aecomp(1) aecomp(1) NNAAMMEE aecomp - compare two changes SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS aaeeccoommpp _n_u_m_b_e_r [ _n_u_m_b_e_r ] DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The _a_e_c_o_m_p script is used to compare two changes, using _t_k_d_i_f_f(1) to display the changes. If you give one change on the command line, the other change is determined in the usual way. If you give two changes, those are the two compared. Both changes must be in the _b_e_i_n_g _d_e_v_e_l_- _o_p_e_d state (it's only a script, after all). Basically, aecomp allows you to specify two project/change pairs (ie the compared changes don't have to be in the same branch or project). aecomp attempts to use defaults (for project and change number) where possible. As a minimum, it needs a single change number as an option. A list of files which are common between the two changes is con- structed and presented. Double clicking on any of the file names will _t_k_d_i_f_f the two versions (ie the files in each change). It is useful after you have used _a_e_c_l_o_n_e(1), then modified a change and subsequently are wondering what on earth you did. Files are con- sidered to be "common" if they have the same name. In the case of a file which has been moved, it's original filename is used (the diff of course takes place against the new file name). AAUUTTHHOORR Scott Finneran Reference Manual Aegis aecomp(1)