aegis -List(1) General Commands Manual aegis -List(1) NNAAMMEE aegis list - list (possibly) interesting things SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS aaeeggiiss --LLiisstt [ _o_p_t_i_o_n... ] _l_i_s_t_-_n_a_m_e aaeeggiiss --LLiisstt --LLiisstt [ _o_p_t_i_o_n... ] aaeeggiiss --LLiisstt --HHeellpp DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The _a_e_g_i_s _-_L_i_s_t command is used to list information. There are a num- ber of possible _l_i_s_t_-_n_a_m_es, as follows (abbreviations as for command line options): Administrators List the administrators of a project. Branch_Details List full information about all the changes in the branch in large format. This listing will recurse down the full branch tree. Change_Details List full information about a change in large format. Change_Files List all files in a change. The verbose version includes details such as the action being taken, the edit number of the file, and whether it's being moved. The terse version only lists the files names (and omits removed files), this is use- ful for shell scripts and interfacing with build tools. Change_File_History This listing shows the history of each file in the change. It includes each delta number (so that you may reproduce it) and brief description, of each change which affected each file. Change_File_INventory This listing shows the filenames and their corresponding UUIDs. When a file is renamed, its UUID remains constant. (If the UUID column has the filename in it, this is a back- wards compatibility value, for accessing the file history.) Change_History List the history of a change. Change_INventory List the changes of a project with their UUIDs. Changes List the changes of a project. The verbose version includes details such as the state of the change and it's brief description. The terse version lists only the change numbers, which is good for shell scripts. Default_Change List the default change for the specified user (defaults to the current user if no user specified). Default_Project List the default project for the specified user (defaults to the current user if no user specified). Developers List the developers of a project. INComplete List the changes between the _a_w_a_i_t_i_n_g _r_e_v_i_e_w and _b_e_i_n_g _i_n_t_e_- _g_r_a_t_e_d states, inclusive. Defaults to all users if no user name specified. Integrators List the integrators of a project. List_List List all lists available. Locks List all currently active locks. Outstanding_Changes List all changes owned by the specified user that are not yet completed (default to all users if no user specified). All_Outstanding_Changes List all changes not yet completed, for all projects. Project_Details List full information about all the changes in the project in large format. This listing will recurse down the full branch tree below the project. Project_Files List all files in the baseline of a project. The verbose ver- sion includes details such as the action being taken, the edit number of the file. The terse version only lists the files names (and omits removed files), this is useful for shell scripts and interfacing with build tools. If a change number is given, files included in the change are omitted from the list (giving the change's perspective on what the project files are). Project_File_INventory This listing shows the filenames and their corresponding UUIDs. When a file is renamed, its UUID remains constant. (If the UUID column has the filename in it, this is a back- wards compatibility value, for accessing the file history.) Project_History List the integration history of a project. Projects List all projects. Project_Aliases List all project aliases. If you use the --PPrroojjeecctt command line option, the list will only include aliases of the speci- fied project, or the project of the specified alias. Reviewers List the reviewers of a project. State_File_Name Prints the absolute path of the project's or change's state file. Useful for cookbooks and makefiles. Users_Changes List of changes owned by the specified user (defaults to cur- rent user if no user specified). Version List version of a project or change. This includes the major and minor version number, and the previous version number if available. The list of copyright years is also printed. Most of these lists are available from other aegis functions. Many aegis functions provide more specific lists. OOPPTTIIOONNSS The following options are understood: --CChhaannggee _n_u_m_b_e_r This option may be used to specify a particular change within a project. See _a_e_g_i_s(1) for a complete description of this option. --HHeellpp This option may be used to obtain more information about how to use the _a_e_g_i_s program. --LLiisstt This option may be used to obtain a list of suitable subjects for this command. The list may be more general than expected. --PPAAGGeerr The output of listings and help is piped through the pager command given in the PAGER environment variable (or _m_o_r_e if not set). This is the default if the command is in the fore- ground, and the output is a TTY. This option may be used to override any preference specified in the _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) file. --NNoo__PPAAGGeerr This option may be used to ensure that the output of listings and help is not piped through a pager command. This is the default if the command is in the background, or if the output is not a TTY. This option may be used to override any prefer- ence specified in the _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) file. --PPaaggee__LLeennggtthh _n_u_m_b_e_r This option may be used to set the page length of listings. The default, in order of preference, is obtained from the sys- tem, from the _L_I_N_E_S environment variable, or set to 24 lines. --PPaaggee__WWiiddtthh _n_u_m_b_e_r This option may be used to set the page width of listings and error messages. The default, in order of preference, is obtained from the system, from the _C_O_L_S environment variable, or set to 79 characters. --PPrroojjeecctt _n_a_m_e This option may be used to select the project of interest. When no --PPrroojjeecctt option is specified, the _A_E_G_I_S___P_R_O_J_E_C_T envi- ronment variable is consulted. If that does not exist, the user's _$_H_O_M_E_/_._a_e_g_i_s_r_c file is examined for a default project field (see _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) for more information). If that does not exist, when the user is only working on changes within a sin- gle project, the project name defaults to that project. Oth- erwise, it is an error. --TTEERRssee This option may be used to cause listings to produce the bare minimum of information. It is usually useful for shell scripts. --UUNNFFoorrmmaatttteedd This option may be used with most listings to specify that the column formatting is not to be performed. This is useful for shell scripts. --PPaaggee--HHeeaaddeerr This option requests that page headings be present in listings and reports. This is the default. --NNoo--PPaaggee--HHeeaaddeerr This option requests that page headings be omitted from list- ings and reports. --VVeerrbboossee This option may be used to cause aegis to produce more output. By default aegis only produces output on errors. When used with the --LLiisstt option this option causes column headings to be added. See also _a_e_g_i_s(1) for options common to all aegis commands. All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is documented as the upper case letters, all lower case letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use consecutive sequences of optional letters. All options are case insensitive, you may type them in upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case is not important. For example: the arguments "-project", "-PROJ" and "-p" are all inter- preted to mean the --PPrroojjeecctt option. The argument "-prj" will not be understood, because consecutive optional characters were not supplied. Options and other command line arguments may be mixed arbitrarily on the command line, after the function selectors. The GNU long option names are understood. Since all option names for _a_e_g_i_s are long, this means ignoring the extra leading '-'. The "----_o_p_t_i_o_n==_v_a_l_u_e" convention is also understood. RREECCOOMMMMEENNDDEEDD AALLIIAASS The recommended alias for this command is csh% alias ael 'aegis -l \!* -v' sh$ ael(){aegis -l "$@" -v} EERRRROORRSS It is an error if the list name given is unknown. EEXXIITT SSTTAATTUUSS The _a_e_g_i_s command will exit with a status of 1 on any error. The _a_e_g_i_s command will only exit with a status of 0 if there are no errors. EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT VVAARRIIAABBLLEESS See _a_e_g_i_s(1) for a list of environment variables which may affect this command. See _a_e_p_c_o_n_f(5) for the project configuration file's _p_r_o_j_e_c_t___s_p_e_c_i_f_i_c field for how to set environment variables for all commands executed by Aegis. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _a_e_d_b(1) begin development of a change (listing option) _a_e_i_b(1) begin integration of a change (listing option) _a_e_l_c_f(1) list change files _a_e_l_p_f(1) list project files _a_e_r(1) report generator _a_e_r_p_a_s_s(1) pass review of a change (listing option) _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) user configuration file format _a_e_l_s(1) annotated directory listing CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT aegis version 4.25.D611 Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Peter Miller The aegis program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use the '_a_e_g_i_s _-_V_E_R_S_i_o_n _L_i_c_e_n_s_e' command. This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details use the '_a_e_g_i_s _-_V_E_R_S_i_o_n _L_i_c_e_n_s_e' command. AAUUTTHHOORR Peter Miller E-Mail: /\/\* WWW: Reference Manual Aegis aegis -List(1)