aegis -clone(1) aegis -clone(1) NNAAMMEE aegis clone - make an exact copy of a change SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS aaeeggiiss --CCLLoonnee [ _o_p_t_i_o_n... ] _c_h_a_n_g_e_-_n_u_m_b_e_r [ change-number ] aaeeggiiss --CCLLoonnee --HHeellpp aaeeggiiss --CCLLoonnee --VVEERRSSiioonn DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN The _a_e_g_i_s _-_C_L_o_n_e command is used to create exact replicas of changes. This is of most use when a change need to be applied to several paral- lel branches. One change number _m_u_s_t be supplied. This is the change to be repli- cated. If any branch options are given (see below) the mandatory change number applies to the branch specified. If no branch is speci- fied, the change applies to the project (implicit or explicit). The simplest way to specify a change number width a branch as the source, is to use the long form of the version, _e_._g_. "1.2.C34". The delta form works as well, _e_._g_. "2.3.D045". If the optional second change number is supplied, this is the change number to be created to hold the replica; if it is not supplied, the next available change number will be used. If the change to be replicated has been completed, the appropriate file revisions will be extracted from history; otherwise the files will be copied from the development directory of the change to be copied. Be warned: if a file in the change which was cloned subse- quently changes, those changes _w_i_l_l _n_o_t automagically be tracked. It is best if changes are cloned at a stable time, such as one of the states after develop end, or even after integrate pass. DDeevveellooppmmeenntt DDiirreeccttoorryy LLooccaattiioonn PPlleeaassee NNoottee:: Aegis also consults the underlying file system, to deter- mine its notion of maximum file size. Where the file system's maximum file size is less than _m_a_x_i_m_u_m___f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e___l_e_n_g_t_h, the filesystem wins. This can happen, for example, when you are using the Linux UMSDOS file system, or when you have an NFS mounted an ancient V7 filesystem. Setting _m_a_x_i_m_u_m___f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e___l_e_n_g_t_h to 255 in these cases does not alter the fact that the underlying file systems limits are far smaller (12 and 14, respectively). If your development directories (or your whole project) is on filesys- tems with filename limitations, or a portion of the heterogeneous builds take place in such an environment, it helps to tell Aegis what they are (using the project _c_o_n_f_i_g file's fields) so that you don't run into the situation where the project builds on the more permissive environments, but fails with mysterious errors in the more limited environments. If your development directories are routinely on a Linux UMSDOS filesystem, you would probably be better off setting _d_o_s___f_i_l_e_- _n_a_m_e___r_e_q_u_i_r_e_d _= _t_r_u_e, and also changing the _d_e_v_e_l_o_p_m_e_n_t___d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y___t_e_m_- _p_l_a_t_e field. Heterogeneous development with various Windows environ- ments may also require this. WWHHIITTEEOOUUTT Aegis provides you with what is often called a "view path" which indi- cates to development tools (compilers, build systems, _e_t_c) look first in the development directory, then in the branch baseline, and so on up to the trunk baseline. The problem with view paths is that in order to remove files, you need some kind of "whiteout" to say "stop looking, it's been removed." When you user the _a_e_r_m(1) or _a_e_m_v(1) commands, this means "add infor- mation to this change which will remove the file from the baseline when this change is integrated". _I_._e_. while the change is in the _b_e_i_n_g _d_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_d state, the file is only "removed" in the development directory - it's still present in the baseline, and will be until the change is successfully integrated. When you use the _a_e_r_m(1) or _a_e_m_v(1) commands, Aegis will create a 1K file to act as the whiteout. It's contents are rather ugly so that if you compile or include the "removed" file accidentally, you get a fatal error. This will remind you to remove obsolete references. When the change in integrated, the removed file is _n_o_t copied/linked from the baseline to the integration directory, and is _n_o_t copied from the development directory. At this time it is physically gone (no whiteout). It is assumed that because of the error inducing whiteout all old references were found and fixed while the change was in the _b_e_i_n_g _d_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_d state. FFiillee MMaanniiffeessttss When generating list of files to be compiled or linked, it is impor- tant that the file manifest be generated from information known by Aegis, rather than from the file system. This is for several reasons: (a) Aegis knows exactly what (source) files are where, whereas every- thing else is inferring Aegis' knowledge; and (b) looking in the file system is hard when the view path is longer that 2 directories (and Aegis' branching method can make it arbi- trarily long); and (c) The whiteout files, and anything else left "lying around", will confuse any method which interrogates the file system. The easiest way to use Aegis' file knowledge is with something like an _a_w_k(1) script processing the Aegis file lists. For example, you can do this with _m_a_k_e(1) as follows: # generate the file manifest manifest.make.awk ( aegis -l cf -ter ; aegis -l pf -ter ) | \ awk -f manifest.make.awk > # now include the file manifest include Note: this would be inefficient of you did it once per directory, but there is nothing stopping you writing numerous assignments into the _m_a_n_i_f_e_s_t_._m_a_k_e_._i_n_c file, all in one pass. It is possible to do the same thing with Aegis' report generator (see _a_e_r(1) for more information), but this is more involved than the _a_w_k(1) script. However, with the information "straight from the horse's mouth" as it were, it can also be much smarter. This file manifest would become out-of-date without an interlock to Aegis' file operations commands. By using the _p_r_o_j_e_c_t_-_f_i_l_e___c_o_m_m_a_n_d and _c_h_a_n_g_e___f_i_l_e___c_o_m_m_a_n_d fields of the project _c_o_n_f_i_g file (see _a_e_p_- _c_o_n_f(5) for more information), you can delete this file at strategic times. /* run when the change file manifest is altered */ change_file_command = "rm -f"; /* run when the project file manifest is altered */ project_file_command = "rm -f"; The new file manifest will thus be re-built during the next _a_e_b(1) command. OOppttiioonnss aanndd PPrreeffeerreenncceess There is a --NNoo--WWhhiitteeOOuutt option, which may be used to suppress whiteout files when you use the _a_e_r_m(1) and _a_e_m_v(1) commands. There is a cor- responding --WWhhiitteeOOuutt option, which is usually the default. There is a _w_h_i_t_e_o_u_t___p_r_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e field in the user preferences file (see _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) for more information) if you want to set this option more permanently. WWhhiitteeoouutt FFiillee TTeemmppllaatteess The _w_h_i_t_e_o_u_t___t_e_m_p_l_a_t_e field of the project _c_o_n_f_i_g file may be used to produce language-specific error files. If no whiteout template entry matches, a very ugly 1KB file will be produced - it should induce com- piler errors for just about any language. If you want a more human-readable error message, entries such as whiteout_template = [ { pattern = [ "*.[ch]" ]; body = "#error This file has been removed."; } ]; can be very effective (this example assumes _g_c_c(1) is being used). If it is essential that _n_o whiteout file be produced, say for C source files, you could use a whiteout template such as whiteout_template = [ { pattern = [ "*.c" ]; } ]; because an absent _b_o_d_y sub-field means generate no whiteout file at all. You may have more than one whiteout template entry, but note that the order of the entries is important. The first entry which matches will be used. NNoottiiffiiccaattiioonn The notification commands that would be run by the _a_e_c_p(1), _a_e_d_b(1), _a_e_n_f(1), _a_e_n_t(1) and _a_e_r_m(1) commands are run, as appropriate. The _p_r_o_j_e_c_t___f_i_l_e___c_o_m_m_a_n_d is also run, if set. See _a_e_p_c_o_n_f(5) for more information. CClloonniinngg aanndd MMeerrggiinngg When you use _a_e_c_l_o_n_e(1) to clone a change set, and then integrate one of the two change sets, you will observe that Aegis says that the files of the un-integrated change are now out-of-date. If you run _a_e_m(1) to bring the out-of-date files back up-to-date, _f_m_e_r_g_e(1) and some (but not) all other merging tools, it signals just about everything as a conflict, even though both alternatives are identical. The problem is that two changes making identical edits to the same place in the same file are a logical conflict, even if not an actual conflict, and it takes a human to figure out the difference. Think of a shopping list: the ensuite needs more soap, and so does the main bathroom. The second "soap" on the merge of the two shopping lists isn't a duplicate, you really do need two boxes of soap. Sometimes edits of source files are the same: sometimes the logical conflict is resolved by applying both identical edits, not just one. This is just the _f_m_e_r_g_e(1) command being more conservative than RCS's _m_e_r_g_e(1) command. The easiest way to deal with this common situation it to run an aecpu -unchanged command _b_e_f_o_r_e you run the _a_e_m(1) merge command, and you will have less grief. It's also worth remembering that Aegis stashes the origi- nal file with a ,B suffix (B for backup) so you can simply mv _f_u_b_a_r,B _f_u_b_a_r if you know that all of the conflicts are logical conflicts. OOPPTTIIOONNSS The following options are understood: --BBRRaanncchh _n_u_m_b_e_r This option may be used to specify a different branch for the origin file, rather than the baseline. (See also --TTRRuunnkk option. Please Note: the --BBRRaanncchh option does not take a project name, just the branch number suffix. --GGrraannddPPaarreenntt This option may be used to specify the grandparent branch (one up from the current branch) for the origin file, rather than the baseline. (The -grandparent option is the same as the "-branch .." option.) --CChhaannggee _n_u_m_b_e_r This option may be used to specify a particular change within a project. See _a_e_g_i_s(1) for a complete description of this option. --DDIIRReeccttoorryy _p_a_t_h This option may be used to specify which directory is to be used. It is an error if the current user does not have appro- priate permissions to create the directory path given. This must be an absolute path. Caution: If you are using an automounter do not use `pwd` to make an absolute path, it usually gives the wrong answer. --HHeellpp This option may be used to obtain more information about how to use the _a_e_g_i_s program. --LLiisstt This option may be used to obtain a list of suitable subjects for this command. The list may be more general than expected. --WWhhiitteeOOuutt This option may be used to request that deleted files be replaced by a "whiteout" file in the development directory. The idea is that compiling such a file will result in a fatal error, in order that all references may be found. This is usually the default. --NNoo__WWhhiitteeOOuutt This option may be used to request that no "whiteout" file be placed in the development directory. --OOuuttppuutt _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e This option may be used to specify a filename which is to be written with the automatically determined change number. Use- ful for writing scripts. --PPrroojjeecctt _n_a_m_e This option may be used to select the project of interest. When no --PPrroojjeecctt option is specified, the _A_E_G_I_S___P_R_O_J_E_C_T envi- ronment variable is consulted. If that does not exist, the user's _$_H_O_M_E_/_._a_e_g_i_s_r_c file is examined for a default project field (see _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) for more information). If that does not exist, when the user is only working on changes within a sin- gle project, the project name defaults to that project. Oth- erwise, it is an error. --TTRRuunnkk This option may be used to specify the project trunk for the origin file, rather than the baseline. (See also --BBRRaanncchh option, the -trunk option is the same as the "-branch -" option.) --WWaaiitt This option may be used to require Aegis commands to wait for access locks, if they cannot be obtained immediately. Defaults to the user's _l_o_c_k___w_a_i_t___p_r_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e if not specified, see _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) for more information. --NNoo__WWaaiitt This option may be used to require Aegis commands to emit a fatal error if access locks cannot be obtained immediately. Defaults to the user's _l_o_c_k___w_a_i_t___p_r_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e if not specified, see _a_e_u_c_o_n_f(5) for more information. See also _a_e_g_i_s(1) for options common to all aegis commands. All options may be abbreviated; the abbreviation is documented as the upper case letters, all lower case letters and underscores (_) are optional. You must use consecutive sequences of optional letters. All options are case insensitive, you may type them in upper case or lower case or a combination of both, case is not important. For example: the arguments "-project", "-PROJ" and "-p" are all inter- preted to mean the --PPrroojjeecctt option. The argument "-prj" will not be understood, because consecutive optional characters were not supplied. Options and other command line arguments may be mixed arbitrarily on the command line, after the function selectors. The GNU long option names are understood. Since all option names for _a_e_g_i_s are long, this means ignoring the extra leading '-'. The "----_o_p_t_i_o_n==_v_a_l_u_e" convention is also understood. EERRRROORRSS It is an error if the current user is not an administrator of the project. (In some cases it is possible for developers of a project to create changes, see _a_e_p_a_t_t_r(5) for more information.) EEXXIITT SSTTAATTUUSS The _a_e_g_i_s command will exit with a status of 1 on any error. The _a_e_g_i_s command will only exit with a status of 0 if there are no errors. EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTT VVAARRIIAABBLLEESS See _a_e_g_i_s(1) for a list of environment variables which may affect this command. See _a_e_p_c_o_n_f(5) for the project configuration file's _p_r_o_j_e_c_t___s_p_e_c_i_f_i_c field for how to set environment variables for all commands executed by Aegis. SSEEEE AALLSSOO _a_e_n_c(1) Create a new change. _a_e_c_a(1) modify the attributes of a change _a_e_n_a(1) add a new administrator to a project _a_e_p_a(1) modify the attributes of a project CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT aegis version 4.25.D611 Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Peter Miller The aegis program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details use the '_a_e_g_i_s _-_V_E_R_S_i_o_n _L_i_c_e_n_s_e' command. This is free software and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; for details use the '_a_e_g_i_s _-_V_E_R_S_i_o_n _L_i_c_e_n_s_e' command. AAUUTTHHOORR Peter Miller E-Mail: /\/\* WWW: Reference Manual Aegis aegis -clone(1)