) State 62 50 tree3: tree3 . MUL tree2 51 | tree3 . DIV tree2 52 | tree3 . MOD tree2 53 | tree3 . TILDE tree2 54 tree4: tree3 . DIV shift, and go to state 101 MOD shift, and go to state 102 MUL shift, and go to state 103 TILDE shift, and go to state 104 TILDE [reduce using rule 54 (tree4)] $default reduce using rule 54 (tree4) State 63 55 tree4: tree4 . PLUS tree3 56 | tree4 . MINUS tree3 57 | tree4 . JOIN tree3 58 tree5: tree4 . JOIN shift, and go to state 105 MINUS shift, and go to state 106 PLUS shift, and go to state 107 MINUS [reduce using rule 58 (tree5)] PLUS [reduce using rule 58 (tree5)] $default reduce using rule 58 (tree5) State 64 59 tree5: tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT tree4 60 | tree5 . SHIFT_RIGHT tree4 61 tree6: tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT shift, and go to state 108 SHIFT_RIGHT shift, and go to state 109 $default reduce using rule 61 (tree6) State 65 62 tree6: tree6 . LT tree5 63 | tree6 . LE tree5 64 | tree6 . GT tree5 65 | tree6 . GE tree5 66 tree7: tree6 . GE shift, and go to state 110 GT shift, and go to state 111 LE shift, and go to state 112 LT shift, and go to state 113 $default reduce using rule 66 (tree7) State 66 67 tree7: tree7 . EQ tree6 68 | tree7 . NE tree6 69 tree8: tree7 . EQ shift, and go to state 114 NE shift, and go to state 115 $default reduce using rule 69 (tree8) State 67 70 tree8: tree8 . BIT_AND tree7 71 tree9: tree8 . BIT_AND shift, and go to state 116 $default reduce using rule 71 (tree9) State 68 72 tree9: tree9 . BIT_XOR tree8 73 tree10: tree9 . BIT_XOR shift, and go to state 117 $default reduce using rule 73 (tree10) State 69 74 tree10: tree10 . BIT_OR tree9 75 tree11: tree10 . BIT_OR shift, and go to state 118 $default reduce using rule 75 (tree11) State 70 76 tree11: tree11 . ANDAND tree10 77 | tree11 . tree10 78 tree12: tree11 . AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ANDAND shift, and go to state 119 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 $default reduce using rule 78 (tree12) tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 120 State 71 79 tree12: tree12 . OROR tree11 80 tree13: tree12 . OROR shift, and go to state 121 $default reduce using rule 80 (tree13) State 72 81 tree13: tree13 . QUESTION tree13 COLON tree12 82 tree14: tree13 . QUESTION shift, and go to state 122 $default reduce using rule 82 (tree14) State 73 3 op: strings_or_dot tree14 . 83 tree14: tree14 . COMMA tree13 COMMA shift, and go to state 123 $default reduce using rule 3 (op) State 74 7 strings: strings STRING . $default reduce using rule 7 (strings) State 75 92 trace_strings: trace_strings trace_string . $default reduce using rule 92 (trace_strings) State 76 31 comparator: EQ . $default reduce using rule 31 (comparator) State 77 36 comparator: GE . $default reduce using rule 36 (comparator) State 78 35 comparator: GT . $default reduce using rule 35 (comparator) State 79 34 comparator: LE . $default reduce using rule 34 (comparator) State 80 33 comparator: LT . $default reduce using rule 33 (comparator) State 81 32 comparator: NE . $default reduce using rule 32 (comparator) State 82 23 tree1: AMIN comparator . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 124 State 83 24 tree1: ATIME comparator . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 125 State 84 25 tree1: CMIN comparator . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 126 State 85 26 tree1: CTIME comparator . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 127 State 86 18 tree1: EXECUTE exec_list . SEMICOLON 43 exec_list: exec_list . tree10 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SEMICOLON shift, and go to state 128 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 129 State 87 42 exec_list: tree10 . 74 tree10: tree10 . BIT_OR tree9 BIT_OR shift, and go to state 118 $default reduce using rule 42 (exec_list) State 88 15 tree1: LPAREN tree14 . RPAREN 83 tree14: tree14 . COMMA tree13 COMMA shift, and go to state 123 RPAREN shift, and go to state 130 State 89 47 tree2: MINUS tree2 . $default reduce using rule 47 (tree2) State 90 27 tree1: MMIN comparator . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 131 State 91 28 tree1: MTIME comparator . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 132 State 92 19 tree1: NAME STRING . $default reduce using rule 19 (tree1) State 93 22 tree1: NEWER STRING . $default reduce using rule 22 (tree1) State 94 45 tree2: NOT tree2 . $default reduce using rule 45 (tree2) State 95 20 tree1: PATH STRING . $default reduce using rule 20 (tree1) State 96 46 tree2: PLUS tree2 . $default reduce using rule 46 (tree2) State 97 29 tree1: SSIZE comparator . NUMBER NUMBER shift, and go to state 133 State 98 37 tree1: STRING LPAREN . list_opt RPAREN AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 $default reduce using rule 38 (list_opt) tree1 go to state 60 list_opt go to state 134 list go to state 135 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 70 tree12 go to state 71 tree13 go to state 136 State 99 48 tree2: TILDE tree2 . $default reduce using rule 48 (tree2) State 100 21 tree1: TYPE STRING . $default reduce using rule 21 (tree1) State 101 51 tree3: tree3 DIV . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 137 State 102 52 tree3: tree3 MOD . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 138 State 103 50 tree3: tree3 MUL . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 139 State 104 53 tree3: tree3 TILDE . tree2 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 140 State 105 57 tree4: tree4 JOIN . tree3 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 141 State 106 56 tree4: tree4 MINUS . tree3 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 142 State 107 55 tree4: tree4 PLUS . tree3 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 143 State 108 59 tree5: tree5 SHIFT_LEFT . tree4 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 144 State 109 60 tree5: tree5 SHIFT_RIGHT . tree4 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 145 State 110 65 tree6: tree6 GE . tree5 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 146 State 111 64 tree6: tree6 GT . tree5 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 147 State 112 63 tree6: tree6 LE . tree5 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 148 State 113 62 tree6: tree6 LT . tree5 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 149 State 114 67 tree7: tree7 EQ . tree6 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 150 State 115 68 tree7: tree7 NE . tree6 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 151 State 116 70 tree8: tree8 BIT_AND . tree7 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 152 State 117 72 tree9: tree9 BIT_XOR . tree8 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 153 State 118 74 tree10: tree10 BIT_OR . tree9 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 154 State 119 76 tree11: tree11 ANDAND . tree10 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 155 State 120 74 tree10: tree10 . BIT_OR tree9 77 tree11: tree11 tree10 . BIT_OR shift, and go to state 118 $default reduce using rule 77 (tree11) State 121 79 tree12: tree12 OROR . tree11 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 156 State 122 81 tree13: tree13 QUESTION . tree13 COLON tree12 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 70 tree12 go to state 71 tree13 go to state 157 State 123 83 tree14: tree14 COMMA . tree13 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 70 tree12 go to state 71 tree13 go to state 158 State 124 23 tree1: AMIN comparator NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 23 (tree1) State 125 24 tree1: ATIME comparator NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 24 (tree1) State 126 25 tree1: CMIN comparator NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 25 (tree1) State 127 26 tree1: CTIME comparator NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 26 (tree1) State 128 18 tree1: EXECUTE exec_list SEMICOLON . $default reduce using rule 18 (tree1) State 129 43 exec_list: exec_list tree10 . 74 tree10: tree10 . BIT_OR tree9 BIT_OR shift, and go to state 118 $default reduce using rule 43 (exec_list) State 130 15 tree1: LPAREN tree14 RPAREN . $default reduce using rule 15 (tree1) State 131 27 tree1: MMIN comparator NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 27 (tree1) State 132 28 tree1: MTIME comparator NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 28 (tree1) State 133 29 tree1: SSIZE comparator NUMBER . $default reduce using rule 29 (tree1) State 134 37 tree1: STRING LPAREN list_opt . RPAREN RPAREN shift, and go to state 159 State 135 39 list_opt: list . 41 list: list . COMMA tree13 COMMA shift, and go to state 160 $default reduce using rule 39 (list_opt) State 136 40 list: tree13 . 81 tree13: tree13 . QUESTION tree13 COLON tree12 QUESTION shift, and go to state 122 $default reduce using rule 40 (list) State 137 51 tree3: tree3 DIV tree2 . $default reduce using rule 51 (tree3) State 138 52 tree3: tree3 MOD tree2 . $default reduce using rule 52 (tree3) State 139 50 tree3: tree3 MUL tree2 . $default reduce using rule 50 (tree3) State 140 53 tree3: tree3 TILDE tree2 . $default reduce using rule 53 (tree3) State 141 50 tree3: tree3 . MUL tree2 51 | tree3 . DIV tree2 52 | tree3 . MOD tree2 53 | tree3 . TILDE tree2 57 tree4: tree4 JOIN tree3 . DIV shift, and go to state 101 MOD shift, and go to state 102 MUL shift, and go to state 103 TILDE shift, and go to state 104 $default reduce using rule 57 (tree4) State 142 50 tree3: tree3 . MUL tree2 51 | tree3 . DIV tree2 52 | tree3 . MOD tree2 53 | tree3 . TILDE tree2 56 tree4: tree4 MINUS tree3 . DIV shift, and go to state 101 MOD shift, and go to state 102 MUL shift, and go to state 103 TILDE shift, and go to state 104 $default reduce using rule 56 (tree4) State 143 50 tree3: tree3 . MUL tree2 51 | tree3 . DIV tree2 52 | tree3 . MOD tree2 53 | tree3 . TILDE tree2 55 tree4: tree4 PLUS tree3 . DIV shift, and go to state 101 MOD shift, and go to state 102 MUL shift, and go to state 103 TILDE shift, and go to state 104 $default reduce using rule 55 (tree4) State 144 55 tree4: tree4 . PLUS tree3 56 | tree4 . MINUS tree3 57 | tree4 . JOIN tree3 59 tree5: tree5 SHIFT_LEFT tree4 . JOIN shift, and go to state 105 MINUS shift, and go to state 106 PLUS shift, and go to state 107 $default reduce using rule 59 (tree5) State 145 55 tree4: tree4 . PLUS tree3 56 | tree4 . MINUS tree3 57 | tree4 . JOIN tree3 60 tree5: tree5 SHIFT_RIGHT tree4 . JOIN shift, and go to state 105 MINUS shift, and go to state 106 PLUS shift, and go to state 107 $default reduce using rule 60 (tree5) State 146 59 tree5: tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT tree4 60 | tree5 . SHIFT_RIGHT tree4 65 tree6: tree6 GE tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT shift, and go to state 108 SHIFT_RIGHT shift, and go to state 109 $default reduce using rule 65 (tree6) State 147 59 tree5: tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT tree4 60 | tree5 . SHIFT_RIGHT tree4 64 tree6: tree6 GT tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT shift, and go to state 108 SHIFT_RIGHT shift, and go to state 109 $default reduce using rule 64 (tree6) State 148 59 tree5: tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT tree4 60 | tree5 . SHIFT_RIGHT tree4 63 tree6: tree6 LE tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT shift, and go to state 108 SHIFT_RIGHT shift, and go to state 109 $default reduce using rule 63 (tree6) State 149 59 tree5: tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT tree4 60 | tree5 . SHIFT_RIGHT tree4 62 tree6: tree6 LT tree5 . SHIFT_LEFT shift, and go to state 108 SHIFT_RIGHT shift, and go to state 109 $default reduce using rule 62 (tree6) State 150 62 tree6: tree6 . LT tree5 63 | tree6 . LE tree5 64 | tree6 . GT tree5 65 | tree6 . GE tree5 67 tree7: tree7 EQ tree6 . GE shift, and go to state 110 GT shift, and go to state 111 LE shift, and go to state 112 LT shift, and go to state 113 $default reduce using rule 67 (tree7) State 151 62 tree6: tree6 . LT tree5 63 | tree6 . LE tree5 64 | tree6 . GT tree5 65 | tree6 . GE tree5 68 tree7: tree7 NE tree6 . GE shift, and go to state 110 GT shift, and go to state 111 LE shift, and go to state 112 LT shift, and go to state 113 $default reduce using rule 68 (tree7) State 152 67 tree7: tree7 . EQ tree6 68 | tree7 . NE tree6 70 tree8: tree8 BIT_AND tree7 . EQ shift, and go to state 114 NE shift, and go to state 115 $default reduce using rule 70 (tree8) State 153 70 tree8: tree8 . BIT_AND tree7 72 tree9: tree9 BIT_XOR tree8 . BIT_AND shift, and go to state 116 $default reduce using rule 72 (tree9) State 154 72 tree9: tree9 . BIT_XOR tree8 74 tree10: tree10 BIT_OR tree9 . BIT_XOR shift, and go to state 117 $default reduce using rule 74 (tree10) State 155 74 tree10: tree10 . BIT_OR tree9 76 tree11: tree11 ANDAND tree10 . BIT_OR shift, and go to state 118 $default reduce using rule 76 (tree11) State 156 76 tree11: tree11 . ANDAND tree10 77 | tree11 . tree10 79 tree12: tree12 OROR tree11 . AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ANDAND shift, and go to state 119 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 $default reduce using rule 79 (tree12) tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 120 State 157 81 tree13: tree13 . QUESTION tree13 COLON tree12 81 | tree13 QUESTION tree13 . COLON tree12 COLON shift, and go to state 161 QUESTION shift, and go to state 122 State 158 81 tree13: tree13 . QUESTION tree13 COLON tree12 83 tree14: tree14 COMMA tree13 . QUESTION shift, and go to state 122 $default reduce using rule 83 (tree14) State 159 37 tree1: STRING LPAREN list_opt RPAREN . $default reduce using rule 37 (tree1) State 160 41 list: list COMMA . tree13 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 70 tree12 go to state 71 tree13 go to state 162 State 161 81 tree13: tree13 QUESTION tree13 COLON . tree12 AMIN shift, and go to state 34 ATIME shift, and go to state 35 CMIN shift, and go to state 36 CTIME shift, and go to state 37 DELETE shift, and go to state 38 EXECUTE shift, and go to state 39 FALSE_keyword shift, and go to state 40 LPAREN shift, and go to state 41 MINUS shift, and go to state 42 MMIN shift, and go to state 43 MTIME shift, and go to state 44 NAME shift, and go to state 45 NEWER shift, and go to state 46 NOT shift, and go to state 47 NOW shift, and go to state 48 NUMBER shift, and go to state 49 PATH shift, and go to state 50 PLUS shift, and go to state 51 PRINT shift, and go to state 52 REAL shift, and go to state 53 SSIZE shift, and go to state 54 STRING shift, and go to state 55 THIS shift, and go to state 56 TILDE shift, and go to state 57 TRUE_keyword shift, and go to state 58 TYPE shift, and go to state 59 tree1 go to state 60 tree2 go to state 61 tree3 go to state 62 tree4 go to state 63 tree5 go to state 64 tree6 go to state 65 tree7 go to state 66 tree8 go to state 67 tree9 go to state 68 tree10 go to state 69 tree11 go to state 70 tree12 go to state 163 State 162 41 list: list COMMA tree13 . 81 tree13: tree13 . QUESTION tree13 COLON tree12 QUESTION shift, and go to state 122 $default reduce using rule 41 (list) State 163 79 tree12: tree12 . OROR tree11 81 tree13: tree13 QUESTION tree13 COLON tree12 . OROR shift, and go to state 121 $default reduce using rule 81 (tree13)